fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 18 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Katrine Louise Egerdahl

Lina Elisabeth Broström
Andrea Pinochet
The project is located at a central site in Grünerløkka by the intersection of Sannergata and Akerselva. The site descends gradually towards the river where large trees create a natural barrier and contrast to the busy street. The center is designed for all groups in need of therapy, particularly in water, but could also be open for schools in the area, regular swimming exercises for the occasional user or groups at times when not in use for therapy.

Yoann Rouzières

Giambattista Zaccariotto
Karin Genevieve Helms

The site may be considered as a high valuable landscape with important ecological values and international recognitions. The Chaine des Puys and the Limagne fault are both in the Unesco lists while the lower part of the territory shelter most of the settlements and the fertile land with the Limagne plain and the Allier river to the East.


Florence Steenebruggen

Giambattista Zaccariotto
Linn Runeson


Anna Malene VikKamilla Bedin

Josina Elizabeth Vink

Vilde Brabrand Urfjell

Kaja Misvær Kistorp


Cannelle Rambaud-MeassonHenrikke Roaldsnes Ulvund

Abel Ben Aleck Crawford

Norway presents unique qualities to become the leading seaweed nation as it has the market experience and access from the seafood industry and a unique landscape suitable for growing seaweed. While this sea vegetable has been manifested in Norwegian diets in the past, today seaweed has lost its associations to the culinary world.

Glenn Sæstad

Einar Sneve Martinussen


Ingrid SudbøAmalie Bauge Skevik

Joakim Formo

As data has become a currency, issues of privacy have risen, thus creating distrust in a lot of users. We’ve found that this creates a bad user experience, and through our research it’s clear that being more open and transparent with how data is processed is one way of rebuilding that trust.


June Steinhovden

Kaja Misvær Kistorp

Tjenesten fungerer som et fagnettverk hvor lærere møtes for å dele undervisningsopplegg, diskutere faglige tema, veilede hverandre i arbeidet med faget, og ikke minst teste oppgaver i praksis. Fagnettverket tar utgangspunkt i de ressursene som finnes i skolen, og er tilpasset etter skolens rammeverk og lærernes behov.


Lisa Siegel

Kaja Misvær Kistorp

Tjenesten består av flere kontaktpunkter som er implementert i den eksisterene brukerreisen i dag. Helsenorge som samlested for all informasjon skal skape en mer sømløs og brukervennlig flyt med god informasjon på de riktige tidpunktene i reisen.

