fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 53 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Magdalena Georgieva Alfredova

Jørgen Johan Tandberg
The Norwegian people have relied on the sea for thousands of years. Fishing was the historical foundation for settlement along the Northern coast, dating back to the Stone Age. Less than 40 years ago, the fish production facility was the center of existence for these villages. However since 1900, great structural changes have taken place, challenging the post-war architecture with a growing capitalized industry driven by improved efficiency.

Kosha Joian Ahmadi

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Engh
The typology of the warehouse is changing in contemporary economy. No longer simply a traditional, container-like shelter for the storage of goods, it offers a range of new services in order to be a profitable part of a logistic chain. 

The duality between storage and additional programs is emphasized in the design. The storage makes up the core of the building, around which are supporting facilities such as a showroom, lobby, coffee bar and offices. 

Farid Sayar

Steinar Killi
Stein Georg Rokseth
QUAERO is a concept of a modular mono-copter drone designed for search operations. Distinctive feature of the drone is the possibility to combine several drones into one unit and separate to parts upon arrival to search area. This allows to cover more search territory in less time, which can play a huge role in a Search and Rescue operation. 

The drone combines VTOL and hover function, and has aerodynamic qualities required for fast and energy efficient travel

Yung Han Hsiao

Birgitta Cappelen
Edward David Matthews
The main goal of this project is to increase the opportunities of intergenerational interaction in order to enrich retirees’ social life in the near future.

I started with broad research, and then narrowed it down to the specific design proposal. Through my design process and methods I developed the application- Together, using “same interest” as the connection between old and young, creating a digital tool for retirees to hold their preferred activities for the younger people to join.
Hsuan-Han Chen

Steinar Killi
Lumet is interaction design project which helps cyclist riding on the street. It provides more clear information which is like the car indicator to the other road users.  Utilizing people’s hand signal to be the trigger to give other road users indicator signal. This project creates a new way communication between the cyclists and the other road users.

Siyin Pang

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Marianne Lucie Skuncke
A binary disturbance design intervention that worked both by the force of nature and human. Setting pre-established processes to express ecological aesthetic in a remote island – Hestmona, Northern Norway through the lens of native coastal plants with incredibly adaptable capability.  

Paraskevi Ntini

Giambattista Zaccariotto
Sabine Muller
The topic of this project is asphalt; Oslo is the study case. Observing the city’s paved surfaces, asphalt is ubiquous. Distinct of the city’s image, but an exception to the common idea, asphalt appears on sidewalks. 

This project does not attempt to modify the landscape it describes but explores questions of representation and divergent readings of a single material. It sees asphalt as the common ground, relates it to practices of national international importance, and reveals asphalt as a geomorphic agent that shaped the latest artefact of city’s surface. 

Hongduo Zhuo

Hanne Bat Finke
Margretheholmen is situated on the eastern coastline of Copenhagen, a historical harbor with important city significance. Not only because of the complex space around it, but also because of its unique site attributes.In order to better preserve the naturality of the site, the historicity of the harbor, the balance between the surrounding residential areas and the new green energy facilities, I have strengthened and reconstructed the existing green structures and historical elements of the site.
Jhu Yin Hong

Giambattista Zaccariotto
“Nature has already accepted our pollution.”
-Timothy Morton

Julia Linnea Grundström

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Edward David Matthews
As we spend more and more of our awaken time in front of screens the digital has also become the context of our everyday life. When the daily use of digital services is generating data that is the source to a massive surplus we need to reflect on user rights and how to democratize this digital context. The terms of use often leave the user with little choice: Accept — or dont get access.
