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Lasse Røv Thomasgård

Kjetil Nordby
Stein Georg Rokseth
«Borealis» is a modular bridge console that aims to create a clean and ergonomic  workplace which is comfortable and as safe as possible.

Its modular design makes integration and update of components easy. This makes it possible to change and improve positioning of both components and console.
«Borealis» is a result of insights from field studies onboard the Norwegian coast guard vessel KV Svalbard on an expedition to Greenland.
Ivy ivy Ferguson

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Jørn Georg Sannes Knutsen
​The rental shop is many people's first experience at a resort, and in some cases, their first time ever skiing or snowboarding. I have researched and observed several resorts and found that confusion, long queues, and outdated systems are among the challenges renters face. This project addresses these problem areas in order to deliver an application that enhances the renters’ overall experience.

Aleksandra Agnieszka Wojcik

Stein Georg Rokseth
Steinar Killi
Most of the ski resorts were developed (as the name suggests) for skiers, in time that predated snowboarding. Since the late 90s we have seen evolution of every aspect of this sport except riding a lift which is where snowboarders spent about 30% of their time (Lokshin, David, 2012). The design and ergonomics of ski lifts leave the other users a lot to be desired.

Gustav Torvik Refsnes

Kjetil Nordby
Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
How can Augmented Reality (AR) be used in a critical system for crane operation?
In collaboration with Voca - Optilift I have, in my diploma, explored how AR can be used to enhance communication, efficiency and safety in a professional context.
Crane operations require thorough planning as well as clear communication between the crane operator, crew members, and the workers on the oil platform. Mistakes can lead to fatal accidents, ruined equipment and costly downtime.
Katja Surina

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Have you ever experienced the famous “Are we there yet?” from a small child while traveling together in a car? The question keeps repeating itself every five minutes. It almost seems that the kid is doing it on purpose to get on your nerves. More often than not this couldn’t be further from the truth! The child’s sense of time is quite different from that of an adult. Five minutes can thus feel like an eternity for the youngster, completely justifying the urge of asking if we are there yet.
Jonas Pettersson

Birgitta Cappelen
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
While research indicates the success of electronic monitoring as sentence form, the strict rules pose a set of challenges. The world outside of prison is not a controlled space and the rigid time structure collides with unforeseen events, family dynamics and social connections.
My project, Sone aims to inspire the Correctional Service in their further development of the service by creating agency, participation and enabling interaction between the convict and the Probation Service. It uses a motion of change in the law as a springboard to a user-centered approach.
Christopher Robert Fieldhouse Pearsell-Ross

Mosse Sjaastad
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
NextGen Publishing Products
Schibsted Media Group
The Future of Journalism: building futures literacy within Schibsted Media Group is an experimental, embedded design project exploring how product teams at Schibsted can use the future as a creative tool. The result is Futures Compass, a collaborative futures game.
Futures Compass is designed to help teams make sense of trends and explore a range of possible futures. More than that, it helps teams to integrate what they learn from these adventures into today’s world.
Ole-Birger Neergård

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Jørn Georg Sannes Knutsen
Birgitta Cappelen
This diploma project is about exploring the current state of music streaming, and looking into how it could be improved. Through this explorative design process, I have researched how people listen to music and use their different streaming services today, and explored how some of their issues can be addressed.

Jomy Joseph

Claes Håkan Edeholt
Linda Blaasvær
Synne Christiansen
With the onset of cataclysmic climate change and the sixth mass extinction, organised human life is presented with a bleak future. Even in our collective imagination we are forced to comprehend the self-reinforcing loop of dystopian thinking. This diploma is a speculative industrial design project that tries to create a space for collective, rigorous imaginings for better futures in the context of solar energy. The project explores the role industrial design can play in investigating the texture of more hopeful futures through speculative fiction, VR and traditional industrial design tools.
Yijun Guo

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Birgitta Cappelen
Wi-Fi issues can be annoying and hard to solve for ordinary people. When they experience Wi-Fi issues, they need the help of their internet service provider (ISP) to solve these problems. Currently, this is mostly done by calling them or googling it.
Domos is a Norwegian ‘business-to-business’ company. They provide an advanced in-home Wi-Fi service tool. This tool can be used for monitoring Wi-Fi data, improve customers’ Wi-Fi connection speed, and so on. It identifies and resolves issues with AI technology in the cloud.
