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Erlend Furset Søderlund

Stein Rokseth
An explorative project with traditional techniques of bending wood. I have explored how solid bent wood can be shaped and combined with porcelain. The project is in collaboration with MENT, who design and produce interior products of porcelain. 


Erlend Søderlund
Simón Sandoval Guzmán

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Jonathan Romm
Three design interventions were developed: a system to support patients through messages, a new practice to help patients acknowledge their progress through photographs, and a whiteboard to provide the caregivers with an overview of the patients.
Each of them acts as a driver to enable the service to move from current to new practices. At the same time, each aims to generate ripple effects extending into the future to make the service more supportive towards SCI patients.
Håkon Stallvik RiiseJohn Elias Svendahl Kvam

Steinar Killi
Stein Rokseth
Kolli er en offentlig hverdagssykkel, et trygt og pålitelig framkomstmiddel mellom daglige gjøremål. Kolli tilbyr urban effektivitet, og er et bærekraftig alternativ i Oslos tunge oppoverbakker. Den elektriske sykkelen tilbyr økt nytteverdi med lastekapasitet, for å stå sterkere som et fullverdig og mer miljøvennlig alternativ til bil- og kollektivtransport i sentrum.

Kolli er laget med driftsikkerhet i fokus, hvor komponentene er tilpasset variert bruk.
Thea Kristiane Jegerud

Siv Helene Sjaastad
Jeg har sett på hvordan Deichmanske kommuniserer sine arrangementer ut til brukerne gjennom egen nettside. Basert på dette har jeg laget et designforslag til en ny arrangementkalender. Her har behovene til brukere, bibliotekarer og ansatte på Deichmanske som jobber med arrangementene daglig, vært avgjørende. Den nye arrangementkalenderen gjør det lettere å orientere seg i mengden av arrangementer og personalisere innholdet til brukerens preferanser.
Klas Alexander Harris

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Rats and mice are among the most common pests. They destroy property and spread disease, combined with a high rate of reproduction it is necessary for us to control the population and prevent them from entering our homes.
Peik Elias Greaker

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens

This is an explorative project which aims to initiate debate about Norwegian oil exploration and production in Northern Norway through the use of discursive objects. The target group is young men.
The final proposal is a table for discussion placed in bars. The table will function as catalyst for dialog about climate change and Arctic oil exploration. The future is not something that just happens to us, like we were castaways  washed upon a foreign shore. We are the future, and to be able to create the future we want together, we need to discuss it.

The coastal area will gradually loose much of its land under the sea, forming a series of new islands due to sea-level rise. Millions of climate change refugees have begun to migrate to higher land, however it has been predicted that by the year 2100 approximately 5 million people will continue to live in the coastal delta. How can the local traditions be adapted so people can inhabit the future landscape of the delta?

Nikola Gjorgjievski

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
This is a story about a city that is not. It is about architecture that is not. Don’t ask me what the city is about, I can only tell you about what it isn’t. It is not about crystals and concrete. It is a city without figures and only grounds. Actually, it is not a single city. Half a dozen cities coexist and mutually support one another. The people in the cities establish connections to sustain the city’s life, whether by rails for endless waste or pipes connecting bathrooms, we may never now.
Femke Leonie Maria Peters

Elisabeth Ulrika Sjödahl
Sabine Muller
The project proposes a nature-based design strategy that addresses the urban challenges of flood, fragmentation and underused spaces to provide social connectivity in the Municipality of Lørenskog.


Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Peter Paludan Hemmersam

How can we perceive cultural landscapes? Reindeer represents ‘landscape’, and this project spreads facts about reindeer through images, words, and a space.
Reindeer in the North are herded by minority groups.
The reindeer in the South is known as Rudolph by many.
The minority is always conquered by the majority.
