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Camilla Gormsen

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk

Pico island, Azores, is characterised by its mountain, ocean, and thousands of long, linear stone walls giving shelter to the vine plants. The site, situated on a rocky hillside surrounded by vineyards, offers close and distant views to the characteristic landscape.
The winery is built as parallel stone walls giving protection against the sun. Some spaces are underground to keep temperatures stable and stones from the excavation are used in the construction. The walls give shelter to the wine, the workers and the visitors, and weaves the building into the landscape.

Vilde VanbergJan Kazimierz Godzimirski

Christian Hermansen
Cultivating Oyster mushrooms requires specific climatic zones, which include dark and humid spaces, well-ventilated growing halls and spaces facilitating an efficient production line. Situated in relation to the educational center our ambition is to provide spaces where the students can interact with and learn from the farm. The size of the mushroom farm is relatively small in scale with the possibility for future expansion. The intention is for the farm to provide a substantial economic contribution to the school.

Nina Helene Gjersøe

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
There are three main focuses in this diploma task: 1, The image of the church an how to differ from it. 2, To design a beautiful building. 3, To be specific in the details

Principles for my diploma have been to integrate the program in the center of Ås Municipality, a 400m2 limit on the size of the building and the use of brick as the main material. 

Carl Fredrik Foss

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Lars Danielsen Holen
Espen Knudsen Vatn
The projects main objective has been to handle the challenge of placing three large film production spaces in an open public site alongside Oslo’s main river, Akerselva. The motivation behind this challenge was to be able to create a good film production facility with strong connections to the city, surrounding nature, and the public. The project is characterized by Three volumes protruding from an accessible roof area. These volumes are taking up, reflecting the format of the existing, nearby located building volumes.
Sindre S Fredriksen

Lisbeth Funck
The project centers around how new spatial qualities can appear within an exsisting structure. As Edvard Munchs 'Scream' is finally silenced in its new high-security concrete block in Bjørvika, and his treasure chamber in Tøyen will be emptied, the Pushwagner museum is a way to discuss and discover the qualities of a purposemade building in a new context and frame. With traces of the old in combination with the new, the building becomes a structure that could fascilitate new life – a collection of spaces to house the spirit of the artist.
Jon Fjellstad

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Working with Are Vesterlid and Hans Østhaug’s summer restaurant in Elverum, the project is a study of the relationship between the existing and the new. I aim to design functional and beautiful spaces for practice and performance while preserving existing qualities.
Hiu Yeung Amos Chan

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
The church is going to die not because people leave it, but simply because it is getting old and a new body is needed. The project is to create a new body for the church. The memory, history and the spirit will be project on the new body. These will generate an new architecture, and the new architecture will be a memorial of itself.


Chan Hiu Yeung Amosamos0925@gmail.com - +47 465 71 404
Jon Erik Dybedal Brekken

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø
Barns and related structures are the second most common building typology in Norway, and the tradition linked to them are of great cultural historical value. Sadly, research indicate that 25% of them are either empty or not in use, and their future seems uncertain. 
What is the potential that lies in these abandoned agricultural buildings?
Andjela Brankovic

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
“I think what we demonstrate is the value of staying put. Modern society is full of people rushing from one place to the next, one job to the next, even one family to the next. But we are able to stay put, and I think there is something that is attractive about that, because so many people are rootless.”
Anonymous monk, “The Architecture of Stability”, R.D.G. Irvine
Tiange Wang

Carsten Oeding Loly
Stein Rokseth

Light which can support people's need for sufficient light in compact living, at the same time make a design that avoid complicated structures that get in the way in the crowed surroundings of compact spaces.
