fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 76 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Markus Domaas Lindahl

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
The aim is to investigate and present an alternative design to the site that in the Government Quarter Regulation plan is presented as a government park. The goal is eventually for the restored Arne Garborgs plass to become an Agora for the Surrounding urban area of Akersgata, the Government Quarter, and the Hammersborg “Acropolis” Hill. The design of the Agora itself is rooted in the historic layers of the site, and links past, present and future.


Magnus Rasch

Rolf Gerstlauer
Lisbeth Funck
Per Olaf Fjeld
The project is to create an environmental context, a spatial narrative, driven by a set of images towards a physical construction. The interest in the images is embedded in the abstract relationship between a physical object and a landscape that expresses transformation and movement. The aim of the search is to discover the true/ hidden spatial character that belongs solely to the conditions generated. 

Magnus Kvalheim

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The project embodies a small aquaculture facility with both sea- and land based structures, and dwellings for two families. It is located on Skarvøyna, an islet off the north west coast of Norway. The work is the motor of the settlement. By harvesting the natural resources of the ocean – kelp, blue mussel and salmon, it generates the basis for life on the island. The architecture is generated in the encounter between the place. the work and the people.

Laura Cristea

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Engh
Ferrari Gartmann AG
‘One space’ is not an enclosure, but a gentle division of the open site. An L-shaped main wall, suggesting a cross organisation, separates public from private and main from secondary. This initial logical act of dividing is followed by an intuitive development of space, searching a balance between protected and exposed, inside and outside, house and garden.

Ribekka BeitveitEirik Haugen Murvold

Mosse Sjaastad
Berit Johanson Lindquister
Emilie Strømmen Olsen
The project is grounded in findings from meeting with users, respectively adoption applicants and families who have adopted, and actors involved in the landscape of adoption. This has provided us with a deep understanding of the process of intercountry adoption, its potentials and pain points.

Laufey Björg Sigurðardóttir

Rolf Gerstlauer
Lisbeth Funck
Per Olaf Fjeld
The project is a bath and service center on the shore of a glacier lagoon in South-East Iceland. 
The aim of the project is to explore how a new program on the site can offer new experiences by, on and in the water. 

A path in the black sand, guides visitors from a service center in an old riverbed, down to the lagoon. On one hand lies the dock, with access to boat tours – experiencing sailing between the huge icebergs. On the other hand the bath – inviting to a more intimate meeting with the elements.

Kaiyu Cheng

Rolf Gerstlauer
Lisbeth Funck
Per Olaf Fjeld
Johanne Finanger Killi

Bente Kleven
Hans Bjørn Holther
Catherine Elizabeth Sunter
I examined living and housing qualities I believe can reduce turnover of residents and therefore create a better living environment in the inner city. Each examined quality, represented in diagrammatic sketch models formed a program for a residential structure.

The context of Herslebs gate 31 at Tøyen, Oslo, is an urban infill within a neighborhood undergoing gentrification, struggling with a high turnover of residents. 

The thesis is an example of how a strategy of specific qualities and capacities can generate architecture that facilitates a good neighborhood.
Ingrid Engøy Henriksen

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Tor Olav Austigard

In 1942 Adolf Hitler commanded Batterie Dietl built on Engeløya in Steigen municipality as a part of the defence line’s “West Wall”. With a maximum gun range of 56 km it is one of the 2nd World War’s largest coastal fortifications in Europe. The fort guarded the entrance of the Vestfjord and the shipping traffic to Narvik, where iron ore from Sweden was retrieved and brought to Germany’s arms factories. 

Håvard Mørkved Bohne

Rolf Gerstlauer
Lisbeth Funck
Per Olaf Fjeld
Alfheim Svømmehall, by architect Jan Inge Hovig, was built as Tromsøs main public swimming pool in 1965. In the decades since it's opening the building has fallen into disrepair due to a lack of funding and low revenues.
The buildingís future is uncertain due to a new water park scheduled for construction in the near future.

My idea for Alfheim's future is to transform this old and battered building into a cultural "open house" with rotating exhibition spaces, concert- and performance venues and a visitor center for tourist. 
