fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 77 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Hauk Jonathan Lien

Gro Bonesmo

The exhibition greenhouse consists of two parts: the tropical rainforest and the arctic tundra biome. The visitors will experience the biodiversity of these zones, but also learn about the challenges they’re facing. In addition to the exhibition part, the building contains a climate conference center, educational facilities, a natural science library and new offices for The Natural History Museum.

Gisle Simonsen

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk

The new landscape and the program interact in a new manner. 

Nature is absent, while architecture is an essential component of the urban landscape, therefore, its role becomes more significant. What qualities does architecture possess that can provide a framework for social interaction and spatial variations, as generous as the landscape of nature? 

Even Ambjørnsen

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk

Jazz education in Norway has a tradition of focusing on the potential and unique voice of each student. Music is seen as a language, and the goal is to learn how to speak it. 

This project proposes a scenario where the jazz department in Trondheim is given its own building, located in the city centre. The direct contact with the city is intended to strengthen the identity of the students and the music they make. It is an investigation of the architectural potential connected to a specific group of musicians and their attitude towards a creative process.   

Eline Egeland

Marius Nygaard
Catherine Elizabeth Sunter

The project positions itself within the discussion on the lack of facilities for art and cultural production as part of urban development strategies. It also investigates how to create good living spaces in complex and high density urban sites.

Anniken Høgset

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Claudia Andrea Pinochet Rojas
Tor Olav Austigard
Kunstnerforbundet wishes to expand to better accommodate for the new art expressions and forms of art mediation. An extension of Kunstnerforbundet, placed on top of the existing brick structure, will create new spaces for displaying and engage in art. The existing structure is kept and restored, however the original circulation is altered to make a new experience from the basement to the roof terrace.


Jonas Aalberg

Geir Øxseth

MODA is a self-driven series of integrated speaker systems tailored to fit different occasions and surroundings. By focussing on how to apply sound in an ergonomic way, MODA speaker systems provide a comfortable and rich sound atmosphere for public environments. Visually, the speaker systems are shaped with the intention of providing a natural resting place. Wrapped in warm and organic materials, MODA blend easily into an accommodating environment. Both visual appearance and musical output are designed to enable customization for different client profiles and needs.

Her er et uttdrag fra Siris prosjektbeskrivelse:

VVOOD was carried out as a practical assignment with hands-on experiments and visualisations that led to the development of three products. The project suggests categories for wooden properties via three products that focus on different aspects of wood as design material:

SKOGEN (Forest) is a material library that shows a selection of woods. The pieces are untreated and labeled with basic information about each species. The user can smell, feel, touch and experience the woods in their hands.

Her er et utdrag fra Olars’ nettside:

Olars is an electronic interactive toy inspired by Karl Sims’ evolved virtual creatures. Having thousands of varieties in movement and behaviour by attaching different geometrical limbs, modifying the angle of these, twisting the body itself, and by adjusting the deflection of the motorised joints, results in both familiar and strange motion patterns.

Olars har fått bred medieomtale, blant annet på Fast Company.

Her er et utdrag fra prosjektbeskrivelsen:

Designing for Dignity tar for seg prosessen rundt mottaket på Legevakten av ofre for seksuelle overgrep, med prosedyrer, rutiner, organisering, tjenester, romlige forhold og design av objekter. Hensikten er å øke tryggheten og verdigheten til ofrene.

Her er et utdrag av prosjektbeskrivelsen:

The goal of this project was to explore the future of platform supply vessels and to challenge the traditional way the maritime industry designs and uses offshore vessels. The result is a concept for a new platform supply vessel where we did explore design opportunities to increase efficiency, safety and flexibility of cargo handling.
