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Hanfei Xu

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Berit Johanson Lindquister
Sparebank 1
The Student Safety Net will make insurance easier, more affordable and relevant for students. It will let them feel engaged, have the feeling of membership and also let them feel emotionally safe. Students should know they are protected. They could safeguard their peers in the net.

It is smart to have a Student Safety Net. SpareBank 1 will provide different levels of security for the students. The students could easily link with peers who have the same insurance. It also complements the SpareBank 1 Brand strategy of ‘We are on your side.’

Anders Haagaas Grinde

Jan Olav Jensen
Ervin Strandskogen
Henrik Hille
The biggest challenges in sea based fish farming are coming from external factors in the sea, resulting in diseases in the livestock, stress from handling and sorting through treatments of sea lice, pollution from fish waste, and bad health among its passive population. These are the issues that the project wants to address.

Cheng-Yun Ho

Birger Ragnvald Sevaldson
Linda Blaasvær
Mosse Sjaastad
Multiple studies show that coordination and scheduling over IM comprise a certain proportion of the conversations. However, messages displayed in chronological order are not user-friendly. Not only does it test users’ memory but also cause trouble in searching for details and reconfirming it. Moreover, there is no existing IM application supports these needs for casual users. We created an application prototype, with the intention of easing the predicament caused by this phenomenon, as well as offering another possible usage of IM.


Bili Xia

Geir Øxseth
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Nina Bjørnstad
It ends up with a night lamp “Yeyo” for preschoolers to reduce their fear of darkness. Yeyo is a god originated from the Classic of Mountains and Sea: “There were 16 gods, holding hands, and guarding the night for the Emperor of Heaven.” Today, Yeyo becomes a close friend of children and accompanies them in every dark evening.
Ann Viola Ulvin

Berit Lindquister
Livework Studio

Dette prosjektet har som mål å løfte kundeopplevelsen ved kjøp av bunad produsert i Norge og styrke tilknytningen til egen bunad.

Tenk om du kunne ha skapet ditt fullt av bunader. En bunad for hver anledning. Alle har en lappe med innsydd  ”made in China”. Har det noen betydning?

Torgeir Haugen Tysse

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Halvor Tretvoll
NRK is not targeting the users below 50 years of age. There is great potential for increasing the knowledge about the users and in how NRK is offering information on a mobile device.

This project has been looking into both the frontstage and backstage of news consumption for the young users. The solution is a new toucpoint designed for the users to easily self-curate their news digest, as well as it gathers valuable data for the backstage to improve their understanding and knowledge about the user.


Kamilla Nave MaaseideCaroline Myre Strømme

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Berit Lindquister
Many service providers offer to help the consumers with their inheritance problems. Insights from actors told us that ideal for them is if the decisions have been made, therefore the users themselves are responsible for this process, however many norwegian families have bad experiences and many families are torn apart. 

Cecilie LisetIda Elise Nystad Marrable

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Berit Lindquister
We have investigated how the travel information can be timely presented for the individual and if the appropriate design could make travelling via an Avinor airport less stressful. The information one have to relate to when travelling can be overwhelming, as most of the airport is set up to inform all travellers at the same place. However there are clear steps a traveller must go through in order to get from A to B. We use these steps as frames for our design, and rethink how the information is presented.

Heidi HoenMarte Frøyse Vidvei

Mosse Sjaastad
Jon Olav Eiknes
Ingrid Reime
When a news event is unfolding, the online news providers are focused mainly on publishing articles as quickly as possible. This leads to a massive amount of information that requires a lot of the newsreader’s time and effort to be able to understand. 

We want to make it easier to understand why a news event is happening and to see the event as a part of a bigger picture. By visualizing the relations between cases and organizing the information we want to create a less overwhelming news situation. 

This is Ripple – the news relevant to you! 

Åshild Mienna

Sabine Muller
Lisbet Harboe
Through readings and interpretations of the landscape, the project tests a series of interventions in combination with re-thinking of the usage on site. The design seeks to explore alternative ways of how an area may develop through time, and investigates the resistance and opportunities at chosen locations. 
