fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 74 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Brona Ann KeenanMiles Franklin Hamaker

Janike Kampevold Larsen
Mats Kemppe
Drawing on an anthropologic assessment of the Varanger region and Vardø specifically, we understand that the community’s connection to the landscape is directly influenced through food resource harvesting activities and the subsequent social significances. This importance is not only economic, but plays a role in an individual’s identity. Reacting to the 1980’s cod crises and the negative consequences on the city, people, and economy of Vardø, we propose a series of food related education and processing spaces intended to reveal the now invisible food infrastructures of the city.
Johannes N Hegdahl

Claes Håkan Edeholt
Birgitta Cappelen
Svein Gunnar Kjøde at Design Without Borders
I was introduced by Design Without Borders, who put me in contact with GBB. By understanding bamboo as a material, GBB and its context I have come up with a solution for a bicycle seat made of bamboo and rattan, both locally available materials. 

The seat emphasizes my gathered knowledge and shows the possibilities of making more than just bicycle frames out of bamboo. By making more of the bicycles from locally growing materials you create value on several levels for the local communities.


Matthew Poot

Thomas Juel Clemmensen
Large infrastructure projects for electricity and agriculture have placed huge strains on the Inner Niger Delta, which has long been the “rice-bowl” of the region, and one of the largest and most biologically rich wetlands on the continent despite its extremely dry climate.

Inger SteinnesNils Erik Gustav Hansen

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Mads Pålsrud
This diploma suggests a service improvement within student housing to support community building. The service aims to provide residents with help in co-living management, responsibility distribution, and a way to organize social gatherings. The service consists of three added service moments, made up of several new or altered touch-points. The new user journey is facilitated by two new roles in the house and by SiO.


Kari Tønseth

Peter Paludan Hemmersam
Lisbet Harboe
Eric Reid
I dette prosjektet er de administrative kommunegrensene brutt ned, og lokale entusiaster med fremtidstro og pågangsvilje har fått nye roller og oppgaver. For å oppnå effekt utover individnivå, er nettverksbygging sentralt. Landskapssnittet viser hvordan ressurser er knyttet sammen slik at nye muligheter kan vokse frem.

Havet gjenoppstår som infrastrukturell sammenkobler, der aktive småkaier representerer en desentralisert infrastruktur som samler og videreforedler kystkulturen og som gjenoppretter viktige sosiale møtepunkt. 

Joanna Gocalek

Thomas Juel Clemmensen
The main objective follows the ‘Cold Climate Water Sensitive City Concept’ and leads to a masterplan and exemplifying, site specific, design concepts dealing with snow and water management within the selected watershed. 

OBJECTIVES - Prevent flooding, avoid pollution from contaminated snow, enhance recreational qualities in relation to snow and water, maintain important biotopes. 


Jakob Auer

Sabine Muller
Janike Kampevold Larsen
After shutting down in 2006, various stakeholders are engaging in an active debate about the future of the site. High costs of decontamination and differing interests of stakeholders slowed down the planning process until today. Although Long-term Industrial Wastelands often imply problems in urban development and can be a great burden to municipalities, these areas don‘t just pose a problems, but also offer great potential. How can these potentials best be found and highlighted? 

Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Citizens want to have their vote count for more than it does today and the municipality wants more input and to move to a more co-creation structure.

Fordel is simply a facilitation tool that bridges the gap between the citizen and the municipality. It facilitates the power exchange between the municipality and the people, the power to use the municipality’s money for what citizens believe is best for their local community.

Hernan Mauricio Travecedo Correa

Sabine Muller
Jeppe Borgbjerg Aagaard Andersen
Daniel Jaramillo
In pursue of improving life quality for citizens, I researched the different parameters on how to create a space of urban quality in harmony, with the guidelines for a more conscious design. It implements the basic meaning of Sense of place. The scheme evolves while being use and it creates a closer link between the people and the place. So, how can an integral strategy of multiple scales be implemented in Barranquilla? Will it manage to start a process of urban regeneration?


Oda Midtlyng Klempe

Berit Lindquister
Mosse Sjaastad
Kjersti Kviseth
Fashion is a cultural phenomenon about material things, trends and personal expression.  I have looked at fashion in clothing, often referred to as the fashion industry. This is an industry that has brought joy and profit to many people around the world.  However, it is also an industry that has become the second dirtiest industry on this planet, after oil and gas.
