fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 27 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Agata Agnieszka Cypriak Vel CzupryniakClementine Rusten

Mosse Sjaastad
Kaja Misvær Kistorp
Helene Arja Eie Falstad
Z Futures - The struggle of disconnecting in a hyperconnected world is a diploma project that aims to spark a debate and encourage critical reflections regarding digital media overuse. 

Markus Lavoll Gundersrud

Mosse Sjaastad
Sounds to Signalize is an interaction design project exploring the use of sound and how to communicate and manage alarms on a ship’s control bridge. The project aims to investigate the current use of alarms on a ship and design new concepts for using and communicating the alarms.

Yahang ChengKaya Isabella Sammerud

Mosse Sjaastad
Since probably forever, news has played a part in people’s lives. We share news with each other. It is influencing our opinions and worldview and gives us information to base our decisions upon. News is a lot more than just information about what is happening in the world. It is a powerful tool, it is a platform, it is a reflection room, it is a fundamental social element and it is part of most adults’ everyday lives in one way or another. 
Hans Kristian Erlandsen Villa

Steinar Westhrin Killi
Lina Aker
FRAM - Design for Shareable Futures is an industrial design project exploring circularity and how it contributes to sustainable user behavior and circular product lifecycles.

Imagine a society where sharing products is more convenient than owning. Imagine driving to a DNT cabin with no luggage, being met with an outdoor set of your preference. No responsibility, storage, or maintenance knowing that Bergans is being responsible for you.

Ida Lahm

Simon David Clatworthy
In our current paradigm, success is to a large extent based on financial value. Worth is equatable with money, yet this systemic ideal - the essence of worth in our paradigm - is proving unsustainable in the long run. The role model of  the rational economic man is causing us to overshoot our resources, and blindly develop for the sake of development. It also leaves us blind to the values of society, where a global force majeure - such as Covid-19 - is needed to trigger a reconsideration of how we value social impact as opposed to financial worth.

Kevin Andreas EhrenbergAdelin Gashi

Kaja Misvær Kistorp
Lars Marcus Vedeler
Heart To Heart is a service and interaction design diploma project that explores how design can improve different aspects of blood donation in Norway. Blood is a living material that cannot be made artificially, and patients who need transfusions depend on donors for their treatment. Because blood has a limited shelf life, it is essential that the blood bank continuously receives new donations.

Radka Komrsova

Sabine Muller
Ahmed Faisal
Valle Hovin is a formal valley located in Oslo, Norway in an area with high urbanisation pressure due to an ongoing development project, creating from the former industrial area a new neighbourhood called Hovinbyen. Valle Hovin is positioned in the vicinity of the stream opening projects, the same stream - Hovinbekken - which is buried also under the Valley. In my diploma project, I am engaging with the diversity of water in the place, where water used to be a huge part of the identity.
Ørjan Laxaa

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Lars Marcus Vedeler
«Liv Lagra» is an explorative design project about intangible cultural heritage in coastal communities in Nordland. Using the fishing village Røst in Lofoten as a case study, the project investigates ways in which the cultural heritage that exists in coastal communities can be preserved for future generations.
Kathrine Vangen

Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø
Lokomotivverkstedet in Middelalderparken was the first of its kind in Norway. Constructed of untreated brick in neo-gothic style with an inner cast iron construction, the depot was built on top of the ruins of the Medieval Royal Estates in a time when preservation was not in focus. Today, most of the building remains empty, undergoing costly renovations, and without any future plans for use.


Martin Andal

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
By uncovering and collecting essential features of the architecture and city fabric of Bergen, I aimed to discover qualities, which would help me generate a more locally anchored approach to architectural design and use this to design a building for Bergen.
