fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 23 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Janina Lissette Sanchez Cardenas

Sabine Muller
Rengifo Ortega
Giambattista Zaccariotto

Shizuka Miura

Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla
Ahmed Faisal

Thomas Friis Rasmussen

Thomas Juel Clemmensen

Julie Christine Krogstad

Gro Bonesmo
Karl Otto Ellefsen


Lars Holden Nicolaysen

Sindre Wam
Erlend Aalmo Strønstad
The basis for my diploma is a very subjective experience I had with my grandfather when he was admitted to a nursing home back in 2019. He was very ill with dementia and thrown into an environment that was foreign to him. Putting people with dementia illness in an hospital-like environment is not helping them improving their quality of life, it is just sustaining them a little longer. 
Ole-Morten BirkelandJørn Ludvigsen

Jørgen Johan Tandberg
Magnus Garvoll
Andreas Kalstveit
Assembly: defined by a group of people/things/resources gathered in one place for a common purpose.

The project addresses a cluster of research, education and tourism to introduce and highlight the importance of the blue-green industry as a vital part of a sustainable future. The project seeks to find an interpretation of collaboration between housing, culture and commercials as a program, and prefabrication as a construction method. 
Mingming Zhang

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Per Olaf Fjeld
Dagur Eggertsson
I understand tolerance space is the distance that exists within a connection. 
It is a void, in tension, waiting for a meeting.

Different scales of tolerance space can be found in different relationships and situations:
  • Tectonic Tolerance Space: The transitional space that was created to meet the technical and utilitarian requirements.
  • Conceptual Tolerance Space: It is a surplus space that aims to achieve certain spatial qualities or idea clarity rather than the technical or utilitarian resolutions.
Yichen Fu

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Chris-Johan Engh


Oscar Figur Waddington

Hans Bjørn Holther

Emanuel Verde

Wenkai Xu
My father has his own workshop,
I often watch him while he is working. 
I have done this, for as long as I can remember. 
The workshop is where we talk, create, struggle and argue.  
As I get older, I reflect back to the conversations 
we have had throughout the years.
I realize that this has been fundamental in triggering my
awareness and necessity to create.

I make an effort to understand his thinking and craftsmanship.
I repeat his doing, 
but to my frustration - always to a lesser grade. 
