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Xiyu Hu

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Kai Reaver
CityMaker explores the digital communication tools for citizen participation, in the early city planning process.


Maria Våge Traasdahl

Kaja Misvær Kistorp
Heidi Dolven
Around the age of 18, youth with long term follow-up by several health, care and welfare services transition from child oriented to adult oriented parts of the public sector. This diploma project is an exploration of the gap between these two ”sides” and how to start bridging it. 


Guro Kobberstad Dysthe

Lars Markus Vedeler
Mosse Sjaastad
The project explores location based experiences and interactions as a way of enabling slower, more intimate experiences within the cityscape. It aims to reintroduce the sometimes overlooked qualities and facets of place, as well as adding something new to the familiar.

Ameesha TimbadiaHanna Nordland

Josina Vink
Camila Sanhueza Holven
An exploration of means to unify and improve the user experience for all users of Norwegian digital health care services - including for people with cognitive impairments. 


Chaozhong Shi.

Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre
Anita Veiseth
What does protection mean for a changing landscape? This project is informed by historical traces that show the landscape changing through time and the existing traces onsite, telling the story behind the land. ​


Peter Has Larsen

Karin Helms
Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla
Pia Rosshaug Gjermo

Luis Callejas
Silvia Diaconu
The project takes place on Lista, where some of Norway’s largest sand dune systems are found. The diploma has a speculative approach, looking at the opportunities in processes and phenomena found at the site and playing with their composition. I suggest a connected system of interventions that preserves the possibility of a continuous transformation - a balance. 


Ane Liavaag Ellefsen

Eric Reid
Annelise Chapman
Situated on the pristine west coast of Norway, Runde Coastal Trail offers a pedestrian route in an exposed tidal landscape dominated by pebble beaches, protruding ridges and rock formations.


Guðni Brynjólfur Ásgeirsson

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
The Village wall proposal partly addresses new ways of implementing an avalanche defense system for a small sea village in the east of Iceland. Furthermore it explores the relationship between form and function and aspects of beauty that are exposed from the making of the earthworks. Such as the contrast between prominent geometric shapes and the natural surroundings they are implemented in. 
As well as an interplay between convex and concave slope gradients that  imitate natural slope conditions on the site.

Amalie Nævisdal Tønnesen

Neven Mikac Fuchs

In a horizontal landscape embodied by stone and water lies the workshop for wooden boats. To set the stage for the workshop, a specific type of boat is selected, which gives scale to architectonic space, by its size and dimensions, spaces og production and specifications. A massive concrete platform is casted on site. It emerges as its own landscape, built up from the stones that represent the new ground. 

