fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 28 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Peder Ravneng

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Wenche Andreassen
The city of Fredrikstad is proud of its industrial history. Norsk Teknisk Porselensfabrikk (NTP) is the only living evidence from the industrialization along the river Glomma. Today, almost all industry is gone, and have been replaced with housing and commercial developments. The project is a critique of the ongoing densification strategies of Fredrikstad and other cities, where production is replaced with housing. In fact,  the site of NTP is suggested densified with 140%.
Yuning Song

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Chris-Johan Engh
During World War II, a large number of women from Japanese-occupied territories were forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army. These "comfort women" were imprisoned in many comfort stations. From 2014 to 2016, one well-preserved comfort station in Nanjing, China, the Liji Lane Comfort Station, was renovated and transformed into a historical museum. Due to the lack of public education space in this museum, a new learning center is proposed next to the historical site.
Amanda Sophie Holst

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Urbanisation is gradually changing our cities. Industry is relocating outside the city core and areas where production took place are left to be integrated into future developments. Hegreneset is an old industrial mill facility that is situated on a peninsula in Bergen with one of the most attractive locations on the coastline. The mill has not been in operation for almost 30 years, but the milling industry has played an important part in the site’s history. My diploma aims to transform Hegreneset from a secluded area to a functioning public place.
Jens Henrik Johnsen

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Aleksandra Ognjanov
Giacomo Pelizzari
Gregory Then
Public spaces of car and of man are not separate. Despite the dimensions that form them are often unique, the qualities they possess are often shared - being spatially generous, functionally versatile and highly intertwined with urban fabric.

Viola Starr

Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø
Adaptive reuse- the process of repairing and restoring existing buildings for new or continued use- is becoming an essential part of architectural practice. They [buildings] are valued for their essential history, their intrinsic sense of collective memory, and the physical contribution that they make to the built environment. But what is to be done with the huge stock of redundant structures?

In my diploma project I aim to answer this question by proposing a transformation of a UNESCO-listed structure at the former industrial site, located in the town of Odda.
Soo Yeong Song

Mosse Sjaastad
Bjarte A. Misund
Remotely Connected is an explorative interaction design project searching for ways to bring back the social interactions that vanished with the beginning of the home office. 

The value of social interaction has been less prioritized in the transition to the new way of working. Today, we are still communicating based on the tools, relationships, and culture we had before the pandemic. 


Sarah Cathrine Herland Andresen

Steinar Westhrin Killi
Embracing Snow is an industrial design project in collaboration with the FUTURE team at adidas. Through researching, prototyping, interviewing and testing, I have created a suggestion for a product direction future athletes. It is a project with a conceptual approach that illuminates and explores what may be possible to achieve in 10 years.
Jon Erling Fauske

Steinar Westhrin Killi
Kjetil Nordby
This diploma is investigating how to develop a design language that can scale across multiple classes of ships, and how a design guideline for ships can be created by using inspiration from UI design systems as to structuring the work and making it accessible for other designers in a team. 


Xiang Li

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Simon David Clatworthy
This project explores how design can contribute to international students’ mental health in terms of service and system. The service concepts include supportive interventions like the brochure, the app and website, activities and tools, which are provided and facilitated by the main stakeholders, SiO and the school, by intervening in the system from three levels: international students, peer students, and the environments.
Madeleine Engeland KristiansenAnn Kristin Eriksen

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Did you know that all pregnant people are entitled to knowledge-based information that allows them to make informed choices and to have a real impact on their maternity follow-up? This diploma explores information dissemination in maternity care in Norway. First time parents and pregnant people are often confused in the meeting with maternity care, while midwives and nurses lack sufficient tools to communicate between services and provide information in a fulfilling way. 
