fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 26 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Ziyue Wang

Mosse Sjaastad
Lars Marcus Vedeler


Callum Boyland

Steinar Westhrin Killi
The only way to tackle a problem of this magnitude is through a series of small steps and changes.

This explorative industrial design project aims to improve the users’ relationship with food and encourage a behavioural shift to lower their waste and its impact.

Polina Gurina

Steinar Westhrin Killi
Adriaan Van Eyndhoven


The purpose of that diploma project was to make first steps into creating a new product for Stokke®, that will be fun, unique, and challenging at the same time. “Busy rock” turned out as a fantastic way to explore, experiment, reflect and moreover, I had a great fun by testing my concept with the little users!
Chia-Han Hsiao

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Lars Marcus Vedeler
Often, next of kin’s health declines when caring for others. Long-term care at home is a social issue that the government and society need to face together.
Eirunn Marie Margaret Kvalnes

Lars Marcus Vedeler
Audun Mathias Øygard
Writing With the Machine is an explorative design diploma investigating machine learning as a design material. As a design experiment, I trained a machine learning model on an archive of personal letters written by my great grandfather. Using this experiment as a starting point, working hands on with both the data material and the software, I reflect upon different aspects of machine learning. 
Vivana Avila Castañeda

Karin Helms


Emma Sophie Margrete Eriksen-Hirschberg

Alf Haukeland
Namik Mackic

Messy landscapes are part of the everyday scene and are often misunderstood and overlooked. The messy landscapes are ambiguous and transitional spaces that create dynamic open frag-ments that serve as innovative social, cultural, and ecological spaces. 

Camila Urrego

Karin Helms
Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla

Angel Luis Lamar Oliveras

Ted Matthews
Birger Sevaldson
Simon Clatworthy


Lene Utklev Gaupen

Simon David Clatworthy
Lars Marcus Vedeler
A diploma exploring the digital job market with a focus on student employability.
