fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 32 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Sten Patrick Een Sture

Espen Knudsen Vatn
Jonas Lippestad

On the basis of own experiences, historical and contemporary references, I want to question what a dwelling can be today. Problematizing the condition of temporality that characterizes Oslo, and its later built environment.

Rather than looking outward to the citys periphery, I focus on the inner city, with the intention of learning about an existing urban condition and how to adapt to it, contrary to reinventing one.
Ole Thomas Steinde

Rolf Gerstlauer
Wenkai Xu
Torbjørn Kolbeinsen
Dagur Eggertsson
The farm is located somewhere in the northern hemisphere, framed with pine woodlands, and the meadows. A shallow mountain river runs through the site, defining the two contrasting conditions: the cultivated landscape – and the wild outfields.


The architectural intervention is a long, connected structure:

the barn, the bridge and the house.

Anne Margrethe Sørseth

Rolf Gerstlauer
Wenkai Xu
«To Behold» is a project that is based on my own urge to collect, order, contain and/or display. My intention for this work was to attempt a beholding of a landscape, or small fragments of it, by creating a dialogue between the collected and the made, the landscape and myself. Discovering how the collected and made relate to each other, long for each other or invite others in. 


Mira HahnStina Molander Skavlan

Lina Elisabeth Broström
The project contains two books: the book Moving in – A Discussion of Norms in Architecture and the booklet, The Norm. Moving in presents discussions of how to collect stories and information both against and towards norms, and the paradox in making new norms. The Norm, on the other hand, is trying to take a stand and propose new norms for quality within housing. The book, Moving in, and the booklet The Norm, are highly linked. They are referring to each other to expand the arguments presented in both books.

Philippe Niklas Sundsbø Schneider

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
The typical approach for this situation when another theatre can’t be rented is to build a tempo- rary building or tent. But in a city like Oslo, that is currently undergoing a lot of transformation that involves tearing down older buildings, could one of these buildings be adapted and get a second life as the temporary home for the National Theatre? And with this approach, could the project also act as a catalyst for a developing area?

Alexander Karim Tamer Minge Salim

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk

Memory of a place

A small place created by a family of farmers
Buildings made from the dirt of the land
Created for the purpose of utility and beauty
Rooms for the family, spaces for work and rest
Shelter for the animals
Spaces where light was absent
Changes in temperature and humidity
A home in the eastern part of the Sahara in Egypt, not far from the river Nile
– My great grandfathers dwelling

Anne Ringstad

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Astrid Rohde Wang


Seiersborg Tekstilfabrikk is situated in Fredrikstad city centre and is conveying the history of one of Fredrikstads most important industries, the TEKO-industry. It was constructed in 1917 and later on sold to Sandvika Veveri in 1990 which is interesting with transition in mind.

Clemens Pörtner

Thomas Gregory Mc Quillan

Una Nadarevic

Tine Hegli

This project is about making the data centers that are so often out of sight a beneficial and visible part of a society. This by both utilizing the excess thermal energy to heat public pools and introducing the program to a more urban context.


Tor Christian Meling

Rolf Gerstlauer
Wenkai Xu
Per Olaf Fjeld
It rests upon the initiative; ‘I want to make a house, for whom I do not know’, which expresses the want to make a house, and raises the question of for whom is the house made? The work is a desire to establish a way of thinking and a language for expressing myself through the medium of architecture. I want to place myself within the profession; to make a house, to find the words that make the house come about.
