fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 58 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Paul-Antoine LUCAS

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica

Characterized by an extremely dense and vertical urban fabric encouraged by strict regulatory governmental policies, commercial private developments have become an overarching speculation model defining a complex network of shopping podiums, towers and elevated walkways growing piecemeal throughout the city.

Silje Loe

Marius Nygaard

The context for the project is given by the architectural competition by Norsk Skogfinsk Museum. My intention has been to design a place for exploration, documentation and understanding of the culture and history of a national minority with a profound connection to the forest. 

The new museum is carefully located in-between and around the trees in the forest. The museum acts as a gateway into the landscape, allowing visitors to explore the river, the adjacent open air museum, and further into the deeper forest.

Anja Petkovic Karlsen

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson

”I like it because I do”. I find the steel surface beautiful - because it is shiny, reflective. And intriguing because of it’s connotations to something mechanical, industrial and clinical.

Steel is the corrugated roof of a barn, it’s the surgeon’s tools, it’s the joints of an Eileen Gray folding table, it’s the curved middle girder of Mies’ new national gallery.
Set to a fictional site, using hotel as program, this project is occupied with the steel surface.

Karlis Jaunromans

Thomas Gregory Mc Quillan
Beata Anna Labuhn
The two water towers at Mazā Matīsa street have supplied Riga with water pressure from 1896 to the 1980’s. Thesetwo complex engineering systems of an enormous capacity used to hold 2000 tons of water. The once powerful structures are currently in danger to devaluate into monumentalized empty shells accommodating insignificant programs that cannot benefit from their engineering capacity.

Thea Helle

Rolf Gerstlauer
Carsten Oeding Loly
Per Olaf Fjeld
Risør is a historical conserved wooden town, the first coastal town on the southern part of Norway’s contour. Holmen is an islet right outside the conserved historical contour, itis a part of the coastal town center, on the east side of Risør town.

Holmen is an important part of Risør, both rogrammatically and visually. The current program on Holmen is a marina industry. A planed program on Holmen is a housing project. My proposed program on Holmen is a public marina.

Per Ola Granli

Erik Fenstad Langdalen

As an institute with a local connection joins an institution with no home at all, the project reassembles both within the framework of a centre for young artists.

The program requires not only the building of a hub for performances, exhibitions and seminars, but also the making of a place that in form and expression combines the architectural diversity in the area.

Edvard Mattias Glazebrook

Neven Mikac Fuchs

In Oslo, a municipality run monopoly ran the cinema market for 86 years, operating around 30 venues at its most - before the eight remaining cinemas in 2013 were sold to a commercial owner (Oslo Kino / Egmont). This has led to a market offering little variation, with Cinemateket as Oslo Kino’s strongest competition.
The diploma project aims to offer a different type of cinema in Oslo by combining a small independent cinema with a restaurant /bar and a small garden - creating a new social framework around the event of going to the cinema.

Edvard Mattias Glazebrook

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Cinema has changed a lot through its history. From being one of the most powerful mediums, its importance declined a lot during the last century, but going to the cinema still remains a popular activity today.

In Oslo, a municipality run monopoly ran the cinema market for 86 years, operating around 30 venues at its most -before the eight remaining cinemas in 2013 were sold to a commercial owner (Oslo Kino / Egmont). This has led to a market offering little variation, with Cinemateket as Oslo Kino’s strongest competition.

Astrid Fadnes

Tone Selmer-Olsen
Sabine Muller

São Paulo lives up to its nickname: since the1980s,extensive construction of walls and fencesare creating a physical separation between buildings and the street, between the private and the public. Walls have become a distinctive feature of the city’s urban morphology andhas consequently left the city’s urban spaces diminished and deteriorated. Through an analysis of existing walls and a strategic proposal,the projectinvestigates the potential of the wall not as a separation barrier, but ratheras aboundary whereencounters may take place.

Maximilian Vinzenz Schob

Ann-Sofi Rönnskog

The images introduce a measure of intensity, in the context of a time-based evolution, to create a seamless categorisation of landscape features, qualified through the identification and interpretation of patterns. Within this context, patterns are continuous conditions such as use of materials, complexity of built environment or division and use of space.
What is figure, what is ground? In order to act towards the matters that stay hidden to our perception, we need to enhance our spectrum of perspectives on the world.
