fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 69 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Halvor André SagaInghild Skramstad LunnTrude Langeland

Christine Petersen
Siri Moseng
Siri Hopperstad
In the city we preserve a storage building from 1939 and a small house from 1835. The site is located
in Grønland, Oslo. The program is a small library and a temporary residence.
In nature, we preserve a landscape together with abandoned war memories. The site is located at Rakke Fort, near Stavern. The program is a school for writing and three separate writing rooms in relation to war memories.
The book and it´s process defined the program, and we have used it in our search.
Rasmus Steen Pettersen

Halvor Weider Ellefsen
Neven Mikac Fuchs
By studying the use of coworking spaces, a set of organisational principles has been identified. The project is spatially gradated, from big, open, public spaces at ground level, to small enclosed private spaces at the top. Each of the different floor levels coincides with different types of memberships and is organised within a system that optimizes light conditions, infrastructure and accessibility to basic amenities.
Signe Ludvigsen

Beate Marie Hølmebakk
Arne Henriksen
The station serves as a point for embarking on, or disembarking from, a trip. The movement of trains entering and leaving the station provides a contrast in rhythm and scale to the flow of travelers. Trains, with their mechanical rhythm, meet the organic human flows in different directions, towards different destinations. These different paths of the travelers act as the foundation of the spatial sequences within the station. 


Gine Backer-RøedLisa Angelica BarahonaNora Hassel Mørch

Lisbet Harboe
Christian Hermansen
Joakim Skajaa
Our proposal springs out of a neighbourhood initiative to close Kolstadgata for thoroughfare traffic and
is developed through collaborations with locals, social-urban scientists, architects, the municipality and many others. As a result of the issues we have uncovered along the way, our focus has been on children and youth.


Pedro Sjøblom Tavares

Beate Hølmebakk
The structure contains 131 apartments of three different types, organized around corridors on each second floor. There is a vertical path connecting all the floors, from the public areas at the base to the top of
the building, a stairway that opens up to the façade, creating view points towards the city as well as small communal spaces connected to each level.
Ola Wilthil Høgmoen

Beate Hølmebakk
The framework defines three spaces based on a column free, square plan. The dimensions are 3x3, 15x15
and 60x60 meters. In addition, three terms were chosen as a guide to what kind of architecture that should
be produced. The terms are Tension, Flexibility, Interdependency.
This dogmatic approach to making - with disregard for the questions of site and function - facilitates a focused study of core properties of architecture and of the fundamental autonomy of construction.

Morten Jakobsen

Børre Skodvin
The strategy developed consists of two simple steps: Maximizing visual contact between the viewer and the collection/activity, and secondly maximizing surface between the two. Through a series of exploration in different techniques a vocabulary on how to do so has evolved.
The study has been conducted within the framework of the preliminary building program for a new Tromsø Museum; a museum of natural and cultural sciences, affiliated to the University of Tromsø.

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Andrea Pinochet
We do not need dwellings that isolate us in our separate apartments, but dwellings that give us the opportunity to meet. We need homes that do not limit us, but that enrich our daily life with experiences, friction and diversity.
This project investigates spacious and flexible homes, offering places where the residents can meet. The existing buildings add complexity and unexpected encounters between public and private, old and new.

Jonas Løland

Neven Mikac Fuchs
The site is an old Norwegian farm on a hilltop in the landscape. I studied the tun in order to take part in this rich context and I looked to the barn typology for a building of a single yet varied space. By manipulating the relationship between the base as a boundary and roof as a cover I searched for richness in spatial articulation
– giving both thick and thin walls, high and low ceilings and inside and outside spaces.


Julia Roditeleva

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Jørgen Tycho
The music house is placed on one of the old ruins in the gulf of Finland approximately 50 km from Saint Petersburg. The fortress was built in the end of 17th century to defend Saint Petersburg.
The Music house will create a new venue for enjoying music in a larger cultural place for various types of urban activities. Placed on the water, the Music house will be seen from Saint Petersburg waterfront. People in Saint Petersburg will take boats to the island where they will perform or listen to music and also visit restaurants and cafes. 

