fbpx 2017 Høst | Page 2 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


2017 Høst

Start semester

80 310 OCCAS: Piranesei and the modern age

Full course name in English: 
OCCAS: Piranesei and the modern age
80 310
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Victor Plahte Tschudi

No specific previous knowledge is required.

Om emnet

The elective course Piranesi and the modern age only takes as a point of departure the enigmatic visions of the architect, archaeologist, designer and engraver Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-78). The course does not focus on Piranesi directly, but on the rediscovery of him from 1900 onwards, across fields that include film, photography, painting, architecture, urbanism, literature and psychology. Together we shall explore each of these topics systematically and chart how our own period – to this very day – interprets Piranesi to formulate its novelty. The course invites you to participate on a ground-braking scholarly mission to uncover the strategies not of Piranesi, but of the modern age that exploits him; our weekly seminars investigate the works of pioneers such as Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freud, the film director Sergei Eisenstein and architects ranging from Alessandro Limongelli and Aldo Rossi to Rem Koolhaas and Peter Eisenman. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and concrete assignments, we ambitiously aim to redraw the map of contemporary culture itself – and the surprise might be how much of it harks back to an 18th century Venetian etcher.


The learning outcome is both academic and practical: Firstly, the course teaches you about Giovanni Battista Piranesi as well as the history of modernism and its various media, such as early modern photography, avant-garde film theory, cubism in painting, deconstructivism in architecture, and post war city planning. Secondly, the course offers you the possibility to explore any technique and expression related to these themes in the effort to interpret Piranesi’s visions yourself. In other words, your assignment will be rooted in a historical material but take the form of, for example, a text, drawing, painting, installation, architectural models, film sequence, photograph – or any other medium that we might find relevant.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course is organized as weekly seminars taking place every Tuesday 9-12 am. The seminars consist of lectures, text presentations, film screenings, discussions as well as supervision. Visits to museum collections in Oslo are also on the agenda.   


A short, poignant reading list accompanies the weekly seminars and will be presented in due time.

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe evaluation is based on 2-3 brief oral presentations of text throughout the term. It is also based on a final project assignment. For the assignment you are asked to work on and interpret one or several prints by Piranesi in a medium and format of your own choice, such as for example a text, model, installation, film sequence, drawing, painting etc.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The evaluation is based on 2-3 brief oral presentations of text throughout the term. It is also based on a final project assignment. For the assignment you are asked to work on and interpret one or several prints by Piranesi in a medium and format of your own choice, such as for example a text, model, installation, film sequence, drawing, painting etc.
OppmøteOppmøte og deltagelse på forelesninger er forventet, og gjentatt fravær vil gi grunnlag for lavere karakter.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Oppmøte og deltagelse på forelesninger er forventet, og gjentatt fravær vil gi grunnlag for lavere karakter.

Start semester

80 309 Arkitektur i velferdstaten

Full course name in English: 
Architecture in the Welfare State
80 309
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Guttorm Ruud
Om emnet

I etterkrigstiden fra 1945 til 1975 var arkitektur og byplanlegging sentrale virkemidler i realiseringen av den universalistiske velferdspolitikken vi kjenner som den nordiske modellen, der grunnideen er at velferden skal distribueres til alle. Med nye ideer om rasjonell planlegging og moderne teknologi som verktøy, skapte arkitekter og planleggere drabantbyer med masseproduserte boliger, moderne infrastruktur, og nye institusjoner og sosiale sentra, og endret byen og samfunnet.

Drabantbyene har blitt kritisert for å være dårlige bomiljøer som gir grobunn for sosiale problemer, men beboere sier at de trives. Noen kritikere mener at denne delen av etterkrigstidens byutvikling var et gigantisk sosialt feilgrep, og at vi i dag heldigvis vet bedre. Andre lengter tilbake til en tid der kollektive interesser og behov var grunnlag for statlig politikk og urban utvikling, og ser på de urbane resultatene fra etterkrigstiden som store bragder av heroiske arkitekter. I kurset vil vi se på drabantbyene i et historisk perspektiv for å forstå tidligere og pågående sammenhenger mellom arkitektur, politikk og samfunn.


Studentene vil få kunnskap om historien til forholdet mellom velferdsstat og arkitektur i etterkrigstiden. De vil tilegne seg kompetanse for å forstå det historisk spesifikke ved planlegging og arkitektonisk design som et resultat av politiske, økonomiske og sosiale forhold i endring. Gjennom å skrive et essay studentene utvikle ferdigheter i kritisk skriving med presentasjon av fakta, egne argument og konklusjon.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Kurset bygges opp med grunnleggende forelesninger i emnet, samt tematiske forelesninger og workshops for å diskutere innfallsvinkel og problemstillinger for prosjektoppgaver. Studentene vil arbeide med og få tilbakemelding på egen prosjektoppgave parallelt med forelesningene gjennom semesteret.


Pensum vil bli bestemt senere

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttVurderingen skjer på grunnlag av levert prosjektoppgave i form av et essay på 3-4000 ord som leveres ved slutten av semesteret. Bestått kurs forutsetter at studenten gjennom prosjektoppgaven viser kunnskap om temaene som har blitt gjennomgått i forelesninger og diskusjoner gjennom bruk av kildemateriale, kritisk refleksjon over temaet gjennom valg av problemstilling og argumentasjon, og viser god evne til å strukturere og fremstille dette skriftlig i form av et vitenskaplig essay.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Vurderingen skjer på grunnlag av levert prosjektoppgave i form av et essay på 3-4000 ord som leveres ved slutten av semesteret. Bestått kurs forutsetter at studenten gjennom prosjektoppgaven viser kunnskap om temaene som har blitt gjennomgått i forelesninger og diskusjoner gjennom bruk av kildemateriale, kritisk refleksjon over temaet gjennom valg av problemstilling og argumentasjon, og viser god evne til å strukturere og fremstille dette skriftlig i form av et vitenskaplig essay.
ForelesningerTilstedeværelse på grunnleggende forelesninger
Tilstedeværelse på tematiske forelesninger
PensumLesing av pensum bestående av grunnleggende tekster.
Deltakelse i diskusjon av pensum (bøker og artikler)
Skriftlige oppgaverDeltakelse i skrivetrening
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Tilstedeværelse på grunnleggende forelesninger
Tilstedeværelse på tematiske forelesninger
Kommentar:Lesing av pensum bestående av grunnleggende tekster.
Deltakelse i diskusjon av pensum (bøker og artikler)
Aktivitet:Skriftlige oppgaver
Kommentar:Deltakelse i skrivetrening

70 302 Design Management.

Full course name in English: 
Design Mangagement
70 302
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Berit Lindquister
Rachel Troye

Passed 6 semesters Foundation Level

Om emnet

The course gives the students an insight into the field of design management and leadership as a practical and theoretical field dealing with various issues that arise at the intersection between design, management and business development. The course will give a short introduction to the history of design management and then mainly focus upon several dimensions of design management and of the role of design in business developement. The course gives the students insight into how they can use a designerly approach to solve new challenges, also in collaboration with other disciplines. The course places design in larger cultural and social setting. Communication around the field is focused upon. The course gives insight into: Managing the design process and project (from design brief to coordinating interdisciplinary design teams to meet business goals), management of brands and customer experience, IPR, strategic design and  using design processes and design thinking for business development and innovation. How can design help an organizations achieve their strategic goals and face future challenges?.


Knowledge: The students shall gain knowledge and an understanding of the relationship between design, management and business development. The students will have training in academic research and communicating this to a broader audience. They will also develope new ways of presenting / visualizing theoretical material. The students will gain theoretical insight to the field of design management and how it relates to practical design cases. Skills: The students will gain practical experience and skills through relevant tasks and cross disciplinary workshops. General competence: Verbal and visual communication around the field is important. The students will learn to reflect upon and discuss verbally and in writing issues related to design management and the role of design in business development.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

A series of lectures in part from external lecturers from a broad range of backgrounds related to design management. The lectures will be followed by discussion seminars and workshops, as well as cross disciplinary collaboration. A workshop and project with business and entrepreneurship students outside of Oslo will give the design students insight into business and innovation culture, methods, processes and language. The students will prepare a “Peer learning” presentation based on lectures / workshop,reading material and their own research.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning PåkrevdParticipation in class at lectures and discussion seminars, the cross disciplinary workshop and tutoring is obligatory. 80% participation is required in order to pass.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Kommentar:Participation in class at lectures and discussion seminars, the cross disciplinary workshop and tutoring is obligatory. 80% participation is required in order to pass.
Vurderingsmappe-Bestått / ikke beståttActive participation in classes and the ability to communicate and reflect on the subject. The peer-to-peer presentation, participation and final presentation of the external business project.

Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Active participation in classes and the ability to communicate and reflect on the subject. The peer-to-peer presentation, participation and final presentation of the external business project.

OppmøteParticipation in class at lectures and discussion seminars, the cross disciplinary workshop and tutoring is obligatory.
GruppearbeidStudents are expected to take advantage of the time allotted for self study and to read the given and recommended literature within their chosen or given area of design management.
Students are expected to actively participate in classes and workshops and contribute to a professional and constructive cross disciplinary collaboration.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Participation in class at lectures and discussion seminars, the cross disciplinary workshop and tutoring is obligatory.
Kommentar:Students are expected to take advantage of the time allotted for self study and to read the given and recommended literature within their chosen or given area of design management.
Students are expected to actively participate in classes and workshops and contribute to a professional and constructive cross disciplinary collaboration.

70 303 Digital produksjon teknologi

Full course name in English: 
Digital production technology
70 303
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Steinar Killi

Bestått grunnundervisning. Det kreves innledende forkunnskaper i CAD verktøy som Rhino, Solidworks, Alias, Blender etc.

Om emnet

Informerte beslutninger i 3D printe-prosessen med mål om å informere, gi dypere innsikt i, og undervise masterstudenter på AHO om hvilke mulighetsrom som befinner seg i de ulike 3D printe teknologiene. Arkitektur- og designhøyskolen i Oslo kan skryte av state-of-the-art 3D printe fasiliteter. "3D Print Verkstedet" fungerer i dag som en tjeneste for å gi studenter muligheten til å realisere komplekse, fysiske produkter. 3D printing er en additiv prosess, som med utgangspunkt i en digital tegning er i stand til nøyaktig å produsere en detaljert fysisk modell i et bredt utvalg av materialer. Verkstedet har tradisjonellt vært drevet av spesialister, samtidig som utvikling og modning av teknologien globalt har medført en demokratisering av dets bruksområde. Kurset har en teoretisk og praktisk tilnærming til 3D teknologi, der studenten vil bli introdusert til essensielle verktøy, digitale såvel som fysiske. Caser vil bli jobbet med.


Kunnskaper: Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten kunne beskrive alle de aktuelle prosessene som er involvert i 3D printe prosessen; fra konstruksjon av riktige digitale formater, til etterbehandling av fysiske modeller. I tillegg vil studenten ha kunnskap om hvilke prosesser som er mest aktuelle for å oppnå ønskede resultater. "3D Print Verkstedet" har i dag 4 forskjellige 3D printer teknologier tilgjengelig, FDM, SLS, SLA, og 3DP. Hver teknologi har hver sine bruksområder, og benytter seg av ulike material- og tilbredningsprosesser. Studentene vil etter endt kurs kunne dra informerte beslutninger om hvordan best dra nytte av disse forskjellige prosessene.

Ferdigheter: Ved gjennomført studium vil studenten bli bedre rustet til å dra nytte av de potensialene som er tilstede i konteksten av produkt-/interaksjonsdesign samt arkitektur. Studenten vil få førstehåndskunnskap i hvordan operere de forskjellige teknologiene som er tilgjengelig på AHO; pulverbaserte, ekstrusjonsbaserte og lyspolymeriserende 3D printere. Studenten vil ha kunnskap om konvertering av filformater og pre-prosessering før 3D printing. Generell kompetanse 3D printing er i økende grad tilstede i design- og arkitekturprosesser, som et verktøy for prototyping og i konstruksjon. Kurset er ment for design- og arkitekturstudenter på masternivå som ønsker en dypere innsikt i benyttelse av 3D printing videre i studiet. Studenten skal kunne redegjøre for hvilke metoder som er valgt for å realisere objektene sine og hvorfor.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

I likhet med andre fordypningsfag vil kurset bestå av ukentlige læringsaktiviterer, bestående av forelesninger, materialutforskning og bruk av 3D printere som er tilgjengelige. Hver kursdag vil introduseres med en forelesning i emner som 'modellbygging med 3D printer', '3D printeren som et demokratiserende verktøy', 'teknologien i historisk perspektiv' osv. Under fordypningsuken på slutten av semesteret vil det gis en større oppgave som skal utføres og presenteres for resten av gruppen. Et mål for kurset er å stille ut/vise frem disse prosjektene, som kan informere utad hvordan 3D printe teknologier kan best utnyttes på AHO og i andre kreative sammenhenger.


Anderson, C. (2012). Makers: the new industrial revolution. Random House.

Hopkinson, N., Hague, R., & Dickens, P. (2006). Rapid Manufacturing: An Industrial Revolution for the Digital Age. John Wiley & Sons.

Thompson, R. (2007). Manufacturing processes for design professionals. Thames & Hudson.


Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning Påkrevd80% obligatorisk oppmøte til alle timer.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Kommentar:80% obligatorisk oppmøte til alle timer.
Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfeltIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttDet skal leveres en sluttleveranse i form av en fysisk gjenstand, som blir vurdert til Bestått/Ikke bestått
Vurderingsform:Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfelt
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Det skal leveres en sluttleveranse i form av en fysisk gjenstand, som blir vurdert til Bestått/Ikke bestått

Start semester

80 312 OCCAS: The Art of Collecting Architecture

Full course name in English: 
OCCAS: The Art of Collecting Architecture
80 312
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Mari Lending
Om emnet

På Blaker gml. Meieri litt nord for Oslo ligger kunstneren Guttorm Guttormsgaard genreoverskridende samling av kunst, kunsthåndverk, bøker og gjenstander av tenkelige og utenkelige slag. Under tittelen Guttormsgaards arkiv har samlingen det siste tiåret blitt aktivert i form av en omfattende serie utstillinger og et elegant nettsted, som i seg selv fungerer som et arkiv. Kategoriene alminnelig ualminnelig, bondeantikviteter, fjelloverganger, foto/film, leker, kart, plakater, postkort, Russland, tekstil, typografi/kalligrafi gir et hint om dette overflødighetshornets omfang.

Arkivet omfatter også en kolossal mengde norske og internasjonale arkitektbøker, tidsskrifter og publikasjoner. Arkitekturmaterialet spenner fra uhyre sjeldne bokutgivelser og komplette utgaver av utsøkte tidsskrifter, til rariteter og efemæra fra hele verden. Samlingen inneholder også trykkpresser, xylografiske blokker og annen apparatur. Som del av OCCAS’ internasjonale forskningsprosjekt Printing the Past. Architecture, Print Culture, and Uses of the Past in Modern Europe (PriArc) er en liten gruppe MA og PhD-studenter invitert til å overskue, sortere og kuratere arkitektursamlingen på Blaker høsten 2017.


Studentene vil lære om arkitekturpublikasjoner gjennom tidene, om tekst, bilder, trykking, reproduksjon og sirkulasjon av arkitektur, på trykk, og de skal utvikle et kuratorisk konsept for utstillingen, samt rigge og åpne den i fordypningskursuken. I kurset inngår en liten katalog til utstillingen som beskriver samlingen og utstillingen. Arbeidet med katalogen vil gi øvelse i teoretisk og historisk tenkning og akademisk essayskriving. 

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Dette seminaret er veldig praktisk anlagt, og vi vil tilbringe mye tid på Blaker for arbeide hands-on med arkitektursamlingen, og til en viss grad bidra til å registrere dette materialet. I seminarform blir studentene presentert forelesninger og tekster om arkitekturens publikasjonskultur.

Kurset er åpent for initiativrike studenter som liker å arbeide selvstendig og som gruppe, som kan tenke klart om et komplekst historisk materiale, og som skriver godt norsk.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning Påkrevd
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfeltIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttDeltagelse, essay, og utstillingsprosjekt
Vurderingsform:Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfelt
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Deltagelse, essay, og utstillingsprosjekt
Skriftlige oppgaver
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Aktivitet:Skriftlige oppgaver

70 505 Design studio:

Full course name in English: 
Design studio
70 505
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Harald Skulberg
Håkan Edeholt
Mosse Sjaastad
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Kjetil Nordby

A third semester Master course (only available for students in their final year). Open for all design fields, but students are required to follow up and go in depth within their previous chosen specialisation/field in which they can document advanced design skills.

Recommended prerequisite knowledge

This course builds on the design skills and methods learnt across the previous Foundation and Master courses. In “Design Studio:” students and teachers integrate and push these skills and mindsets to create rich projects with a high degree of professionally. For students who want to take part in “Design Studio:” a strong sense of curiosity, experimental outlooks, and independence are therefore required. “Design Studio:” allows students to tailor their own personal development as a designer in preparation for their diploma.

We recommend “Design Studio:” as an option for students who feel that they are ready for an ambitions course that expects a large degree of self-driven progress.

Om emnet

Course content

“Design Studio:” is a Master course where the projects are in the centre. During the course students will develop one or more projects across themes and partners curated by the Institute of Design. These can be connected to research projects, external partners or emerging problematics within the field of design. The ambition for this course is to develop stand-out projects where students go in depth into the issues they chose to work with, and create high level outcomes. The core values of the course are exploration and professionalism – meaning that the course encourages the development of reflection, criticality, and new knowledge about emerging fields, but also has the ambition of developing high quality deliveries and communication.

In this course students will have a large degree of freedom and responsibility as to how their projects are developed. ‘Design studio’ is a place for students to integrate the knowledge they have gained throughout their education and work towards exploration, professionalism, and specialisation. A central part of the studio course is to develop project-experience and knowledge about how different forms of larger design projects can be structured and executed.

Students work individually or in small groups. Each project will be followed throughout the semester by a supervisor and, typically, a partner. Partners and supervisors depend on the specialisations that the projects take up: interaction design, industrial design or service design. Each track supervisor will be responsible for the students that choose to follow his or her track. The track may consist of one long project or several projects.

The main teaching structure is mentoring on project level, and the ongoing evaluation of progress. There is a common structure for milestones and core-deliverables throughout the course (development of project descriptions and plans, documentation and deliverables, and main presentations). Co-learning is central across the projects and students will be involved in developing research, lectures and course-materials for the whole group.

Projects will come out of curated themes and partners developed by the Institute of design or from research topics across the institute’s research projects. It is also possible for students to suggest their own themes. Projects can both be done as specialisations towards specific fields, or in inter-disciplinary groups where students from industrial design, service design and interaction-design work together.


a. Knowledge:
The core knowledge outcome of the course is to integrate and mature the processes and methods learnt across the Master of Design. Further, students are expected to develop domain-specific knowledge across their projects, as well as knowledge about how large design projects can be structured and organised.

b. Skills:
In “Design Studio:” students develop core project-handling skills. Including scoping, research, project-description, time-management and communication.

c. General competence:
Across “Design Studio:” the goal is to develop the maturity of the students’ design competence. This is done by both focusing on exploration and professionality on a project-level.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Working and learning activities

The main activities of the course will be project- and specialisation-specific. Across the course there will be a focus on learning project planning, developing and scoping. The course is run in a studio setting, and co-learning across the projects, with some shared lectures and presentations etc, are important. The students will be required to make and present one topic specific “lecture” to the whole “design Studio:”

Work effort:
Students need to present and submit all projects, documentations and presentations in order to be assessed for the course. There is an 80% attendance rate required for all presentations, lectures and workshops etc. Students also need to schedule their own mentoring sessions. Non attendances below 90% need to be accompanied by a doctors certificate.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Veiledningssamtaler Ikke påkrevd
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Veiledningssamtaler
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått Students accepted to the different tracks must define their own learning outcome together with the track responsible, after deciding their focus area. The assessment method, how to make sure the desired learning outcome defined can be met, is to be decided by the track responsible in dialog with the student.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: Students accepted to the different tracks must define their own learning outcome together with the track responsible, after deciding their focus area. The assessment method, how to make sure the desired learning outcome defined can be met, is to be decided by the track responsible in dialog with the student.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:

60 307 Geografiske kunnskaper: fra teknologi til praksisformer

Full course name in English: 
Geographic knowledge: from technology to practice
60 307
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Espen Aukrust Hauglin

Kurset krever generell datakompetanse

Om emnet

Kurset gir en innføring i bruk av geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS) som verktøy for å forstå og tolke bygde miljøer og landskap. Studenten vil bli introdusert til faget gjennom dataøvinger, aktuelle praksisformer og teoretiske diskusjoner. Kurset vektlegger spennet fra teknikker og kildehåndtering, visuell tolkning og fremstilling, til teoretisk kunnskap om geografiens rolle i arkitektur og planlegging.


Et bredt spekter av yrker krever geografisk data og romlig orientert informasjon for å visualisere eksisterende urbane miljøer og som grunnlag for å utvikle prosjekter. Kurset har som mål å utvikle ferdigheter i bruk av GIS som setter studenten i stand til å analysere et sted og dets romlige relasjoner, samtidig som det utvikles ny kunnskap basert på bearbeidet data. Studenten lærer å kommunisere eventuelle funn gjennom grafiske og kartografiske fremstillingsformer.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Hver student skal velge et tema med geografisk relevans som skal utforskes gjennom semesteret. Det vil kreve innsamling/systematisering av geografisk data, tolkning og analyse, samt visuell formidling. Gjennom semesteret vil studenten presentere temaet for faglærer og medstudenter og bearbeide materialet på bakgrunn av innspill og tilbakemeldinger. Det vil bli utarbeidet egne formater for presentasjon og mot slutten av semesteret skal alle besvarelsene stilles ut i form av kart i det avtalte formatet. Det suppleres med tekst og annen informasjon for å gi en fullverdig fremstilling. Sensuren er basert på hvordan temaet er visuelt fremstilt og muntlig presentert, samt bearbeidet og utviklet gjennom semesteret.

Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfeltIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttDet vil bli utarbeidet egne formater for presentasjon og mot slutten av semesteret skal alle besvarelsene stilles ut i form av kart i det avtalte formatet. Det suppleres med tekst og annen informasjon for å gi en fullverdig fremstilling. Sensuren er basert på hvordan temaet er visuelt fremstilt og muntlig presentert, samt bearbeidet og utviklet gjennom semesteret.
Vurderingsform:Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfelt
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Det vil bli utarbeidet egne formater for presentasjon og mot slutten av semesteret skal alle besvarelsene stilles ut i form av kart i det avtalte formatet. Det suppleres med tekst og annen informasjon for å gi en fullverdig fremstilling. Sensuren er basert på hvordan temaet er visuelt fremstilt og muntlig presentert, samt bearbeidet og utviklet gjennom semesteret.

Start semester

60 518 Fjord Almenningen

Full course name in English: 
Fjord Allmenningen
60 518
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 

Open for students in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Mandatory first semester course for Master of Landscape Architecture.

Basic knowledge in architecture, urbanism and landscape.

Om emnet

The harbor area of Oslo has during the last year’s has gone through a strong phase of transformation. This includes all from important infrastructural changes as the E18, that was put in tunnel, to new building projects as Aker Brygge, Tjuvholmen, Barcode, Sørenga, the Opera etc. These projects have taken form in a relatively short period of time in respect to the city’s history and in the municipalities plan for “the Fjord City” there are still remaining several parts to be realized.

In this course we are going to work with area between the Central station, Kvadraturen, the Fjord, the Opera and Barcode /Bjørvika . Fjord Almenningen

The challenges lies in the creation of a place specific project that links Oslo with its waterfront. The goal is to create a landscape park that establishes a continuous and linked open, high quality space structure. As the new center park and plaza in Oslo

The project includes several temporalities from temporal interventions to more long-term design of the landscape. The interaction between the temporal and the constant in the urban environment is part of the project.

The course is divided into three main parts:

  1. Definition of the open space structure is fundamental, in order to link the existing urban tissue and the new areas as well as to integrate the harbor promenade.
  2. Definition of program and planning of temporal functions and activities. How is it possible to create maximal functionality by a minimum investment, and a clever use of what is already to be found on site?
  3. Definition of the long-term landscape project is one of the main focuses of the course.

The projects that the students develop are meant to take part in the public debate and show; which are the qualities that are important in a sustainable city? The course will include how to create a strategic document that will be able to communicate to the towns’ technicians, politicians and users. Therefore it is of importance that the material produced in the course is of high quality.



The course will provide the students with the experience of working on the edge, where the city meets the sea, close to the fjord and discover and achieve proficiency in establishing promenades and parks in an urban structure. The course will work with the man-made and nature, in order to provide the city with a sustainable and recreational dimension. The aim is to design the city where water and land meet and analyze it´s trace deep in the city, as well as far out in the bay.


The course is project based and will provide the student with a spatial understanding of the work of several scales, from scale 1: 10,000 to 1: 1. In the transition between water and landscape, both design and materiality will be a part of the work. Once completed the course the student should have acquired a working-method and a projecting experience in a landscape based project.

General competence:

Understanding for the climatic circumstances in this case at the waterfront in Oslo and how that informs the design of a park-project.

A basic knowledge of vegetation and an understanding of the logics of the landscape and its changes through the different seasons.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter
  1. The course is introduced with a fieldwork where the students make a mapping and create a common knowledge base.
  2. A strategy for an open space structure will be then established. This work is made in groups.
  3. Workshops are organized thematically in order to highlight important phases of the project. In the first workshop the theme is the temporal urban space.
  4. The design of the long-term landscape project is the course's main focus. The course is structured as a continuous projecting process where different phases are thematically defined and emphasized with theoretical lectures in order to contribute to the development of the project.
  5. Working models are essential for this course

-The Landscape project will respond to the seasonal variations and show how it changes over time. 

-The experience from working with the site will be contrasted to analysis of international reference projects. What should a park landscape provide to the city? What can it offer to its users?

-Within the course, study trips are arranged in the Oslo area as well as internationally.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Veiledningssamtaler Ikke påkrevdRegular project reviews, with the teachers.
Ekskursjoner Ikke påkrevdBarcelona or Sydney
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Veiledningssamtaler
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
Kommentar:Regular project reviews, with the teachers.
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Ekskursjoner
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
Kommentar:Barcelona or Sydney
ProsjektoppgaveGruppeBestått / ikke beståttThe main projects will be worked out in small teams (2-3 persons). Shorter exercises are to be developed individually.

The considerations for the marking is:

-The idea basis of the project.

-The realization of the project from idea to form.

- The communication of the project.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The main projects will be worked out in small teams (2-3 persons). Shorter exercises are to be developed individually.

The considerations for the marking is:

-The idea basis of the project.

-The realization of the project from idea to form.

- The communication of the project.
OppmøteIt is recommended that all work be done in the studio on a daily basis.
ForelesningerIt is recommended to follow the AHO guest lectures
It is recommended to follow croqui every month in the season
WorkshopsDesign workshops will be done, with teams related to the project.
Individuell veiledningRegular project reviews, with the teachers.
GjennomgangPresentation in public
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:It is recommended that all work be done in the studio on a daily basis.
Kommentar:It is recommended to follow the AHO guest lectures
It is recommended to follow croqui every month in the season
Kommentar:Design workshops will be done, with teams related to the project.
Aktivitet:Individuell veiledning
Kommentar:Regular project reviews, with the teachers.
Kommentar:Presentation in public

Start semester

65 501 Blå-grønn-hvit infrastruktur

Full course name in English: 
Blue-green-white infrastructure
65 501
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst

Admission to Master of Landscape Architecture program or master's level Architecture.

Recommended previous knowledge:  working knowledge of Adobe InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop, CAD (Civil 3D). Basic 3D modelling, drawing/sketching an advantage

Om emnet

Elemental Concepts for the Subarctic City 2017, 1st. year master, Tromsø

Blue-green-white infrastructure

The studio will investigate how to develop an understanding of nature as infrastructure in the urban context of Tromsø. How can the need for management of urban storm water, sea level rise, waterways and snow storage become spatial resources for city life in the Subarctic city. What is the potential for this to become a multi-layered infrastructure and an integral part of the Subarctic city enhancing its identity?  The pressure for densification of urban areas to minimize transport and exploitation of unbuilt land, accentuates the challenges related to water/snow and the studio seeks to challenge this by investigating how the need for snowspace can release opportunities for the subarctic city. 

While the programme takes the Arctic as its laboratory, the knowledge and know-how it produces aims to have valuable transference value to a more general range of landscapes facing climate and industrial change that affects the urban settlements.

Links to previous studio blogs from the Tromsø Academy:







The studio aims to give the students knowledge about landscape ecology, climate and hydrology in an urban context, with special focus on sub-arctic conditions included the northern social and political context for the practise of landscape architecture. Local knowledge and site-specific project work will provide and produce knowledge especially on water and snow in relation to spatial conditions in the city.

The studio seeks to develop the students’ ability to harvest knowledge and develop their sensitivity to input from site, science and culture as well as the specific social and urban context. The studio aims at training the skill to make this knowledge instrumental to the development of strong concepts and design proposals with artistic quality. The studio will work with drawing/sketching, digital tools, physical models and presentation/communication of ideas/designs.

General competence:
The students are expected to learn how to use their knowledge and skills to conceptualize, coordinate and execute integral designs rooted in the specific local context and the knowledge of human-made and natural systems with special awareness of water and snow as spatial agents in the subarctic urban context. The studio aims to develop an awareness and critical reflection on topics that contribute to the general professional and public discourse and to position their work in relation to this.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The students will work with chosen localities in Tromsø in relation to the themes described above. The studio will work with models, mapping, visualization tools and design development. The students will be involved in on-site field investigations at localities in Tromsø and will be required to extensively walk the site. This field-work will also include collaboration with stormwater experts in the municipality as well as scientists at the University of Tromsø.

Field trip: Oulu or Kiruna

Other modules:

August: 10 days Finnmark county traverse: landscapes, biological laboratories, settlements and cities


  • Applied climate knowledge
  • Urban stormwater/ecology
  • Model/illustration/visualisation techniques
Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning PåkrevdLectures, tutorials, workshops and group reviews have mandatory attendance at 90%.
Øvinger Ikke påkrevdMandatory hand in of all designated deliverables.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Kommentar:Lectures, tutorials, workshops and group reviews have mandatory attendance at 90%.
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Øvinger
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
Kommentar:Mandatory hand in of all designated deliverables.
Prosjektoppgave-Bestått / ikke beståttFinal studio work is presented in group review evaluated by external sensors. Details on deliverables will be provided with the detailed studio plan but normally includes digital presentation and exhibition of model work together with printed posters/boards.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Final studio work is presented in group review evaluated by external sensors. Details on deliverables will be provided with the detailed studio plan but normally includes digital presentation and exhibition of model work together with printed posters/boards.

Start semester

40 512 Body and Space Morphologies : Catharsis IV - Acting and the Collective IV

Full course name in English: 
Body and Space Morphologies : Catharsis IV - Acting and the Collective IV
40 512
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Rolf Gerstlauer

Passed foundation level or bachelor in architecture, the previous or simultaneous participation in the Architecture & Film elective course and a desire to conduct your own experimental artistic research

Om emnet

Body and Space Morphologies is a research based teaching program that offers master studios (Catharsis, 24ect) and elective courses (Architecture & Film, 6ect) in explorative architectural design, sensing and thinking. We aim at, prepare for and enable students to conduct their own architectural investigation as an artistic parallel to scholarly research.

Based on performativity theories, performance studies, neurodiversity studies as well as phenomenology and perception theories, the Catharsis studio works and investigates primal pre- architectural material/processes/phenomena/conditions and develops or performs a series of experienced distinct objects that behave relational, that inspire imagination, that provide new knowledge, architectural interests and/or architectural identities. Instead of mediating architecture through a thought process that works with abstraction, illustration and representation, and that is intentional and argumentative involving the use or development of concepts, ideas and strategies, our design process focuses on the acting, sensing and thinking with objects, and the craft of your hands in the making of them.

Students individually study the performance of and with materials of their choice. The studio emphasizes reiterated acting with a material body and gains experience and confidence in the making as a “becoming architecture”. Lectures critically reflect theories and research related to perception, behavior, performativity and performance in architecture.


You learn to develop strong initiatives for an explorative working process that acts on impulse and that creates visual/haptic experience that again stimulates towards new architectural content. As a student in the Catharsis studio you learn how to submit to performativity as the instance in which to act a real material or event. You will experience issues of optical or haptic visuality from which it is possible to construct or perform artifacts with unique architectural identities. 

Knowledge of:

  • phenomenology of architecture (vs. architectural phenomenology)
  • performativity, performance and performance studies
  • body & space morphologies
  • foundational preparations for an advanced haptic visual and experimental artistic research
  • the role of acting with and through a material (vs. the making of a product or proposal) in an experimental artistic research that shall lead to unique architectural content and/or identities


  • Manufacturing physical works and the craft(s) deployed in the making of these artifacts
  • Narrative drawings and other works or media that bring out, construct and/or perform clear haptic visual identities
  • Performativity in speech and action
  • In the making and exploring of independent and new visual material


  • In acting on impulse with material, objects, environments and/or events
  • In developing distinct initiatives and choosing the craft in which to act or work them
  • To conceive of and present/communicate unique architectural content/research through a visual material and the phenomena or conditions experienced in it
  • To present own haptic visual material together with verbal and written reflections on process and/or performance 

For students in their sequel Catharsis studio:

  • Knowledge of the relevance artistic research keeps to perform unique architectural content and/or identities 
  • Expertise in the making and exploring of independent and new visual material
  • Competence to enter a discursive space in architecture on the basis of your own work and research on relational objects 
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter
  • The main activity is a semester long individual artistic research work that studies the performance of and with materials or events
  • Mandatory reading is handed out on the respective course days, a recommended reading list is available online
  • Weekly 2-3 lectures
  • Weekly table talks / supervision
  • Weekly summing up w/ student driven content
  • Fieldtrip with workshop in Lista (Object Relations)
  • Study trip to New York (Fall 2017) and Japan (Spring 2018) with the focus on architectural and/or artistic necessities
  • 4 public reviews
  • 2 sessions with individual reviews (not public)
  • Final public review with external censors
  • Preparations for a final exhibition with written detailed resume
  • Publication (for students in their sequel Catharsis studio) 

Catharsis IV - Acting and The Collective IV

The topic is CATHARSIS; an inspiration to “Act The Collective” or to “Act Because Of The Collective” either as the architectural “relief from strong or repressed emotions” or, as the subversive antonym to it, “causing repression and/or strong emotions”. How to free and architecturally act a desire driven emotive collective, or how to conceive architecture in response to such a collective, is the task for these semesters. Students are to develop their own personal architectural program in relation to a social construct, a built autonomous construct and a desired connection to nature/environment. The studio works on the subthemes of “expression, language and the inexpressible”.

Semester Task

Spatially to release your necessity to make something because of something. To act, react or enact the collective (a chosen group of individuals; e.g. spectators, visitors, dwellers, workers, travellers, onlookers, mourners, guests, ill, suppressed, free, animals, people etc.) through a distinct architecture / architectural awareness. To experience, reflect upon and describe the necessity/necessities made.

Body and Space Morphology - a syllabus

Body and space morphology is about the relationship between body and space.

How it manifests itself to be human in a room; outdoors, indoor, outside and inside, and within the manmade room. Alone or together, as one amongst the thousand, or as the thousand above the one.

Body and space morphology is about your body and the room you have within.

How it manifests itself to be human in architecture; what it inspires us to, and what it inspires as an architecture, towards an architecture. Seeing the offer that lies in architecture, the perversion of it, the infrastructure, the poesy, the container, the gate, darkness or light from darkness.

Body and space morphology is about meeting the wall.

How it manifests itself being human between the walls; knowing or not knowing the self, loneliness, longings and all that is imaginable. Seeing change, insights and outlooks, transparency and visibility, hideouts in an omnipresence of the stage. Seeing light come and go, seeing chairs and mirrors shrink and grow. Seeing how all things inhabit and capture the room. Beining between and at the walls. Looking at how they swallow and devour the things. Seeing how the walls become.

Body and space morphology is about the problem of body.

How it manifests itself to face the unknown; what presents itself as new or what just became in front of you. That which yet not has a name, although it shows itself, can be touched, heard, smelled and felt. That which stands sound and nevertheless can leave, that which can or cannot be moved; moves us.

Body and space morphology is about the distance in space.

How it manifests itself to stand still; moving just a little, approaching things nevertheless, every thing, to jump, penetrate, going into things, turning around, looking up and down, taking on the things, looking back and keep moving on.

Body and space morphology is about what we do not know and approach anyway.

Without a map there are only lines and without a compass directions just get more, then the word world is exploded before recognition has become, and it is resemblance and closeness that which implodes us astray. This you might endure and as you wish.

Body and space morphology is about “to act necessities”;

wanton and radically so, using your hands, using the other, using your head but not meaning a thing, acting abstract, acting the figure, autonomous it is and dirty it will get, serious too; ridiculous and radically so.


Recommended Literature

Abraham, A. A new nature: 9 architectural conditions between liquid and solid

Allen, S. Points and Lines

Arendt, H. The Human Condition

Arendt, H. On Violence

Barthes, R. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography

Barthes, R. Empire of signs

Barthes, R, & Heath, S. Image, music, text

Benjamin, W. The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media

Benjamin, W. Walter Benjamin’s archive: Images, texts and Signs

Benjamin, W. On Hashish Berger, John. About Looking

Berger, J. Why Look at Animals?

Berger, J; with Dibb, M., Blomberg, S., Fox, C. & Hollis, R. Ways of Seeing

Borges, J. L. Labyrinths

Calvino, I. Invisible cities

Deleuze, G. Francis Bacon: the logic of sensation

Deligny, F. The Arachnean and other texts

Descola ,P. Beyond Nature and Culture

Descola, P. The Ecology of Others

Derrida, J. The truth in painting

De Toledo, S. A. Cartes et lignes d’erre / Maps and wander lines: Traces du réseau de Fernand Deligny

Druot, F., Lacaton, A. & Vassal, J-P. Plus

Ellis, B. E. American Psycho: A novel

Fehn, S. The poetry of the straight line_Den rette linjes poesi

Fjeld, P. O.. Sverre Fehn. The pattern of thoughts

Flusser, V. Towards a Philosophy of Photography

Frampton, K. Labour, work and architecture: collected essays on architecture and design

Gissen, D. Territory: architecture beyond environment

Godard, J-L, & Ishaghpour, Y. How video made the history of cinema possible

Hays, M. K. Architecture theory since 1968

Hejduk, J. Architectures in Love. Sketchbook Notes

Hustvedt, S. The blazing world: A novel

Hustvedt, S. What I loved: A novel

Kittler, F. Optical Media

Kittler, F. & others. ReMembering the Body: Body and Movement in the 20th Century

Koestler, A. The Roots Of Coincidence. An Excursion Into Parapsychology

Koestler, A. The Act of Creation, a Study of the Conscious and Unconscious in Science and Art

Koestler, A. The Ghost In The Machine: The Urge To Self-Destruction

Kracauer, S. Theory of Film: the Redemption of Physical Reality

Krauss, R. & Bois, Y. A. Formless – A Users guide

Kwinter, S. Architectures of time: toward a theory of the event in modernist culture

Leatherbarrow, D. Uncommon ground: architecture, technology, and topography

Merleau-Ponty, M. Phenomenology of PerceptionM umford, Lewis. The transformations of man

Kolhaas, R. & Obrist, H. U. Project Japan: Metabolism Talks

Richter, G., & Friedel, H. Gerhard Richter: ATLAS

Scarry, E. The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World

Serres, M., Malfeance: appropriation through pollution

Skinner, B. F. Walden Two

Sontag, S. Regarding the Pain of Others

Sontag, S. On Photography

Stein, E. On the Problem of Empathy

Stein, E. Potency and Act, studies toward a philosophy of being

Stein, E. Finite and Eternal Being: an Attempt at an Ascent to the Meaning of Being

Thoreau, H. D. Walden, Or, Life in the Woods

Vesely, D. Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation. Question of Creativity ...

Viola, B. Reasons for knocking at an empty house: writings 1973- 1994

Woolf, V. Kew Gardens

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning PåkrevdAttendance & participation in the studio: 20 weeks fulltime study (except for the attendance in the elective course that runs parallel to the master studio). The work has to be conducted and performed in the studio - the material is present at any time. Mandatory attendance during the studio work and the talks, lectures and studio discussions/reviews/workshop/fieldtrip/final exhibition and final crit.

Attendance & participation at reviews: 4 public mid-term reviews, 2 individual reviews and the final public review with external examiner Professor Anders Abraham (Kadk Copenhagen - not confirmed yet).
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Kommentar:Attendance & participation in the studio: 20 weeks fulltime study (except for the attendance in the elective course that runs parallel to the master studio). The work has to be conducted and performed in the studio - the material is present at any time. Mandatory attendance during the studio work and the talks, lectures and studio discussions/reviews/workshop/fieldtrip/final exhibition and final crit.

Attendance & participation at reviews: 4 public mid-term reviews, 2 individual reviews and the final public review with external examiner Professor Anders Abraham (Kadk Copenhagen - not confirmed yet).
VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttExercises (practical and theoretical), Project (individual presentation and submission) and Text/essay: For each of the reviews, assignments are announced on the moodle platform and the students hand in visuals and textual works which is complementary to the actual physical work made available and presented in the reviews. The final exhibition includes visual haptic material and a final essay ca 5-10000 words).
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Exercises (practical and theoretical), Project (individual presentation and submission) and Text/essay: For each of the reviews, assignments are announced on the moodle platform and the students hand in visuals and textual works which is complementary to the actual physical work made available and presented in the reviews. The final exhibition includes visual haptic material and a final essay ca 5-10000 words).
EkskursjonThe fall 2017 semester includes a study trip to New York (approx. 10-12 days, not mandatory) and a 3 days field-trip to the Lista environment (south-west coast of Norway).
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:The fall 2017 semester includes a study trip to New York (approx. 10-12 days, not mandatory) and a 3 days field-trip to the Lista environment (south-west coast of Norway).
