fbpx 2021 Høst | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


2021 Høst

70 153 Design Forskning

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 Designforskning
Course code: 
70 153
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Guttorm Ruud
Required prerequisite courses: 
70 142 GK4 Design Theory 1
Required prerequisite knowledge

Gjennomført kurs under forkunnskapskrav eller tilsvarende. 

Course content

Kurset bygger videre på arbeidet fra Designteori 1 og tar for seg hvordan designkunnskap anvendes i forskning. Gjennom studentenes arbeid med egen tekst gir kurset et grunnlag for forståelse av hva designforskning kan være og hvordan den er relevant for praksis. Kurset gir grunnlag for å anvende teoretiske og metodiske tilnærminger relevante for designfaget i dag. Tverrfaglige problemstillinger blir tatt opp for å engasjere og selvstendiggjøre studentene i mangfoldet av teoriutøvelse. Kurset støtter og utvikler en kritisk tilnærming til studentens praksis i studio og deres posisjon som designere utover fagutøvelsen. Studentene skal utvikle en kritisk og nyansert designforståelse gjennom kritikk og kommunikasjon, etikk og kultur. Kurset har som mål å få studentene til i å forholde seg til en sammensatt designpraksis gjennom øvelser i etikk og historie, estetikk og metode, kommunikasjon og samarbeid. Designfaget utøves i samarbeid ofte tett med andre fagfelt, som bygger på andre teorier, prioriteringer og prinsipper. Målet med kurset er å styrke designstudentenes evne til å reflektere over og kommunisere eget virke og eget fag.

Learning outcome


  • Studentene skal kunne finne kunnskap om sentrale underliggende temaer i designfaget, samt sentrale personer, tekster, designarbeider og designere. 
  • Studentene skal utvikle en kritisk tilnærming til mangfoldet av kilder i design og andre relevante kunnskapsfelt.


  • Studentene skal utvikle forståelse for egen posisjon i designfeltet, designs underliggende prinsipper og systemer, holdninger og mekanismer.
  • Kurset vil styrke designerens evner til å møte andre fagfelt og ukjente aktører. 
  • Studentene skal lære å bruke strategier og metoder for å finne ut av hvordan man kan designe for nye situasjoner og ukjente aktører gjennom å finne og anvende relevant forskning og teori.
  • Studentene skal være i stand til å finne referanse i litteratur samt relevant design og relevante designere for å forme en kritisk tilnærming til designtemaer og problemstillinger.
  • Studentene skal kunne formulere gode spørsmål og kunne underbygge og begrunne dem på bakgrunn av problemstillinger i eget felt.



  • Studentene skal kunne forholde seg til et sammensatt standpunkt i designfaget og kunne se sitt eget faglige ståsted og utøvelse i perspektiv.
  • Studentene skal – gjennom oppgaver og diskusjoner – ha vist evner til å engasjere seg i, artikulere og diskutere ulike temaer innen design.
  • Studentene skal ha opparbeidet seg et repertoar av metoder og strategier for å utvikle en aktiv innsikt i sentrale diskurser og teoretiske perspektiver knyttet til design i dag.
Working and learning activities

Arbeid med egen tekst, forberedende lesing, forelesninger med oppfølgende oppgaver oppgaver (individuelle og i plenum, praktiske og skriftlige), diskusjoner og korte presentasjoner.



Prosjektoppgave (i form av abstract og vitenskapelig essay) som reflekterer studentens læringsutbytte.


Kurset har en litteraturliste i Leganto, tilgjengelig på Moodle. Studentene kan også få utlevert essays, artikler og bokkapitler fortløpende i kurset, som også vil bli gjort tilgjengelig på Moodle.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
Written assignments
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Written assignments
Workload activity:Attendance

70 111 GK1 Introduksjon til design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Introduksjon til design
Course code: 
70 111
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Vera Pahle
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet

Course content

Semesteret inneholder en innføring i grunnleggende kunnskap om de ulike designretningene industridesign, interaksjonsdesign og tjenestedesign. Studentene blir introdusert til nye måter å lære og arbeide på - gjennom kreative prosesser og verktøy, for å tilegne seg designkunnskap. Øvelser og oppgaver i tegning, formgivning og visuell formidling flettes inn i prosjektene for å bygge en forståelse for kreative prosesser, samarbeid og kultur. Semesteret inneholder moduler som gir ny innsikt om designmetoder og kreative teknikker, og ender i et større prosjekt mot slutten av semesteret. Studentene vil gradvis øves i å ta større ansvar for egen læring. Det er lagt vekt på ulike innfallsvinkler, som alle bidrar til en bred forståelse til design. Semesteret inneholder en egen verkstedsmodul med utforsking av materialer og opplæring i relevante teknikker for konstruksjon av modeller. Denne verkstedmodulen må bestås for å få lov til å bruke verkstedene gjennom studiet.

Learning outcome

• Kunnskap om designretningene: industridesign, interaksjonsdesign og tjenestedesign
• Kunnskap om kreative prosesser og verktøy
• Kunnskap om materialer, formgivning og visuell kommunikasjon
• Kunnskap om begreper og vokabular i designfaget
• Kunnskap om grunnleggende tegneteknikker


• Kreative metoder for ideer og konseptutvikling
• Utvikle tegneferdigheter
• Verktøy- og materialforståelse fra verkstedet
• Evner til å lage prototyper og modeller
• Grunnleggende ferdigheter i relevante digitale designprogrammer
• Evner til å artikulere, reflektere og presentere designprosjekter

• Tilegnet seg en grunnleggende forståelse for en designprosess, bruk av relevante teknikker og verktøy, samt en estetisk bevissthet.

Working and learning activities

Forelesninger, øvingsoppgaver, prosjektarbeid, individuell- og gruppevis veiledning. Semesteret inneholder en 2 ukers obligatorisk verkstedmodul. Kombinasjon av individuelt arbeid og gruppearbeid.


Kurset har et kompendium som er obligatorisk lesning, i tillegg til anbefalt litteraturliste. LItteraturlisten ligger i Leganto på Moodle.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failAlle obligatoriske innleveringer/moduler må bestås frittstående innen angitt tidsfrist for å bestå semesteret.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Alle obligatoriske innleveringer/moduler må bestås frittstående innen angitt tidsfrist for å bestå semesteret.
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance

70 152 GK5 Identity and Servicedesign

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 Identitet og tjenestedesign
Course code: 
70 152
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Claire Dennington
Required prerequisite courses: 
70 110 Design Basics
70 120 GK2 Brukersentrert design
70 130 GK3 Interaktive produkter
70 141 GK4 Industridesign i kontekst
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed courses under prerequisit knowledge or equivalent.

Course content

The course is an introduction to service design and brand identity, focusing on experience design. In the course of the semester, the students will develop a brand in a relevant topic defined at the start of the semester. The students shall develop a design solution in response to the assignment. The goal is to develop their own brand concept, and to communicate values and identity in a new brand through experience, service and touchpoints as a product and/or interaction and visual identity. Emphasis is placed on the process and methods, and the process shall be documented in a written report at the end of the semester.

Learning outcome


After completing the course, the student is expected to have knowledge of:

  • brand theory: strategy, vision, values, competitors etc.
  • how to develop a brand concept
  • how to develop a service concept that translates the brand values into a relevant service experience
  • how to develop and design a visual identity
  • how to develop and design a customer journey
  • how to develop and design other relevant touchpoints
  • how to develop and design a product and/or interaction (prototype)
  • basic knowledge of the AT ONE service design method (Actor, Touchpoints, Offerings, Needs, Experiences)

The students shall:

  • be able to describe their own brand concept
  • have knowledge of what a brand strategy includes
  • be able to use user-oriented methods to develop their own brand and service
  • be able to define possible target groups and competitors for their own brand and service
  • have knowledge of positioning in relation to target groups
  • know methods for developing a service and visualising it through a service journey and in relation to the desired experience
  • have knowledge of how the service journey can be used to map an existing customer experience and as a method of designing and planning a new customer experience
  • know methods for developing a visual identity in line with an overriding strategy


    The students shall learn how to develop brands and services, and what role they play in society today. The students shall then develop critical thinking on a given topic, and master the basic principles involved in the development of a brand concept


Working and learning activities

The teaching is studio-based and centred on a main project to be carried out in the course of the semester. The students work individually. The course consists of lectures, including theory lectures, workshops, excursions, company visits, and individual and group supervision. The course comprises three reviews in addition to a final presentation that includes a report. The students must pass all reviews and the final delivery to be awarded a grade


The course has a compulsory compendium, in addition to the list of recommended literature.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Exercise2Required 2 mandatory deliveries + presentation at two mid-term reviews, must be submitted and presented in order to pass the course
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Exercise
Courseworks required:2
Presence required:Required
Comment: 2 mandatory deliveries + presentation at two mid-term reviews, must be submitted and presented in order to pass the course
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualA-F Final report, presentation at the final reviews and exhibition material will althogether be part of the assessment.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:A-F
Comment: Final report, presentation at the final reviews and exhibition material will althogether be part of the assessment.
Workload activityComment
Attendance The students are expected to be present in the studio daily from 09.00-16.00
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: The students are expected to be present in the studio daily from 09.00-16.00

70 132 GK3 Design History 2

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Designhistorie 2 - Nyere tid
Course code: 
70 132
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Steinar Killi
Required prerequisite courses: 
70 123 G2 Design history
Required prerequisite knowledge

Gjennomført kurs under forkunnskapskrav eller tilsvarende. 

Course content

Designhistorie 2 bygger på designhistorie 1, og omfatter en bred introduksjon til designteoretiske diskurser knyttet til vår egen samtid. Emnet innledes med ulike faghistoriske streiftog inn i hhv skrifthistorie, drakthistorie, møbelhistorie og produktdesign historie. Deretter fortsetter vi med en samtidshistorisk gjennomgang av utviklingen fra tusenårsskiftet og frem til dags dato med fokus på media- og informasjonsrevolusjonen, samt en utvikling innenfor design – og kunstfeltet fra objekt til opplevelse. Emnet avsluttes med et fokus på film, kjønn og blikk, og den kinematografiske estetikkens påvirkning på kunst, design og mote.

Learning outcome


Etter endt kurs skal studentene skal ha:

  • Kunnskap om de ulike fagtradisjonene innenfor designhistorien. (Drakthistorie, møbelhistorie, skrifthistorie, industridesignhistorie og immateriell design)
  • Bred innsikt i sentrale filmteoretiske diskurser, og kunnskap om den kinematografiske estetikkens påvirkning på kunst og design.
  • Bred innsikt i sentrale diskurser og teoretiske perspektiver knyttet til samtidens design og kunst.



Studentene skal lære å:

  • Analysere og redegjøre for stiler og epoker skiftelig og muntlig.
  • kunne sette samtidens designuttrykk inn i et historisk perspektiv
  • Se seg selv, sin faglige utøvelse og sitt faglige ståsted i perspektiv  
  • ha bred innsikt i sentrale diskurser og teoretiske perspektiver knyttet til samtidens design og kunst.
  • På en selvstendig måte å reise interessante problemstillinger på bakgrunn av en designteoretiske eller estetisk tema, og å formulere dekkende visuelle responser.
  • kunne oppsøke, hente og utnytte kunst og designreferanser fra ulike kilder.



Et hovedmål for emnet er å utvikle studentens forståelse for omgivelsene; skjerpe deres blikk hvilken betydning omgivelser og tings utforming har. Som fremtidige produsenter av bilder, rom, gjenstander, visuelle uttrykk og sosiale situasjoner, er det viktig at studenten utvikler et bevisst forhold til hva de setter ut i virkeligheten, ikke minst med tanke på at vi lever i en visuelt overstimulert og oppjaget konsumkultur, noe som gir grunn til å problematisere den stadig økende fremstilling av materielle og visuelle produkter.

Working and learning activities

Lærer i kurset: Mona Pahle Bjerke fra KHIO

Kurset Designhistorie 1 er formidlet:  

  • Gjennom forelesninger 2 – 3 timer hver mandag morgen. De tre første gangene blir digitale. Deretter holdes forelesningen i klasserommet til GK3 på AHO (A1)
  • Studentene skal også studere på egenhånd.
  • Egenstudier og tekstlesing er en viktig del av kurset. Kurset inkluderer en pensumsliste.    
  • Ved slutten av semesteret skal studentene levere inn et hefte, der de har formulert visuelle ”svar” på teoretiske problemstillinger knyttet til de ulike forelesningene.

 Til begge emner hører et teoretisk pensum, der studentene leser og fremlegger alt fra historisk oversiktsverker, filosofi til estetiske og designteoretiske perspektiver, som skal berike deres forståelse og utvide deres horisont. Teoretiske tekster hentet fra nevnte pensum leses av studentene individuelt eller gjennom kollokviearbeide. Hver uke fremlegger en gruppe en utvalgt tekst som er relevant for den dagens forelesning. Begge emner avsluttes med innlevering av arbeidsbok, der oppgaven er å trekke ut vesentlige punkter fra et omfattende historisk eller teoretisk stoff og å selv klare å reise en problemstilling i forhold til dette materialet, som studentene skal svare på visuelt i arbeidsboken. Det kreves av studentene at de er tilstede i undervisningen, er aktivt deltakende eller lyttende, at de fremlegger en utdelt tekstpassasje for kursleder og resten av gruppen en til to ganger i løpet av hvert semester og leverer skriftlig arbeid/mappe innen angitt frist.

30 studenter fra KHIO deltar på kurset.


Kunsthistoriske grunnbøker/Bakgrunnslesning:

Danbolt/Kjerschow: Billedspor bind 1 & 2.

Gunnar Danbolt: Frå modernisme til det kontemporære

Hal Foster (red) Art Since 1900

E. H. Gombrich: Verdenskunsten/ The Story of Art

Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya: Gardner's Art through the Ages.

Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art

Øistein Ustvedt: Ny norsk kunst etter 1990

Design- og arkitekturhistoriske grunnbøker:

Peter Anker (red) “Møbler og mennesker”

Didier Aubry & Tom Vavik: Produktdesign.

G. Bergan og T. Dysthe: Tingenes århundre 1900 – 2000.

Odd Brockmann: Om stygt og pent

William J.R. Curtis: Modern Architecture

Thomas Thiis-Evensen: Europas arkitekturhistorie fra idé til form.

F. Wildhagen: Norge i Form.

Estetisk teori og filosofi mm

Theodor Adorno: Aesthetic theory

Theodor Adorno: Culture industry

Hanna Arendt: On totalitarianism (Del 1: “Antisemitism”)

Roland Barthes: Mythologies (Forord + “The World of Wrestling” + “Myth today”)

Roland Barthes: The Fashion system (Introduksjon +1. Kapittel)

Roland Barthes: Camera Lucida/Det lyse kammer

Simone de Beauvoir: Det annet kjønn (Innledning + 1.del: Skjebnen & 2.del: Historien)

Walter Benjamin: “The Work of Art in the age of mechanical reproduction”

Pierre Bourdieus Distinksjonen. (Forord + innledning) 

Nicolas Bourriaud: Relasjonell estetikk.

Guy Debord: Society of the Spectacle (Første del)

William Easterly: ”The White Mans Burden” (Første del)

Clement Greenberg ”Towards a newer Laocoon”

Paul Greenhalgh: The Persistence of Crafts – Applied Arts Today

Walter Gropious: “The Theory and organization of the Bauhaus.”

Dick Hebdige: The meaning of Style .

Le Corbusier: Towards a new architecture (Utdrag se lenke) https://www.ntnu.no/wiki/download/attachments/32539747/le+Corbusier.pdf

Louise Mazanti: En teori for nutidig konceptuelt kunsthåndverk.

Marshall Mc Luhan: Mennesket og media. (Innledning + “Medie er budskapet” & “Varme og kalde media”)

Marcel Mauss: Gaven: Utvekslingens form og årsak i arkaiske samfunn.

Laura Mulvey “The Visual pleasure and narrative Cinema”

Craig Owens ”The Allegorical impulse: Towards a Theory of Postmodernism”

Robert Pattison: The Triumph of Vulgarity: Rock music in the Mirror of Romanticism

Gregor Paulsson Vackrare Vardagsvara (Svenska sløydforeningen)

Kjetil Rollnes Vulgær og vidunderlig: En studie i utsøkt dårlig smak

John Ruskin: The Stones of Venice (1.kapittel: “The Quarry” + 4.kapittel: “St. Marks”)

Edward Said: Orientalism (Forord +Introduksjon + Etterord) 

Slavoj Zizeks (Red) Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan, but were afraid to ask Hitchcock. Introduksjon + ”In His Bold Gaze My Ruin Is Writ Large”



Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail A limited number of assignments during the course must be completed and delivered.
The final delivery will consist of a couple of exercises and an essay, which is a written discussion on a text from the reading list.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment: A limited number of assignments during the course must be completed and delivered.
The final delivery will consist of a couple of exercises and an essay, which is a written discussion on a text from the reading list.
Workload activityComment
Attendance A 80% attendance at lectures is expected.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: A 80% attendance at lectures is expected.

70 130 GK3 Interactive Products

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Interaktive Produkter
Course code: 
70 130
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Lars Marcus Vedeler
Required prerequisite courses: 
70 110 Design Basics
70 120 GK2 Brukersentrert design
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed courses mentioned in prerequisite knowledge or equivalent.

Course content

The course gives students an introduction to the field of interaction design. Interaction design is about designing how we use and experience technology. Interaction designers develop digital products and interfaces, such as mobile apps, games, online services and social media. The field is closely connected to digital developments in society, and is an increasingly important part of the work of designers. The course provides an introduction to digital materials and design methods used to create experiences and expressions through technology. Traditional design materials like wood and plastic are used in the design of interactive products, but also technical materials and tools such as electronics, user data and programming.

The course focuses on products at the intersection between the physical and the digital, and thereby builds on practical and aesthetic skills acquired in previous courses. In addition to providing an introduction to interaction design, the course also addresses the relationship between culture, design, communication and technology. We ask: How can design shape our digital lives? How can design be used to understand and interpret technology creatively, and thereby create good user experiences and aesthetic expressions?

Learning outcome


  • The course is intended to give students a basic understanding of the field of interaction design, including terminology, history and discussions.
  • Students shall be familiar with and be able to consider the possibilities and challenges that interactive technology provides in a broader design context, for example in product and service development.
  • The course shall give students an insight into the relationship between culture and technology, and discuss how they relate to design.
  • The students will encounter topics relating to the use of technology in a cultural and social perspective, through discussions of innovation and the user experience, among other things.


  • The students will be given an insight into materials and technology used in interaction design, focusing on exploration and interpretation through practical projects. The main focus is on giving the students an introduction to and practice in basic interaction design skills.
  • The students are given an insight into and practice in tools and methods used to design interactions through aesthetic expressions and experiences over time. Through projects and exercises, students will be given an introduction to the practical skills needed to design interactive technologies, including electronics, programming and the interpretation and visualisation of data.


 Projects and workshops provide the students with practice in the skills needed for creative experimentation and testing through different forms of sketches and prototypes. The course will also give students training in communication through different media used to communicate interactive products, such as digital graphics, film and photography.


Working and learning activities

The course takes a practical approach to interaction design and is taught through a series of projects and workshops. Emphasis is placed on providing an overview of interactive possibilities and practical experimentation. The students will be introduced to electronics, computer visualisation, film, photography and web development, among other things. The focus will be on creative experimentation, prototyping and testing, rather than technical in-depth knowledge. The course consists of a large amount of group work, but also individual exercises. The practical parts of the course are complemented by a number of lectures and conversations with designers and specialists in the field.

Workload activity. Throughout the semester, the students will prepare, submit and present a series of projects and exercises. They shall also be documented online. Documentation and presentation requirements apply. The students must present and submit all projects in order to pass the course. The grade is set based on their development, process and results.

Reading list, workshop, excursions and other support: The course will teach the students how to use simple electronics. Necessary electronics kits must be ordered by the individual students. This will be organised at the start of the semester.



The website for the course will contain a list of required reading that students follow through the semester.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualA-F All submissions, presentations and assignments will form part of the assessment basis for the course, in the form of a portfolio assessment. All projects must be submitted online by the end of the course. For group work, all students are required to document their own contribution to the work, and this documentation will form part of the assessment basis.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:A-F
Comment: All submissions, presentations and assignments will form part of the assessment basis for the course, in the form of a portfolio assessment. All projects must be submitted online by the end of the course. For group work, all students are required to document their own contribution to the work, and this documentation will form part of the assessment basis.

70 113 GK1 Skriveøvelser design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Skriveøvelser design
Course code: 
70 113
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Steinar Killi
Required prerequisite knowledge

Kurset er et tilbud til de studentene som har Ex-phil før de begynner ved AHO.

Course content

Fire designtekster, artikler, kapitler, presentasjoner blir diskutert i grupper. Forskjellige professorer vil tilrettelegge tekstene med tilhørende arbeidsoppgaver gjennom kurset. Tekstene vil representere forskjellige tilnærminger til designfaget.

Learning outcome


Studentene skal kunne :

  • Ha et overblikk over forskjellige skriftlige formater innenfor design
  • Foreta en analyse av design tekster, med tanke på innhold og uttrykk
  • Kritisk lesning av fagtekster innen designfeltet.

Studentene skal kunne anvende metoder som:

  • Komparativ analyse
  • Nærlesning av fagtekster i forskjellige sjangere
  • Forståelse for hvordan design sees og beskrives innenfor forskning samt i litterær og kunstnerisk sammenheng

Ha kjennskap til formater og strukturer i design litteraturen

  • Kjenne til typiske trekk ved design-faglig litteratur
  • Kunne diskutere og beskrive design i en rekke genre
Working and learning activities

Tekster vil bli distribuert og behandlet i seminarer med ansvarlig professor. En arbeids oppgave utføres i sammenheng med hver tekst.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Exercise Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Exercise
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance

12 803

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom Landskapsarkitektur
Course code: 
12 803
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Hanne Bat Finke
Required prerequisite knowledge

Successful completion of 90 ECTS, successful completion of a pre-diploma report, approved by an advisor and the head of department.

Course content

The diploma semester at AHO is an independent research and design task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a complete work of exceptional quality contributing to the discipline’s discourse.

Learning outcome

General proficiency

  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that contribute to inform architectural, urban and landscape design work
  • Ability to see the particular approaches and methods of the discipline in relation to society and contemporary landscape situations.


  • Knowledge of the theoretical and policy-related elements pertaining to the field of research and practice within the discipline.
  • A mastery of the methods, tools and media inherent to urban and landscape design
  • An awareness of urban and landscape design’s historical, societal and theoretical background and context


  • An ability to undertake an independent and responsible project development.
  • Ability to conceive of, conceptualize and design a specific project pertaining to a specific situation or problem.
  • An ability to employ the range of knowledge within the discipline in the specific diploma research and design.
  • An ability to communicate design ideas and results to professionals and laypersons
Working and learning activities

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief. Interim presentations and a final presentation is mandatory.

The diploma semester starts of with an information meeting where both administrative and academic staff is present. Main source of information and updates during the semester is Moodle, and as a diploma student you are obligated to familiarize yourself with the AHO's diploma regulations.  The regulations outlines the frame work of the diploma semester, and describes details conceringin submission, reviews and assessment. 

A diploma project may be withdrawn from examination by December 1st (Fall semester) and May 1st (Spring semester).

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Required2 mid term reviews
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:2 mid term reviews
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failReport and presentation of diploma project. External censors.
The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Report and presentation of diploma project. External censors.
The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.

Start semester

SOD1 System Oriented Design and Gigamapping

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
System Oriented Design and Gigamapping
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Birger Sevaldson
Course content

The module is an introduction to systems-oriented design history and the reasons for the broad interdisciplinary and international interest in the discipline. It also provides an update on the standing of systems-oriented design in relation to other relevant fields. The module engages with the concept of design thinking.

The world is becoming increasingly complex, and all sectors are realising that simple solutions do not work, as everything is connected. We regard different problem areas as a system of systems. The module introduces systemic thinking and important concepts and tools of relevance for systemic design. Students explore key issues and receive training in Gigamapping. Systemic thinking and basic comprehension of systems-oriented design form the basis of the course. The module further focuses on understanding the problem area in the projects which the students choose to develop.

Learning outcome
  • A basic understanding of systems-oriented design and systemic thinking
  • Master Gigamapping with ZIP and IMP analysis
Working and learning activities

The module consists of lectures, brief introductions to exercises and practical work in groups of students who encounter similar problems in their own work situations. The module is comprised of two seminars:

  • Seminar I – AHO in Oslo – September 2021
  • Seminar II – digital via Zoom – October 2021



An updated reading list will be available at the time of admission.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Oral presentationIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Oral presentation
Grading scale:Pass / fail

Start semester

SOD2 Transdisciplinary work and systems theory

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Transdisciplinary work and systems theory
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Andreas Wettre
Course content

In a complex world that requires a high level of expertise, it is natural to differentiate fields into separate units or areas to attain sufficient depth. However, this approach is challenging when complex issues require collaboration between many fields to gain an adequate understanding ofthe problems and to ensure that the devised solutions do not unintentionally result in new complications. In this module, we examine the challenges of succeeding with transdisciplinary work, and we link them to various systems theories. These insights are subsequently connected to the students’ projects and the development of expert networks. In addition, we cover topics such as innovation, organisational change, psychology and facilitation. We also engage with extreme teaming and, naturally, its associated management aspects.

Learning outcome
  • A deeper understanding of the challenges of transdisciplinary cooperation
  • Increased comprehension of systems theory
  • Knowledge of processes for interdisciplinary work in innovation processes
  • Larger ‘toolbox’ for managing transdisciplinary teams assembled to solve complex tasks
Working and learning activities

The module consists of two seminars and a final presentation of the expert network.

  • Seminar I – AHO in Oslo – November 2021: Focuses on interdisciplinary cooperation, challenges and management/process tools
  • Seminar II – digital via Zoom – November 2021: Concentrates on systems theory in relation to problem areas and interdisciplinary cooperation

An updated reading list will be available at the time of admission. 

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualPass / fail
Oral presentationIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Oral presentation
Grading scale:Pass / fail

Start semester

65 304 Digital landscapes

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Digital landscapes
Course code: 
65 304
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2021 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Course content

NOTE: This course is taught in Tromsø and requires admission to Landscape arrchitecture studies on master`s level.

Combined theory and practical course with a focus on digital resources to use in studies of landscape and larger territories.

The course gives insight to theory and technology behind central digital resources and knowledge of their practical application within different fields, including how they can be applied innovatively within landscape architecture.

The course will, among others, give knowledge of remotesensingas a technology, and practical training in the application of LIDAR for surveying terrain and vegetation and GIS for the simulation of wind and water flow.

Learning outcome

After passing the course, the student will have the following learningoutcomes:


•Specific knowledge of the use of LIDAR and GIS•General knowledge of the theory and technology behind central digital resources which can be used for the study of landscape and larger territories, including remote sensing.

•Understanding of the significance of digital resources for the study of landscape and larger territories and as innovative tools in the development of landscape architecture.


•To be able to collect and handle data from the internet for use in studies of landscape and larger territories.

•To be able to apply LIDAR to the surveying of terrain and vegetation.

•To be able to apply GIS to simulate wind and water flow.

General competence:

•The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in connection with practical exercises.

•The ability to apply LIDAR and GIS through practical exercises with a certain degree of complexity.

•The ability to reflect critically on the possibilities and limitations of digital resources in relation to the study of andscape, larger territories and the development of landscape architecture.

Working and learning activities

Teaching is undertaken through a series of lectures, text reviews and practical exercises, individually or in groups.


The following courseworkrequirements must be met before the exam can take place:

•Reflective notes.

•Documentation of exercises using LIDAR and GIS


Evaluation of the study program is in accordance with the quality assurance system for the educational activities at UiT Norway's Arctic University and evaluation plans at UMAK, Academy of Fine Arts.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualA-FHome exam:

•A written task/response to a given theme. Range 5-8 pages (approx. 1750-2800 words).
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:Home exam:

•A written task/response to a given theme. Range 5-8 pages (approx. 1750-2800 words).
