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Kjersti Karoline FretlandJohanna Sofie Brämersson

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Through exploration of underlying structures we saw that much of the responsibility for solving many today’s problems related to food lies with the government. In several agreements and reports they pledge to make healthy and sustainable food more accessible for everyone.Therefore it is natural that the government should take a more active, collaborative, and facilitating role.

Hanne Pedersen Falstad

Ted Matthews

Through research, ideating and development, the focus of the project was put on asylum reception centers, more specifically voluntary work in asylum reception centers. The voluntary work that takes place at asylum reception centers today has great value for everyone involved. It consists of e.g. language courses, food festivals and game nights etc. 

Julia Eggum

Mosse Sjaastad


Sigurd Røsok

Håvard Breivik-Khan
The aim of this diploma has been to show an architectural approach to the ongoing water crisis in the region of Murcia (Spain). The three projects each tackle three different challenges related to water scarcity: how to obtain more of it, how to use it in a more efficient manner and how to deal with flooding. Additionally the three proposals will relate to the social context by including programs that can involve and include the local community as well as the visiting tourists.
Helle Brænd Rabbås

Tine Hegli


Daniel LarsenKim Pløhn

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Claudio Schneider
The economy of obsolescence, which dictates that demolition and new construction is the core of architecture, has become increasingly difficult to subscribe to. Through different scales, from the municipality via the neighbourhood to the building, this project aims to challenge antiquarian building preservation, and suggest an architectural praxis underpinned by a pragmatic form of preservation.

Existing office in typical plan.
Xiaojian Yang

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Chris-Johan Engh


Louis Gervais

Martin Brandsdal

If the container is to outlive its contents, perhaps it must truly belong to the context it is situated within. This is easier said than done, especially in areas undergoing rapid development where past, present and future contexts stand at odds with each other.


Stine Mari Gallefoss

Neven Mikac Fuchs

Helene Marnburg Ellefsen

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Per Olaf Fjeld
Dagur Eggertsson
How can a reading of a fictional text inspire and generate an architectural project?
A process-based project looking into the possible relations and distances between architecture and literature. Based on a subjective reading of Dag Solstad’s short story Det plutselige øyeblikk (Spiraler, 1965), the project is a work of architectural translation. Edited into a book, it unfolds as a dialog between theoretical and practical, exploring the transitional space.
