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Simon Tverå Drage

Bente Johanne Kleven
My thesis aims to create more housing in the form of vertical expansion of low-rise concrete apartment blocks from the 60s, without sacrificing the living standard of the existing residents, but rather by improving them.

Exterior view from a public square

Interior view of existing apartment after the proposal
Helen Dawes

Martin Brandsdal
There is an interaction between human health and the built environment. How we design our buildings affect us. A good physical environment can stimulate, engage and improve a person’s sense of coherence and thereby promote health. Architecture can be healing. 

Sindre Bjerkeng Scherjon

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen

Mitt prosjekt er et forsøk på å designe en velfungerende skole med en relativt solid base i praktisk byggeteknikk med massivtre som hovedmateriale.

Formålet med oppgaven er å utforske massivtre som konstruktiv arkitektur. Utvikle et uteområde som komplementerer bygget og programmet. Designe en barneskole med god arkitektonisk kvalitet og realisme.

Tina Mee JohnsenKristin Marie Brudeseth

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Lydstyrke er et tjenestedesignprosjekt om tilrettelegging og inkludering for og med elever med nedsatt hørsel i grunnskolen. Vi har utforsket hvordan kunnskap, forståelse og inkluderende klassekultur kan styrke psykososial og pedagogisk tilrettelegging.


Sofie BerggrafAnna Selvåg Braadland

Ted Matthews
22. juli-senteret er et minne- og læringssenter for terrorangrepene som rammet Norge i 2011. Senteret ligger sentralt ved regjeringskvartalet i Oslo, og har en midlertidig utstilling som er åpen for allmennheten. I 2025 flytter senteret til permanente lokaler i høyblokka.


Sephira Iona Bartfai BjørndalCornelia Schmitt

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Through looking into polarisation, we ended up nuancing a lot of the discussions regarding social media. The project reflects around social media, while simultaneously suggesting possibilities for improving polarisation through exploring what being social online could mean.
Herman Freng Billett

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Dan Hill
We are growing older, and the amount of older people in Norway will soon be historically high. The social and societal differences between old an young can create conflicts of interests and lack of togetherness in neighbourhoods and environments.

Dear future, dear past, is a strategic design diploma exploring these differences. The project consists of two proposals; one about how we want to grow old, and one about how we can nurture more connection accross age groups.
Simen Bergsnov LorentzenBendik Ola Hauge Vestre

Jonathan Romm
Simon David Clatworthy


Sabina Gabriela Brunstein

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
In architecture the home is a central place. It is, in one way, the essence of what we design. It’s our safe place. It’s where we live with of family, friends, or alone. It is where we feel protected, yet free. To do exactly as we wish, to relax, to play, to eat, to sleep, to think and look out through our little holes to the outside. But not all homes are harmless, peaceful and happy places. Some are troubled, and not filled with freedom and safety.

Jan-Kenneth Tecson Andersen

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Dagur Eggertsson
Per Olaf Fjeld
An Introduction

From the big towards the small, I began my diploma with an understanding of a place, Flø. A small community on the Norwegian west coast. My first meeting with the place was the summer of 2021, prior to the pre-diploma. The meeting made a memorable impression, and I wanted to know more. The culture, the nature and the atmosphere. This had to be the place of my diploma.
