fbpx 2014 Høst | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


2014 Høst

Design Management

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Design Management
Course code: 
70 302no
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått grunnundervisning ved AHO eller tilsvarende relevant utdanning fra annen institusjon (bachelor)

Course content

Dette er en introduksjon til design management på et teoretisk og et praktisk plan.
Design management er et bredt fagområdet som omhandler mange forskjellige temaer some oppstår i grensesnittet mellom design og ledelse.
Kurset vil gi et kort historisk perspektiv på fagområdet for så å fokusere på og diskutere flere dimensjoner av faget – fra operasjonell til strategisk design ledelse.

Emnet gir innsikt i hvordan man bruker en designerly tilnærming for å løse andre utfordringer og i samarbeid med andre faggrupper (design tenkning). Emnet har fokus på design satt i et støre perspektiv i en kulturell og sammfunsperspektiv. Kommunikasjon rundt fagområdet er også viktig.

Kurset gir innsikt i følgende:

Operasjonell design management
Ledelse og styring av designprosesser og prosjekter (briefing, koordinering, tverrfaglige samhandling samt operasjonelle strategier).
Studentene lærer flere metoder.

Brand management 

Ledelse av prosesser for utvikling av nye merkevarer (produkt eller tjeneste) fra analyse og konseptutvikling til gjennomføring. Ledelse og vedlikehold av exsisterende merkevarerer.

Strategisk design management 

Bruk av designprosesser og design tenkning for innovasjon. Hvordan kan design bidra til at en organisasjon når sine strategiske mål og er bedre rustet til å møte fremtidens utfordringer?

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten ha forståelse for relasjoner mellom design- og management-faget i et kullturelt perspektiv.
De vil få trening i akademisk research og hvordan formidle denne informasjonen for et bredere publikum ved å skrive en artikkel ved kursets slutt og foreslå nye måter for hvordan teoretisk materiale kan bli presentert.

Studentene vil få teoretisk innsikt i fagområdet design management og hvordan det forholder seg til praktiske design tilfeller.

Ved gjennomført studium får studenten praktisk erfaring igjennom relevante oppgaver og tverrfglig samarbeide tildels i workshop.

Generell kompetanse
Studentene skal kunne kommunisere rundt faget, de skal lære å reflektere rundt og diskutere muntlig og skriftlig temaer some er relevante for design management.

Working and learning activities

En rekke forelesninger og workshops, delvis fra eksterne foredragsholdere, med et bredt spekter av erfaringer innenfor fagområdet.

Forelesningene blir etterfulgt av diskusjonsseminarer og workshops. Tverrfaglig samarbeide inngår i kurset.

En workshop og prosjekt med business og entreprenørskaps studenter vil gi designstudenten innsikt i forretnings og innovasjonskultur, metoder , prosesser og språk.
Studentene skal utarbeide en "Peer learning " presentasjon basert på forelesninger / workshop, lesestoff og egen forskning.

Deltakelse i klassen, på forelesninger og diskusjonsseminarer , det tverrfaglig workshop og veiledning er obligatorisk . (80 % deltagelse er nødvendig for å bestå ) .

Obligatorisk pensum
Borja de Mozota, B. (2003). Design management: using design to build brand value and corporate innovation. New York, NY: Allworth Press.
Cooper, Rachel  Junginger, Sabine, Lockwood, Thomas and more (2011) The Handbook of Design Management (utvalgte deler og artikler)
Diverse artikler i  kurskompendiet.
Anbefalt litteratur
Cooper, R., & Press, M. (1995). The design agenda: a guide to successful design management. Chichester: John Wiley and sons.
Neuemeier, Marty, (2009) The Designful Company: How to build a culture of nonstop innovation. California: New Riders.
Esslinger, Hartmut, (2009) A Fine Line: How design strategies are shaping the future of business. John Wiley and sons
Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
Group work Deltakelse i klassen, på forelesninger og diskusjonsseminarer , det tverrfaglig workshop og veiledning er obligatorisk . (80 % deltagelse er nødvendig for å bestå ) .
Individual problem solvingStudentene forventes å dra nytte av den avsatte tiden for selvstudium og å lese gitt og anbefalt litteratur innenfor valgte eller gitt område innen design management
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Group work
Comment: Deltakelse i klassen, på forelesninger og diskusjonsseminarer , det tverrfaglig workshop og veiledning er obligatorisk . (80 % deltagelse er nødvendig for å bestå ) .
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Comment:Studentene forventes å dra nytte av den avsatte tiden for selvstudium og å lese gitt og anbefalt litteratur innenfor valgte eller gitt område innen design management

Start semester

GK3 Arkitektur- og designhistorie 2

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Arkitektur- og designhistorie 2
Course code: 
80 130N
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Kurset gir en innføring i arkitektur-, design- og kunsthistorie fra ca 1850 fram til i dag.

Learning outcome

Kurset gir studentene oversikt over hovedverker, tendenser og perioder i arkitektur-, design- og kunsthistorien. Studentene skal kunne gjenkjenne verk og produkter fra ulike perioder og analysere arkitekturverk og designprodukter med hensyn på bruk, konstruksjon, materialer og historisk kontekst.

Working and learning activities

Forelesninger, studentpresentasjoner og gjennomganger.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activity
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Curriculum
Workload activity:Lectures
Workload activity:

Pre Diploma Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Pre Diploma Design
Course code: 
70 700
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed 240 ECTS in total

Course content

The PreDip course aims to help students to develop a solid launch pad for their diploma projects, one that will allow them to start their design/research process from a knowledgeable and critical position and with a clear plan.
The choice of theme is primarily in the hands of each student, and the direction in which this subject is to take is mainly the result of consultations between each student and their supervisor, the institute leader, and the course staff.

The course is organized in two main phases. The first phase focus both on the individual student’s own skills and interests and the choice of the actual theme of the project. This first phase will be presented and assessed at a midterm-presentation (after app. 1 month). The second phase deals with designing the actual project with a feasible project proposal as its main and final delivery.

Learning outcome

After the course the student will have obtained:

- A reflective, constructive and critical stance to his or her own disciplinary interests, strengths and weaknesses.

- An ability to pitch concepts for as well peers as for potential tutors and partners.
- An ability to develop a feasible diploma project as required at the Institute of Design at AHO.

General Competence:
- An ability to convey his or her maturity as a designer at a level that make a positive outcome for a diploma project at AHO very likely.

Working and learning activities

The course will mix lectures, own research and writing with presentations and tutoring.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
LecturesMinimum 80% of active attendance and 100% on all compulsory deliveries.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Minimum 80% of active attendance and 100% on all compulsory deliveries.

Start semester

Computational Design and Fabrication

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Computational Design and Fabrication
Course code: 
40 403
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Prerequisites: Working Knowledge in Rhino.
NOTE: The course is only open to students of the ACDL and SCL studio courses.

Course content

The elective course will serve the Advanced Computational Design Studio and the Scarcity and Creativity Studio. Organized into two parallel strands the students can choose either the associative modelling session or the digital fabrication component.
Each strand consists of three intense one-week sessions focused on learning and experimentation.

The associative modelling component introduces beginners to associative design and those that already know Grasshopper to a series of generative tools within the software. Beginners will be given a selected architectural design to model, while advanced Grasshopper users will examine the possibility of evolving different types of continuous urban fabric.

The digital fabrication component will introduce different digitally driven fabrication methods. Students will individually research one of these methods and either produce a paper or explore related methods and tools.

Learning outcome

At hte end of the course the student will have gained knowledge in associative modelling / digital fabrication

The student will have skills in associative modelling / digital fabrication.

General competence
After passed course the student will have knowledge and skills related to the studio course.

Working and learning activities

1. Lectures and seminars on selected topics regarding computational design and/or fabrication
2. Tutorials on an individual and group basis concerning skill building
3. Instructions towards master level self-guided research and project development.
4. Workshop sessions that introduce specific themes and skills

Note: All instructions are based on active participation by the students and 90 % attendance.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scale
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Group workattendance
Written assignmentsattendance, delivered material
relevance, quality and scope
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Group work
Workload activity:Written assignments
Comment:attendance, delivered material
Workload activity:
Comment:relevance, quality and scope

Tema og konsepter i landskapsarkitekturen

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Tema og konsepter i landskapsarkitekturen
Course code: 
60 302
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

This course is mandatory for 1st year Master of Landscape Architecture students, open to other students that have passed the foundation level.

Course content

Norwegian Landscape Architecture has lately produced a range of projects with high quality in a growing discipline and profession. With its focus on geography, the history of landscape architecture, paradigm shift, people’s health the subject has grown into an important supporting discipline for urbanism’s latest design practices. Students will be introduced to landscape architecture's broad scope. As well as how its methods and theories the past years have been influencing urbanism’s discourse and design practices, through site and office visits in Oslo.

Learning outcome

After passed course the student shall understand how ecological, infrastructural factors shape the urban landscape, and have broad knowledge of landscape architecture’ s themes and concepts.

Working and learning activities

The course offers both lectures and a seminar. Lectures will focus on decisive moments within the landscape architectural discourse: analysis, project development, design processes, green/ blue infrastructure systems, blue green systems, from road to street

7 lectures Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:00 from August to October:
• Lecture 1: 23.8. Rainer Stange: «Water is the logic of the landscape»- and visit Bjerkedalen park
• Lecture 2: 30.8 Jeppe Aalgaard Andersen: «City Paving»
• Lecture 3: 6.9. Alf Haukeland: «St. Olavs Hospital»
• Lecture 4: 13.9. Rainer Stange: «Urban Trees» and visit Dronning Eufemias gate and Kong Håkon den 5.s gate
• Lecture 5: 20.9 Jeppe Aalgaard Andersen: «It’s all about Water»
• Lecture 6: 26.9 Alf Haukeland: «Tendencies in Landscape Architecture»
• Lecture 7: 4.10 Rainer Stange: «Rails»

3 lectures Thursday evenings 18:00-20:00 in October and November with theme: Scandinavian landscape architecture
• Lecture 8: 15.10. 13.10. Thorbjörn Andersson, Sweco «Works», Sweden
• Lecture 9: 27.10. Rikke Juul Gram, Schønherr, «Works», Denmark
• Lecture 10: 10.11. Inge Dahlman, Landskapsfabrikken, «Works», Norway

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

GK3 Byboligen

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Byboligen
Course code: 
40 130
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed first year Architecture

Course content

The theme of the course is urban residence . The program will reflect social needs and an understanding of context . The plots will be localized in the Oslo area .
The overall goal for Year 2 is INTEGRATION of the subjects that are the most important elements of architectural design and building construction, so that the result is coherent, ,interesting and well conducted .

Learning outcome

Sort and apply relevant knowledge of project development
Discuss and evaluate program
Conduct site analysis and feasibility studies
Develop conceptual master grip on the organization of building volume and program
Develop and discuss ideas about the construction and building envelope in terms of an overall strategy
Develop and process spatial architectural qualities with respect to daylight
Acquire basic knowledge about different architectural and technological topics
Mastering manual and digital visualization technique and expressive form suitable for the specific project
Convey architectural work using oral, written and appropriate visual expression

Working and learning activities

The focus in second year is on building technology and sustainability as important prerequisites for high quality architecture. This will be discussed and developed mainly through studio exercises of increasingly complexity that deals with space for human activities, supported by lecture series.
In each project the main goal will be to manage the entire complex of topics relevant to the mission of architecture.
3rd semester will study urban residence as a response to social trends and the urban context.
3rd semester will be organized as a large studio , which is divided into smaller groups at the workshops and subtasks.
There will be two studio projects in the fall semester. The first semester assignment is shorter and will serve as an introduction to the main assignment . Throughout the semester the students will demonstrate their ability both to develop good architectural solutions and to integrate the knowledge imparted in the lecture series.
During the semester there will be support activities such as talks , lectures , workshops, visits , etc., which are intended to illustrate various aspects of the current project.
The main form of teaching in studios will be one-to - one guidance on the students work desks .
The course will conduct a workshop where steel is going to be explored as material and structure.
Theory lessons will run in parallel with studio work and has three main activities ; course " Structural Mechanics and construction " ( separate program ) as well as lecture series " Architecture and climate " that deals with energy and sustainability, the building's role in climate separation and associated topics relating to fire safety and acoustics . Lectures in construction, architecture and climate as well as specific architectural issues related to housing issue and the specific assignments.

There will be a one-week excursion in the autumn.


Albjerg, N., Dahl, T., & Friis Møller, W. (2008). Klima og arkitektur. [København]: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag.

Buisson, E., & Billard, T. (2004). The presence of the case study houses. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Bæk Pedersen, P. (2009). Sustainable compact city. [København]: Arkitektskolens Forlag.

Dahl, T. (2003). Facaden: teori og praksis. [København]: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag

Decker, J., & Chiei, C. (2005). Quonset hut: metal living for a modern age. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Deplazes, Andrea (2008)  ETH, Constructing Architecture

Druot, F., Lacaton, A., & Vassal, J.-P. (2007). Plus: la vivienda colectiva : territorio de excepción. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Edvardsen, K. I., Ramstad, T. Ø., & Haug, T. (2010). Trehus. Oslo: Norges byggforskningsinstitutt.

Fernández Per, A., Mozas, J., & Arpa, J. (2007). Dbook: density, data, diagrams, dwellings : a visual analysis of 64 collective housing projects. Vitoria-Gasteiz: A+t Ediciones.

Frampton, K. (2003). Promontório arquitectos: Telheiras housing. Lisboa: White & Blue.

French, H. (2006). New urban housing. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.

Gabrielsen, G. V., Isdahl, B., & Staalesen, G. (2005). Bo i bysentrum, by i bosentrum. Oslo: Norsk form.

Garzía Mira, R. (2005). Housing, space and quality of life. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Gast, K.-P. (2005). Living plans: new concepts for advanced housing. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Gausa, M. (1998). Housing: new alternatives, new systems. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Hertzberger, H. (2001). Lessons for students in architecture. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.

Ibler, M. (2007). Global Danish architecture [2 ]: housing. København: Archipress M.

Lane, B. M. (2007). Housing and dwelling: perspectives on modern domestic architecture. London: Routledge.

Lovell, J. (2010). Building envelopes: an integrated approach. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Pfeifer, G., & Brauneck, P. (2008). Courtyard houses: a housing typology. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Pfeifer, G., & Brauneck, P. (2008). Row houses: a housing typology. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Rykwert, J., & Schezen, R. (2000). The villa: from ancient to modern. New York: H.N. Abrams.

Sassi, P. (2006). Strategies for sustainable architecture. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Schittich, C. (2004). High-density housing: concepts, planning, construction. München: Edition Detail, Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation.

Sjaastad, M., Hansen, T., & Medby, P. (2007). Bokvalitet i by og etterspurte bebyggelsestyper. Oslo: SINTEF Byggforsk.

Schneider, Friederike , Heckmann, Oliver (2011). Grundrissatlas: Wohnungsbau.  Birkhäuser

Schneider, Friederike, Heckmann, Oliver (2011).  Floor Plan Manual: Housing.  Birkhäuser,

Smith, P. F. (2005). Architecture in a climate of change: a guide to sustainable design. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Start semester


Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Course code: 
80 502
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Augustus Mausoleum, som ligger plassert på Campo Marzio i utkanten av Romas historiske sentrum og et steinkast fra elven Tiberen, fremstår i dag som en forlatt ruin, i sterk kontrast til hvordan denne monumentale bygningsstrukturen har manifestert seg gjennom historien. Benito Mussolini gjennomførte på slutten av 1930-tallet en høyst kontroversiell restaurering av mausoleet som ledd i en strategi for å assosierer seg og sitt regime med Romas første keiser og hans imperium. Restaureringen, som gjenspeiler Mussolinis forestilling om hvordan mausoleet burde ha sett ut på Augustus tid snarere enn å være en arkeologisk rekonstruksjon, fjernet sporene av de endringene byggverket har blitt utsatt for gjennom historien: plyndret av Vestgoterne i 410, transformert til borg for Colonna-familien på 1200-tallet, utsatt for bombardement, ombygd til en palass med hageanlegg på 1600-tallet, tyrefekterarene på 1700-tallet og til en gigantisk konsertsal i 1908, før Mussolini i 1936 definerte stedet som arkeologisk område, sanerte ”ikke-originale” bygningsdeler, innrammet mausoleet med ny ”fascistisk” arkitektur og akkompagnert det med et nylig utgravet og flyttet Ara Pacis-tempel. Etter annen verdenskrig har mausoleet forfalt og vært hjemsted for byens husløse. Det er nå bevilget 2 millioner Euro til restaureringen av monumentet som er planlagt åpnet for publikum i 2016.

Oppgaven er å gjøre en arkitektonisk transformasjon av Augustus mausoleum som skriver det inn i en nåtidig urban sammenheng. Studentene vil i begynnelsen av semesteret gjøre et felles studium av byggverkets historie, karaktertrekk og romlige potensial, for deretter å gjøre en individuell oppgave.

Forelesningsbasert kurs

ROMA2020 - Roma, sted og symbol (7. okt - 11.nov)

Du søker om opptak til ROMA2020 via UiOs SøknadsWeb fra 1. mai:

NB. Søknadsfrist for høsten 2014 er 1. juni 2014.

Instituttet i Roma er drevet av det humanistiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo. Se http://www.hf.uio.no/dnir/

Har du spørsmål vedrørende opptaket til ROMA2020? Kontakt IFIKK på henvendelser@ifikk.uio.no

Learning outcome

Erfaring med gjenbruk og vern av historiske bygningsstrukturer gjennom prosjektering av offentlig bygning/struktur i kompleks urban situasjon. Kurset ROMA2020 gir en tverrfaglig forståelse av utviklingen av Roma (se egen kursbeskrivelse fra UIO).

Working and learning activities

Masterkurset foregår i Roma og består av to deler, en prosjekteringsoppgave veiledet og sensurert på AHO og et forelesningsbasert kurs med seks ukers varighet arrangert og sensurert av Det Norske Instituttet i Roma (UIO).
Kurset begynner med et oppstartseminar på AHO i midten av august og avsluttes med gjennomgang og sensur i desember. Fra ca. 1.september - 1.desember arbeider studentene i Roma. Det stilles krav til at deltagerne på kurset kan jobbe selvstendig. Det blir to felles gjennomganger i Roma, og ellers veiledning via Skype. Studentene får arbeidsrom på Det Norske instituttet i Roma. Forøvrig følger studentene forelesningsrekken ved Det Norske instituttet i Roma; ROMA2020 – Roma – sted og symbol, inklusive byvandringer og ekskursjoner. Kurset varer fra 7.oktober til 11.november.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
Planning assignmentSkriftlig hjemmeeksamen på forelesningskurs
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Planning assignment
Comment:Skriftlig hjemmeeksamen på forelesningskurs
Workload activity:

Norske tektoniske trebyggingstradisjoner

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Norske tektoniske trebyggingstradisjoner
Course code: 
80 302
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses (Bachelor in Architecture)

Course content

The first part of the course consists of lectures and discussions on various wooden building techniques and construction types.
Parallel with this, the students build models of construction principles, and write a scientific essay about a relevant topic.
Course literature and discussions form an important basis for both the essay and the model studies.
The assignments must be submitted before the last week of the course, and they shall be presented and discussed in plenary.
The last week is very intensive and important on this course. Then we build a timber framed building in full scale

Learning outcome

The course aims to enhance the students' understanding of Norwegian wooden buildings and building techniques, and enable them to:
- Identifying buildings in relation to a relevant cultural and technical context.
- Explain the building's construction and crafts.
- Apply their knowledge by participating in the construction of a timber framed building in full scale.
- Write a short essay with scientific references on a relevant technical topic.

Working and learning activities

Lectures and discussions
Building of a construction model.
Writing of a scientific essay.
Construction of a timber framed building in full scale.



Schjeldrup, Helge og Nils Georg Brekke. Hus på vestkysten gjennom 4000 år. Bergen/Stavanger 1997 
ISBN 82-90052-53-7

Storsletten, Ola. En arv i tre : de norske stavkirkene. hovedfotograf Yasuo Sakuma. Oslo : Aschehoug, c1993. 

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required15Not requiredLectures, discussions and 5 days workshop
1Scientific essay
1Full scale building of timber frame
1Model studies
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:15
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Lectures, discussions and 5 days workshop
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:
Comment:Scientific essay
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:
Comment:Full scale building of timber frame
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:
Comment:Model studies
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failparticipation on lectures and discussions
GroupPass / failWorkshop - building in full scale
IndividualPass / failScientific essay and model studies
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:participation on lectures and discussions
Form of assessment:
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Workshop - building in full scale
Form of assessment:
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Scientific essay and model studies
Workload activityComment
LecturesVitenskapelig essay
Written assignmentsBygging av trehus i full scala.
Group workModellstudier
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Vitenskapelig essay
Workload activity:Written assignments
Comment:Bygging av trehus i full scala.
Workload activity:Group work

Start semester

Design aktivisme

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Design aktivisme
Course code: 
70 301
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Hans Gerhard Meier
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått grunnundervisning (bachelor)

Course content

Design aktivisme, hvordan kan dine ferdigheter som designer relateres til samfunnet rundt deg, og hvilke verktøy har du for å bidra til endring?
Kunder og "followers" forventer en høy grad av engasjement og omsorg for de sosiale og miljømessige utfordringene i dag . Globaliseringen utvider rekkevidden og mulighetene, men gir også ansvar for hvordan dine ideer, produkter og tjenester påvirker sluttbrukeren.

Engasjement og bevissthet spiller sentrale roller i dette kurset. Som fremtidig designer er engasjement avgjørende for å forstå din posisjon og påvirkningskraft i utviklingen av nye tjenester og produkter. Din kunnskap og nysgjerrighet kan løse mange av de problemene vi står overfor i et samfunn i rask endring. Det forventes at studentene holder seg oppdatert på aktuelle saker og basere sine beslutninger på egne og andres erfaringer. Muligheten til å zoome inn og ut på relevante problemer er avgjørende . Mangfoldet hos sluttbrukere gjør det enda mer viktig å bevisstgjøre seg, kommunisere og observere ute i felten.

Design aktivisme har lenge vært en visuell arena , men de siste fremskritt innen industri og programvare har åpnet opp nye muligheter for vanlige mennesker i å entre, ikke bare grafiske, men også service- og produktrelaterte prosjekter .

Ettersom dette kurset har en kort men intens timeplan, er utforskning og lekenhet høyt verdsatt . Fremfdriften i kursprosjektene er avhengig av diskusjoner og innvolvering fra studentene.

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten; Vise større forståelse mellom samfunnsrelevante problemstillinger og sin egen designutdannelse

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten; Kunne bruke ulike kommunikasjons kanaler for å fremme ideer og kunnskap på en informativ og underholdene måte.

Generell kompetanse
Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten; Ha økt bevissthet rundt påvirkningskraft og evne til endring av forbrukeradferd.

Working and learning activities

Presentasjoner, workshops, ekskursjoner og eksterne gjester.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
GroupingGrading scale
-Pass / fail
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Group work80% tilstedeværelse
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Group work
Comment:80% tilstedeværelse
Workload activity:Lectures

GK1 Examen philosophicum

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Examen philosophicum-n
Course code: 
80 112
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2014 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Ingmar Meland
Required prerequisite knowledge

There is no admission requirements for the philosophy course. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) has a separate entrance exam, where general admission is presupposed.

Course content

At AHO ex.phil. until now has been taught at the end of the study program (course code GK6EXPHIL). This pilot project (GK1EXPHIL) intends to try out how ex.phil. can be fitted in at the beginning of the program, which the Institute of Form, Theory and History (FTH) has been responsible for since 2007. The first part of the pilot was conducted in the autumn of 2013. The second part of the pilot is carried out in autumn 2014.

The purpose of moving ex.phil. to the beginning of the study program is twofold: (1) Firstly, the meaning of ex.phil. as better fulfilled, since the intention of the ex.phil. is to prepare new students for studies at universities and colleges. (2) In order to better meet the overall intent of the ex.phil. course, management by FTH wanted to tie the ex.phil. course closer to the main objective of teaching the first year, namely that of improving the ability for complex problem solving, and the first year students' other educational lessons and instructions, such as three-dimensional computer-aided design, subscription and presentation conventions and model engineering.

Thus, the intention of the pilot is to make ex.phil. a part of the comprehensive set of methods and tools for idea and project that the students are to acquire during the first year and which lays the foundation for their further progression.

The ex-phil. course provides an introduction to the general questions of what we perceive as real (ontology), what we mean by knowledge (epistemology) and how we understand "the human condition" (anthropology) in the Western tradition. These issues are lit from different angles, through a systematic introduction to philosophy, the philosophy and history of science, and through an introduction to selected topics in the philosophy of science, ethics and aesthetics.

The connection between the systematic (synchronic), the historical (diachronic) and thematic (specific) approach to these general questions are handled within a culture philosophical framework. Within this framework, in which philosophical anthropology, practice theory and learning theory are central, students will receive an introduction to central philosophical issues from Greek antiquity to the present day. The emphasis will be on showing how philosophical thinking consists of a systematic reflection on fundamental questions without definitee answers, so that philosophy can be seen as a continuing discussion where answers are given, but where questions and arguments are of a greater importance.

By gaining insight into this ongoing discussion, students develop the ability to reflect upon fundamental questions and beliefs that has had - and have - a decisive impact on what we perceive as different areas of reality. It is about how science and technology, art and aesthetics, ethics and politics, economy and society, religion and beliefs, constitute what we belive to be true. At the overarching level, students will thus be able to reflect on the historical and conceptual assumptions of the dominant ways of thinking in Western culture. As such, the ex.phil. course safeguards not only important aspects of the education of first year students, but also contribute to preparing them for their role as future professionals.

Learning outcome

The outcome of the course consist of knowledge and understanding, skills and competence expected of of students at the ex.phil.-level in Norway.

Knowledge / understanding:

• Knowledge of key concepts and topics in philosophy, including an understanding of key philosophical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them.
• Knowledge of the history of philosophy from antiquity through to modernity, i.e. the main trends in the history of science and key thinkers in the history of philosophy up until today.
• Knowledge of the main directions in the 20th century theory of science.
• Knowledge of key concepts and principles of ethics (moral philosophy), as well as understanding of different ethical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them.
• Knowledge of key concepts, issues and positions in aesthetics, as it is understood in the philosophical tradition as "sensuous cognition", as "philosophy of beauty and taste" and as a reflection on the concepts, institutions and practices of art.


• Students learn to render and execute simple discussions of key issues in philosophy and history of science, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics.
• In this way, students develops their ability to read academic texts, so that they are able to perform simple analyzes of argumentation in academic texts.
• Students acquire basic skills in academic writing, including how to formulate simple arguments and how an academic text is made up of arguments that take part in a larger reasoning.


• Through the ex.phil. course, students learn to identify and discuss philosophically relevant issues within their own subject (architecture and design) and other subjects.
• Students will also be given a general and basic competence in dealing with academic and theoretical issues in an independent and systematic way.

Working and learning activities

On the overarching plane, the educational program in a systematic way ties toghether "lesson" (lectures), "instruction / action" (exercises) and "reflection" (public discussions). The purpose of this is to build basic skills in academic reading, writing and thinking and to give a more comprehensive understanding of this practice as an integral part of the profession as an architect or a designer.

The course is given in the form of weekly lectures, 3-4 hours of instruction a week, and 3-4 seminars/work shops during the semester. For the work shops, the students will asked to prepare small papers. Thus, the students will work in groups, 2-3 hours a week, in which they work on preparatory assignments given by lecturer, preparing the students for the seminars. The preparatory assignments will be integral to the individual paper that each student have to write during the semester.



Gundersen, Jan Brage (1999): Den lille filosofihistorien, 3. reviderte utgave, 2. opplag, Grøndahl og Dreyers forlag AS, Oslo.

Kvarv, Sture (2014): Vitenskapsteori - tradisjoner, posisjoner og diskusjoner, 2. utgave, Novus Forlag AS, Oslo.

Svendsen, Lars Fr. H. og Simo Säätelä (2007): Det sanne, det gode og det skjønne: En innføring i filosofi, 2. utgave, Universitetsforlaget AS, Oslo.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scale
Written Exam-A-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
LecturesThe lectures are not compulsory, but it goes without saying that it is a great advantage to follow them.
Group workWork in groups is a teaching method where students work together to solve specific tasks, given by the lecturer after each lecture. These tasks form the basis of an individual written assignment. This must be passed before graduation.
Individual problem solvingThe course is divided into four parts. Each section ends with a workshop where textbook material and learning objectives are reviewed. The workshops are part of the lecture series.
The individual assignment is compulsory and must be passed before the final exam. Each student must write a paper with relevance for either architecture or design. The assignment is given by the teacher.
The written exam comes in the form of a set of problems, of which the students must answer one. This problem set covers the entire syllabus. Letter grades (F-A) are given.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:The lectures are not compulsory, but it goes without saying that it is a great advantage to follow them.
Workload activity:Group work
Comment:Work in groups is a teaching method where students work together to solve specific tasks, given by the lecturer after each lecture. These tasks form the basis of an individual written assignment. This must be passed before graduation.
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Comment:The course is divided into four parts. Each section ends with a workshop where textbook material and learning objectives are reviewed. The workshops are part of the lecture series.
Workload activity:
Comment:The individual assignment is compulsory and must be passed before the final exam. Each student must write a paper with relevance for either architecture or design. The assignment is given by the teacher.
Workload activity:
Comment:The written exam comes in the form of a set of problems, of which the students must answer one. This problem set covers the entire syllabus. Letter grades (F-A) are given.
