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2017 Høst

80 131

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK 3 Arkitekturhistorie 2
Course code: 
80 131
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Mari Hvattum
Required prerequisite knowledge

The course is mandatory for all architecture students in GK3, and builds on the course Architectural history 1 (GK2)

Course content

Architectural History 2 gives an introduction to European and North-American architectural history from around 1900 until today. We study buildings and their contexts, placing particular emphasis on the origins and development of Modernism. Through a series of close readings of selected works, the course explores Modernist design practices as well as its theoretical and ideological ideals. The course is structured as a lecture series.

Learning outcome

The course gives historical knowledge as well as training in understanding and analysing buildings. At the end of the course, the students will be able to analyse architectural form in a critical, contextual, and historically conscious manner.

Working and learning activities

The course is structured as a lecture series with some short excursions to buildings. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
LecturesAttendance and participation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Attendance and participation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.

Start semester

Intervals of neglect: Industrial Heritage in the Arctic

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Intervals of neglect: Industrial Heritage in the Arctic
Course code: 
65 504
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

A completed Bachelor in Landscape Architecture or Architecture from university or university college.
Study place Tromsø the whole semester.

Course content

The course will introduce students to the topic of industrial heritage from an Arctic perspective through case studies specifically chosen for the studio. The sites under investigation will allow students to engage with traces of past activity whilst exploring how landscape interventions can shape their future. It embraces design for an unpredictable future where responses may be richly speculative but informed. The sites will share past histories concerning extractive industries, such as coal mining, copper mining and ice extraction from lakes and glaciers. Engagement with the material, historic and cultural qualities of these sites will raise questions about their vulnerabilities in an Arctic context. Excursions will include visits to a site on Tromsøya, Kåfjord and Bjørnøya/ Svalbard.

The overall objectives of the studio are as follows:

• General theory on heritage – introduction to the criteria for how sites/objects gain heritage status. The theory will embrace the subject of time and reinforce the interconnectedness of past, present and future.
• the consequences of climate change on heritage sites in the Arctic- thawing permafrost, coastal erosion, geo-hazards, rising sea levels, changing ecologies etc. are just some of the physical threats endangering heritage sites in the Arctic today.
• Consequences of tourism on Arctic heritage sites - considerations relating to management plans, accessibility, protection etc. will be introduced.
• Examine the different approaches of contemporary landscape architecture to heritage sites. Here, research is incorporated into the design process to further understand landscape practice and heritage, in addition to developing a critique of methods that have been implemented by landscape architects.

Learning outcome

a. Knowledge:
• The students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the process of sites gaining heritage status in the Arctic – they will learn the procedures adopted by local, regional, national and international bodies.
• An awareness of the threats and vulnerabilities to Arctic heritage sites, both environmental and social, will be addressed.
• Extensive knowledge of how landscape architects take different approaches to heritage sites with a view to understanding the different outcomes of diverse interventions

b. Skills:
• Students will learn of the various considerations to be addressed when approaching the study of a heritage site such as sourcing, recording and documenting of information.
• Ability to illustrate information pertaining to specific sites through the development of site plans and sections of varying scales; incorporation of archaeological, ecological, geological, climatic data etc.
• Ability to work independently and in groups throughout the studio.
• Develop competencies on how to adopt appropriate methods, covered in theory, to specific sites. It is expected to be an experimental and exploratory exercise in transferring theoretical knowledge to practical studio work.

c. General competence:
• A good and well-informed knowledge of Arctic heritage with the ability to be critical of approaches adopted by different professionals/stakeholders of multiple perspectives.
• A working knowledge of the basic tools and skills needed to analyse, appraise and implement appropriate measures to Arctic heritage sites.
• Abilities to refine large quantities of research information into concise and appropriate means.
• Communicate studio work effectively, through visual and oral presentations, to both landscape architects and other professionals related to heritage.

Working and learning activities

• Lectures including those from external sources e.g. UiT, Polar Institute input
• Studio work – individual and group work
• Study trip at the start of the semester

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

80 112

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Examen philosophicum
Course code: 
80 112
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Inga Bostad
Required prerequisite knowledge

There is no admission requirements for the philosophy course. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) has a separate entrance exam, where general admission is presupposed.

Course content

At AHO ex.phil. until now has been taught at the end of the study program (course code GK6EXPHIL). This pilot project (GK1EXPHIL) intends to try out how ex.phil. can be fitted in at the beginning of the program, which the Institute of Form, Theory and History (FTH) has been responsible for since 2007. The first part of the pilot was conducted in the autumn of 2013. The second part of the pilot is carried out in autumn 2014. The purpose of moving ex.phil. to the beginning of the study program is twofold: (1) Firstly, the meaning of ex.phil. as better fulfilled, since the intention of the ex.phil. is to prepare new students for studies at universities and colleges. (2) In order to better meet the overall intent of the ex.phil. course, management by FTH wanted to tie the ex.phil. course closer to the main objective of teaching the first year, namely that of improving the ability for complex problem solving, and the first year students' other educational lessons and instructions, such as three-dimensional computer-aided design, subscription and presentation conventions and model engineering. Thus, the intention of the pilot is to make ex.phil. a part of the comprehensive set of methods and tools for idea and project that the students are to acquire during the first year and which lays the foundation for their further progression. The ex-phil. course provides an introduction to the general questions of what we perceive as real (ontology), what we mean by knowledge (epistemology) and how we understand "the human condition" (anthropology) in the Western tradition. These issues are lit from different angles, through a systematic introduction to philosophy, the philosophy and history of science, and through an introduction to selected topics in the philosophy of science, ethics and aesthetics. The connection between the systematic (synchronic), the historical (diachronic) and thematic (specific) approach to these general questions are handled within a culture philosophical framework. Within this framework, in which philosophical anthropology, practice theory and learning theory are central, students will receive an introduction to central philosophical issues from Greek antiquity to the present day. The emphasis will be on showing how philosophical thinking consists of a systematic reflection on fundamental questions without definitee answers, so that philosophy can be seen as a continuing discussion where answers are given, but where questions and arguments are of a greater importance. By gaining insight into this ongoing discussion, students develop the ability to reflect upon fundamental questions and beliefs that has had - and have - a decisive impact on what we perceive as different areas of reality. It is about how science and technology, art and aesthetics, ethics and politics, economy and society, religion and beliefs, constitute what we belive to be true. At the overarching level, students will thus be able to reflect on the historical and conceptual assumptions of the dominant ways of thinking in Western culture. As such, the ex.phil. course safeguards not only important aspects of the education of first year students, but also contribute to preparing them for their role as future professionals.

Learning outcome

The outcome of the course consist of knowledge and understanding, skills and competence expected of of students at the ex.phil.-level in Norway. Knowledge / understanding: • Knowledge of key concepts and topics in philosophy, including an understanding of key philosophical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them. • Knowledge of the history of philosophy from antiquity through to modernity, i.e. the main trends in the history of science and key thinkers in the history of philosophy up until today. • Knowledge of the main directions in the 20th century theory of science. • Knowledge of key concepts and principles of ethics (moral philosophy), as well as understanding of different ethical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them. • Knowledge of key concepts, issues and positions in aesthetics, as it is understood in the philosophical tradition as "sensuous cognition", as "philosophy of beauty and taste" and as a reflection on the concepts, institutions and practices of art. Skills: • Students learn to render and execute simple discussions of key issues in philosophy and history of science, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics. • In this way, students develops their ability to read academic texts, so that they are able to perform simple analyzes of argumentation in academic texts. • Students acquire basic skills in academic writing, including how to formulate simple arguments and how an academic text is made up of arguments that take part in a larger reasoning. Expertise: • Through the ex.phil. course, students learn to identify and discuss philosophically relevant issues within their own subject (architecture and design) and other subjects. • Students will also be given a general and basic competence in dealing with academic and theoretical issues in an independent and systematic way.

Working and learning activities

On the overarching plane, the educational program in a systematic way ties toghether "lesson" (lectures), "instruction / action" (exercises) and "reflection" (public discussions). The purpose of this is to build basic skills in academic reading, writing and thinking and to give a more comprehensive understanding of this practice as an integral part of the profession as an architect or a designer. The course is given in the form of weekly lectures, 3-4 hours of instruction a week, and 3-4 seminars/work shops during the semester. For the work shops, the students will asked to prepare small papers. Thus, the students will work in groups, 2-3 hours a week, in which they work on preparatory assignments given by lecturer, preparing the students for the seminars. The preparatory assignments will be integral to the individual paper that each student have to write during the semester.


Bondevik, Hilde og Bostad, Inga (2003) Tenkepauser. Filosofi og vitenskapsteori. Akribe forlag. ISBN 82-7950-063-4.  335 s.

Føllesdal, D. & Walløe, L. (2000) Argumentasjonsteori, språk og vitenskapsfilosofi, ss.194-241. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Også gratis tilgjengelig herfra


Klassiske tekster/kompendium:

Hanna Arendt: "The Crisis in Culture : Its social and Its Political Significance", in:

Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future. Eight exercises in political thought. S. 545-576


Aristoteles. Metafysikken. Om sjelen. Den Nikomakiske etikk (ex phil UiO) S 61-71, 77-84)

Augustin. Bekjennelser. Gyldendal. 1961. S, 34-38, 56-59

Beauvior, S.: "Innledning" i Det annet kjønn Oslo: Pax, 1970, ss. 13-29.

Descartes: Meditasjoner over filosofiens grunnlag. Aschehoug forlag. 1980. S.23-50

Gadamer. «The Universality of the Hermeneutical Problem» in Philosophical Hermenutics. (2008) University of Calefornia Press s. 3-17

Platon. Menon. Kap 1, 70a S 19-48 (ex phil uio) (oversatt av Håvard Løkke). Eventuelt Vidarforlaget. 2005.

Sartre. Eksistensialisme er humanisme. Cappelens upopulære. 1963, s. 3-40

Skjervheim, Hans: «Deltakar og tilskodar» i Skjervheim, Hans: Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (2001) Aschehoug. S. 71-88.


Supplerende litteratur

Studenter som ønsker å finne mer utdypende stoff kan lese følgende litteratur. Merk at dette ikke er alternative pensum.

  • Lars Fr. H. Svendsen, Simo Tuomo Sakari Säätelä (2007). Det sanne, det gode, det skjønne En innføring i filosofi.
  • Stig Hareide, Egil Hjelmervik og Terje Kvilhaug (red.): Lærebok i filosofihistorie (Oslo: Samlaget, 1996)
  • Gunnar Skirbekk og Nils Gilje: Filosofihistorie 1 og 2 (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1996)
  • Hilde Bondevik og Linda Rustad (1999): Kjønnspersektiver i filosofihistorien. Pax forlag
  • Ragnar Fjelland: Innføring i vitenskapsteori (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1999)Søren Kjørup: Menneskevidenskaberne (Fredriksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 1997)
  • Ingemund Gullvåg: Rasjonalitet, forståelse og forklaring. Innføring i argumentasjonsteori, logikk og vitenskapsfilosofi (Trondheim: Tapir, 1990)
  • Arild B. Næss: Å studere, å skrive – Praktisk guide til Examen Philosophicum (Trondheim: Tapir, 2004). En læringsassistent har skrevet en håndbok i studieteknikk for ex.phil.-studenter, om bl.a. skriving av øvingsoppgaver.


Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not requiredIndividual assignment / essay. Must be written in order to be eligible for school examination.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Individual assignment / essay. Must be written in order to be eligible for school examination.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
Attendance Attendance and participation in lectures is expected, and absence may result in a lower grade.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: Attendance and participation in lectures is expected, and absence may result in a lower grade.

70 132

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Designhistorie
Course code: 
70 132
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Steinar Killi
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Emnet Design, Samtid og historie gir en bred kunnskap om design – og kunsthistorie i relasjon til vår samtid. Emnet innledes med en kortfattet innføring i kunsthistorien fra antikken frem til og med romantikken. Deretter vil fokus flyttes over til et mer designhistorisk og teoretisk fokus. Emnet favner en dyptgående gjennomgang av viktige designhistoriske epoker, perspektiver, strømninger og episoder fra fremveksten av moderne design på slutten av 1800-tallet til popdesign og postmodernisme på 1980 og 90-tallet, fortsatt med et sideblikk til kunstens verden. Emnet favner både forelesninger av fast kursansvarlig, og gjesteforelesninger. Dette for at studentene skal komme i berøring med mange ulike innfallsvinkler og stemmer.

Learning outcome

Et hovedmål for emnet er å vekke og å øve studentenes blikk på omgivelsene – skjerpe deres bevissthet i forhold til hvilken betydning tingenes utforming har. Som fremtidige produsenter av bilder, rom, gjenstander, visuelle uttrykk og sosiale situasjoner, er det viktig at de utvikler et bevisst forhold til hva de setter ut i virkeligheten, ikke minst med tanke på at vi lever i en visuelt overstimulert og oppjaget konsumkultur, noe som gir grunn til å problematisere den stadig økende fremstilling av materielle og visuelle produkter. Læringsmål Studentene skal lære: • ha bred innsikt i sentrale diskurser og teoretiske perspektiver knyttet til samtidens design og kunst. • På en selvstendig måte å reise interessante problemstillinger på bakgrunn av en designteoretiske eller estetisk tema, og å formulere dekkende visuelle responser. • kunne oppsøke, hente og utnytte kunst og designreferanser fra ulike kilder.

Working and learning activities

Emnet formidles: • Gjennom forelesninger (2 -3 timer hver mandag morgen) • I tillegg er det satt av tid til selvstudie. • Til emnet hører et teoretisk pensum, der studentene leser og fremlegger alt fra historisk oversiktsverker, filosofi til estetiske og designteoretiske perspektiver som skal berike deres forståelse, og utvide deres horisont. Teoretiske tekster hentet fra nevnte pensum leses av studentene individuelt eller gjennom kollokviearbeide. • Emnet avsluttes med innlevering av arbeidsbok, der oppgaven er å trekke ut vesentlige punkter fra et omfattende historisk eller teoretisk stoff, og å selv klare å reise en problemstilling i forhold til dette materialet, som studentene skal svare på visuelt i arbeidsboken. Arbeidskrav: Det kreves av studentene at de: • Er tilstede i undervisningen aktivt deltakende, eller lyttende • Leser angitt pensum som forberedelse forut for forelesningene • Leverer skriftlig arbeid/mappe innen angitt frist.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F

70 153

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 Designteori 2
Course code: 
70 153
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Lise Amy Hansen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Kurset bygger videre på Exphil, Designhistorie og GK4 Designteori 1. Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Kurset har fokus på områder som markedsforståelse, bærekraft og emosjonell design. Utvalgt litteratur fordeles på grupper som forbereder en presentasjon av det aktuelle tema for hele klassen. Studenten velger et eget fokusområde og bruker referanser blant oppsatt litteratur og avslutter kurset med å skrive en kronikk.

Learning outcome

Etter endt kurs skal studenten forstå utvalgt teori innenfor spesifiserte områder relatert til designfaget. Få innblikk og erfaring med skriving av en kronikk.

Working and learning activities

Kurset består av en forelesningsrekke og skriftlige øvinger med diskusjoner. Avsluttende innlevering av kronikk.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment fieldIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solving
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving

70 700 Pre-diploma Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Pre-Diplom Design
Course code: 
70 700
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
2018 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
2018 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Vera Pahle
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed 240 ECTS in total.

Course content

The PreDip course aims to help students to develop a solid launch pad for their diploma projects, one that will allow them to start their design/research process from a knowledgeable and critical position, and with a clear plan. The choice of theme is primarily in the hands of each student, and the direction of which this subject takes is mainly the result of consultations between each student and their supervisor, the institute leader, and the course staff. The course encourages the student to reflect upon own strengths and weaknesses, the direction and theme of the assignment, as well as the required knowledge, structure and construction of the project.

Learning outcome


During the course, the student should:

  • Develop a reflective, constructive and critical stance to his or her own disciplinary interests, strengths and weaknesses. Based on these insights, the student should be able to reflect upon the context of the diploma task through a holistic and divergent view, as well as defining the direction of the project through concretization in a convergent view.
  • Be able to identify what knowledge that the student has from before, and what knowledge the student need to gain; what do I know, and what do I need to know? Based on these insights, the student should take initiative to do research into fields of knowledge that is required in order to succeed with the assignment.
  • Be able to define and formulate his or her own diploma project in such a way that the intentions,scope and design brief of the project are clearly communicated. Based on these requirements, the student should be able to plan the progression of the project, and to run and manage the project in a controlled manner through conscious time management, according to the given milestones during the semester.


  • An ability to pitch concepts for as well peers as for potential tutors and partners.
  • An ability to develop a feasible diploma project as required at the Institute of Design at AHO.


  • An ability to convey his or her maturity as a designer at a level that make a positive outcome for adiploma project at AHO very likely.
Working and learning activities

The course consists of a mixture of lectures, own research and writing, writing workshop, inspirational talks and words of advice given by teachers and previous students or external designers, aiming at improving the skills required to plan the tutoring and presentations, and to plan and formulate the diploma.


The evaluation of the course deliveries is basedon written submissions and presentations.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / fail The student is responsible for taking required initiatives to make agreement with both main and secondary tutor. Furthermore, the student should submit the required deliverables and present the given assignments in plenary presentations according to the timetable of the course. The final submission consists of a final written project description and a final plenary presentation, which both are compulsory. Passed course requires approved written project description and oral presentation.
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment: The student is responsible for taking required initiatives to make agreement with both main and secondary tutor. Furthermore, the student should submit the required deliverables and present the given assignments in plenary presentations according to the timetable of the course. The final submission consists of a final written project description and a final plenary presentation, which both are compulsory. Passed course requires approved written project description and oral presentation.

70 700 Pre-Diplom Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Pre-Diplom Design
Course code: 
70 700
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Håkan Edeholt
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed 240 ECTS in total

Course content

The PreDip course aims to help students to develop a solid launch pad for their diploma projects, one that will allow them to start their design/research process from a knowledgeable and critical position and with a clear plan. The choice of theme is primarily in the hands of each student, and the direction in which this subject is to take is mainly the result of consultations between each student and their supervisor, the institute leader, and the course staff. The course is organized in two main phases. The first phase focus both on the individual student’s own skills and interests and the choice of the actual theme of the project. This first phase will be presented and assessed at a midterm-presentation (after app. 1 month). The second phase deals with designing the actual project with a feasible project proposal as its main and final delivery.

Learning outcome

After the course the student will have obtained: Knowledge: - A reflective, constructive and critical stance to his or her own disciplinary interests, strengths and weaknesses. Skills: - An ability to pitch concepts for as well peers as for potential tutors and partners. - An ability to develop a feasible diploma project as required at the Institute of Design at AHO. General Competence: - An ability to convey his or her maturity as a designer at a level that make a positive outcome for a diploma project at AHO very likely.

Working and learning activities

The course will mix lectures, own research and writing with presentations and tutoring.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:-

Valgbare studiokurs

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Valgbare studiokurs
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Generell kompetanse
Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

40 130

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK 3 Byboligen.
Course code: 
40 130
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Christine Petersen
Espen Surnevik
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått 1.årskurs

Course content

Det overordnede mål for 2. år er integrasjon av de emnene som utgjør de viktigste elementene i prosjektering av byggverk, gjennom en konseptuell tilnærming til prosjektarbeid. Det blir lagt vekt på forhold mellom idé, rom, konstruksjon, og materialitet. Semestertema for kurset er boligarkitektur. Semesteroppgavenes program tar for seg boligen som grunnleggende typologi der sosiale hensyn, stedstilhørighet og økonomi spiller avgjørende roller. Boligens program studeres med henblikk på fleksibilitet og ulike boformer. Et viktig aspekt ved programmets tilnærming er hvordan generalitet kan sikre langtidsbruk og innby til endring av boform.

Learning outcome

Kunnskap ∙ Kunnskap om grunnleggende konsepter i moderne og samtidig arkitektur ∙ Kunnskap om konstruktive prinsipper og konstruktiv idéer ∙ Kunnskap om kontekstuell tilnærming og tomteanalyser ∙ Kunnskap om klimaskallets arkitektoniske rolle ∙ Kunnskap om materialenes arkitektoniske roller Ferdigheter ∙ prosjeksjonstegninger ∙ manuelle og digitale fremstillingsteknikker ∙ skala modellbygging Generelle ferdigheter ∙ evne til å utvikle konseptuelle hovedgrep ∙ evne til å ta og argumentere for egne valg ∙ evne til realisere hovedgrep gjennom arkitektonisk form, materialer og løsninger

Working and learning activities

Andre år introduserer studenten for integrert arkitekturprosjektering gjennom en estetisk syntese av romlige grep, konstruktive idéer, materialegenskaper og tekniske løsninger. Disse introduseres gjennom forelesninger og bearbeides gjennom kortere hurtigoppgaver, før de blir iverksatt i prosjektarbeid. Prosjektene gjennomgåes i mindre og større grupper gjennom semesteret. Det legges vekt på utvikling av «sidemannskritikk» der studentene fungerer som kritikker for hverandre.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Required Midterm
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment: Midterm
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
LecturesAttendance and participation in lectures is expected, and absence may result in a lower grade.
WorkshopsAttendance and participation in workshop are expected, and absence may result in a lower grade.
Evaluation (mid term)Attendance and participation in reviews are expected and absence may result in a lower grade.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Attendance and participation in lectures is expected, and absence may result in a lower grade.
Workload activity:Workshops
Comment:Attendance and participation in workshop are expected, and absence may result in a lower grade.
Workload activity:Evaluation (mid term)
Comment:Attendance and participation in reviews are expected and absence may result in a lower grade.

60 151 GK5 By- og byplanhistorie

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 By- og byplanhistorie
Course code: 
60 151
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2017 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Karl Otto Ellefsen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Gjennomført grunnundervisningens første og andre år

Course content

Kurset gjennomgår by- og byplanhistorien fra de første bymessige bossettingene til i dag. Det legges spesielt vekt på byutviklingen fra industrialismen og framover, og by- og byplanhistorien fra de to siste tiårene behandles spesielt grundig. Faget undervises med en arkitektfaglig innfallsvinkel med vekt på byens morfologi og sammenheng mellom morfologi og samfunn. I undervisningen trekkes forbindelsen til studiokurset GK5 gjennom diskusjon av byplanidealer og byplanstrategier

Learning outcome

Studentene skal etter endt kurs ha tilegnet seg grunnleggende kunnskaper om byhistorie og byplanhistorie. Kunnskapen skal kunne anvendes som referanse i prosjektarbeid innenfor urbanisme og byforming og gi studenten grunnlag for refleksjon omkring eget arbeid og fagkritikk av byplanpraksis.

Working and learning activities

Ukentlige forelesninger med etterfølgende seminarer.


skriftelig eksamen


pensumliste utleveres ved kursets start

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
