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2022 Høst

12 400 Pre-diplom

Emnenavn på English: 
12 400
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Claudia Andrea Pinochet

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 270 ECTS.

Om emnet

The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with an advisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma semester.

  • An understanding of the complexity of a chosen architectural program
  • An ability to frame artistic and scientific research
  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural work
  • An awareness of the topic’s historical, societal and theoretical ramifications
  • An ability to communicate ideas and plan work
  • An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The pre-diploma semester is an independent study, undertaken in consultation with an advisor, whose result is a program for the following diploma semester.

RapportIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttAssessed by supervisor and course responsible.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Assessed by supervisor and course responsible.

70 305 Creative Technologies

Emnenavn på English: 
Creative Technologies
70 305
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Einar Sneve Martinussen

The course is open to masters students of design, architecture, urbanism and landscape. A mix of students from each discipline will be promoted.

Prerequisite prior knowledge    

Completed foundation education (180 ECTS) in design, architecture, urbanism or landscape architecture.

Recommended prior knowledge        

The course is focused on giving an introduction to how technologies can be explored as materials and tools for creative processes. Prior experience with, and an interest in technology tools and platforms, is recommended. Students are expected to work in groups and individually.

Om emnet

The course has two objectives. Firstly, it aims at informing students of the various tools and techniques involved with technologies that are currently becoming increasingly relevant for design, architecture and urbanism; such as mixed reality (AR, VR, etc), machine learning, 3D scanning, sensors, data and creative code. Secondly, it seeks to engage with these technologies and tools in a critical fashion, through open-ended exploration, play and error. The course aims to expose students to emerging technologies, tools and methodologies, and the content of the course will therefore be updated each year. Through these objectives, the course seeks to teach master students at AHO the various possibilities that lay in emerging technologies that are available for design-processes and which might guide their studio work. As such, the course has a theoretical and practical approach to technology. It involves a series of lectures, as well as individual case work among students.

Students will be expected to create case study related to an existing service, protocol or platform which may be improved/modified through their work.

The themes and exercises of the course will cover:

  • Creative exploration of new or emerging technologies.
  • Making use of technology in creative processes
  • Interdisciplinary exploration of technology as materials and tools for creative processes.
  • Hands-on exercises
  • Larger in depth project for the final week with an individual project from each student or in a group.


With the completed studies the student will have a broader understanding of how emerging technologies effect design-processes, as well as be able to explore a set of technologies for creative purposes.


With the completed studies the student will be better equipped in utilizing the latent potentials of emerging technology in the setting of product/interaction, architectural, urban or landscape design.

General competence

The student should be able to explain the choice of methods and technologies for realizing their chosen projects, and why. The student should be able to critically reflect on the role of technology in their creative processes

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

As with other elective courses the course will consist of weekly learning activities, lectures, material exploration and use of available technology resources. Each course day will focus on a student's project work with new assignments given on a bi-weekly basis. Assignments will be presented at the beginning of each following course day, with the occasional supplement of lecture in subjects such as ‘Theory of Mechanical Production’, ‘Research through design’, ‘Technology in a historical perspective’, ´The So-called Smart City´, etc.

During the elective course week at the end of the semester, a larger project is to be conducted and presented for the rest of the group. There are several goals for the one-week projects. Aside from being a chance for students to engage in a particular context of use, a goal for the course is to disseminate on experimental uses of 5g, located based services, and digital zoning.


The reading-list will be updated for each year’s themes. This is the curriculum for 2022:

Design Nonfiction - Tellart. Video-series. http://www.designnonfiction.org

Barfield, Woodrow. “Commercial Speech, Intellectual Property Rights, and Advertising Using Virtual Images Inserted in TV, Film, and the Real World”. UCLA Entertainment Law Review, 2006.

Barfield, Woodrow ´Fundamentals of Wearable Computing and Augmented Reality. 2. Edition. CRC Press, 2015.

Berck, Colton. “Aug City: The Cyber-Spatial Impacts of Augmented Reality on the Field of Urban Planning.” Http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/arch_crp_theses/42 2017

Billinghurst, mark and Hirokazu Kato. “Collaborative Augmented Reality.” Communications of the ACM, no 7 (July 1, 202)

Bratton, Benjamin. The Stack, On Software and Sovereignty. MIT Press 2014

Deleuze, Gilles. “Postscript on the Societies of Control.” October 59 (1992)

Dourish, Paul. Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction. MIT Press, 2001

Edwin, Gardner. “Hack the City!” Amateur Cities, 2015

Hill, Dan. “Network Urbanism.” But What Was the Question? (blog) 2016

Hill, Dan. “The Battle for the Infrastructure of Everyday Life”. Ibid, 2017

Hill, Dan. “The City is my Homescreen.” Dark matter and Trojan Horses (blog) 2019

Hill, Dan. “The Street as Platform 2050.” But What Was the Question? (Blog) 2016

Landry, Charles “The Digitized City: Influence and Impact” Comedia, 2016

Mumford, Lewis. “The City in History: It’s Origins, It’s Transformations, and It’s Prospects” Mariner Books, 1968¨

Townsend, Anthony. “Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia.” Norton & Company, 2014.

Metahaven, eds “Black Transparency: The Right to Know in the Age of Mass Surveillance.” Sternberg Press, 2015

Virilio, Paul. “Open Sky.” Verso, 2008 (English translation by Julie Rose)

Waal, Martijn de. “The City as Interface: How Digital Media are Changing the City”. Reflect #10. Rotterdam: nai010 Publishers, 2014.

Wood, David Murakami. “Towards Spatial Protocol: The Topologies of the Pervasive Surveillance Society.” Academia.edu, 2019.

Click here for reading list in Leganto.

Vurderingsmappe-Bestått / ikke beståttThere are 5 minor modules in the course, each with a deliverance. In order to pass the course at least 4 of these must be delivered. There will be a mandatory exhibition of the modules at the end of the course. The deliverances from each module and a final exhibition makes up the basis for assessment.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:There are 5 minor modules in the course, each with a deliverance. In order to pass the course at least 4 of these must be delivered. There will be a mandatory exhibition of the modules at the end of the course. The deliverances from each module and a final exhibition makes up the basis for assessment.
ForelesningerThere will be a lecture on creative technologies and other related subjects each Tuesday.
Individuell oppgaveløsningBetween ordinary course days individually tasks will be given.
Workshops There will be a larger workshop in elective course week.
Oppmøte100 % attendance is expected for the whole course.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:There will be a lecture on creative technologies and other related subjects each Tuesday.
Aktivitet:Individuell oppgaveløsning
Kommentar:Between ordinary course days individually tasks will be given.
Kommentar: There will be a larger workshop in elective course week.
Kommentar:100 % attendance is expected for the whole course.

Start semester

70 306 Current Critical Theory for Design

Emnenavn på English: 
Current Critical Theory for Design
70 306
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Lise Amy Hansen

Passed foundatin level courses (Bachelor) at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS.

Om emnet

Open for designers, architects, landscape architects and urbanists.

The course deals with how to understand the role of the designer as an agent of change and

 design practice in terms of critical theory development and socio-cultural issues today. The course will be taught as a mix of lectures, seminars and assignments, as well as student-led engagements and visiting design studios and practitioners with a conceptual, research-led approach to the field of design.

The direction of the course will spring from a selection of texts that present new theoretical perspectives on the current state, scope and relevance of design. The course can prepare for or be combined with the PhD programme, or a role in research-led creative practice.



The students will acquire knowledge about a selection of important issues and theoretical positions for contemporary design.  


The students will acquire skills in critical reflection about contemporary design as well as in a selection of methods and approaches in design research.  


The students will be trained in locating and critically engage with design theory and research that prepares them to identify and write a paper about a current issue in design today. 

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course will be taught as a series of lectures, seminars and assignments based on curriculum readings. Students will be asked to initiate and run discussions relevant to the topics in the course curriculum. Students will be introduced to methods and tools in design research and a critical approach to the role of theory for creative practice. Participation, presentations and assignments are required. Conditions permitting, the course will visit design studios and practitioners with a conceptual, research-led approach to creative practice. The final delivery is a paper with visual components relevant to the overall themes introduced in or springing out from the course.


Click here for reading list in Leganto.

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått Participation, presentations and assignments are required. The final delivery is a paper with visual components relevant to the overall themes introduced in or springing out from the course.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: Participation, presentations and assignments are required. The final delivery is a paper with visual components relevant to the overall themes introduced in or springing out from the course.

70 700 Pre-Diplom Design

Emnenavn på English: 
Pre-diploma Design
70 700
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Rachel Troye

Fullført 240 studiepoeng totalt.

Om emnet

Prediplomkurset tar sikte på å hjelpe studentene til å utvikle et solid utgangspunkt for diplomprosjektene, som gjør at de kan starte design-/forskningsprosessen med et solid kunnskapgrunnlag, en kritisk holdning og en tydelig plan.

Valg av tema er i utgangspunktet opp til den enkelte student, og retningen er hovedsakelig resultatet av samtaler mellom hver enkelt student og veileder, instituttleder og kurspersonale.

Kurset er organisert i to hovedfaser. Den første fasen fokuserer både på den enkelte students egne ferdigheter og valg av tema for prosjektet. Denne første fasen presenteres og vurderes i form av en presentasjon i løpet av semesteret (etter ca. en måned). Den andre fasen dreier seg om å designe det faktiske prosjektet, med et gjennomførbart prosjektforslag som viktigste og eneste innlevering.





- En velreflektert, konstruktiv og kritisk holdning til egne faglige interesser, styrker og svakheter.

- Kunne selge inn konsepter til både fagfeller og potensielle veiledere og partnere.

- Kunne utvikle et gjennomførbart diplomprosjekt slik det kreves av Institutt for design ved AHO.

- Kunne planlegge et selvstendig eller gruppebasert prosjekt.

- Kunne formidle egen modenhet som designer på et nivå som gjør det sannsynlig at et diplomprosjekt ved AHO får et positivt utfall.

- Kunne konseptualisere design ideer inn i en gjennomførbar prosjektbeskrivelse

- Ha evne til å legge frem, diskutere og planlegge et selvstendig studium og design prosjekt.




Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Kurset vil bestå av forelesninger, egen utforskning og skriving med presentasjoner og veiledning.

RapportIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttStudenten er selv ansvarlig for å ta initiativ for avtale om veiledning med både hoved- og bi-veileder. Videre må studenten levere et oppgitt antall delinnleveringer og presentere disse i følge en oppsatt timeplan i kurset. Den endelige sluttinnleveringen består av den ferdigstilte prosjekt beskrivelsen levert skriftlig og en presentasjon av den i plenum. Begge deler er obligatoriske. Et bestått kurs krever godkjent skriftlig prosjektbeskrivelse og en muntlig presentasjon.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Studenten er selv ansvarlig for å ta initiativ for avtale om veiledning med både hoved- og bi-veileder. Videre må studenten levere et oppgitt antall delinnleveringer og presentere disse i følge en oppsatt timeplan i kurset. Den endelige sluttinnleveringen består av den ferdigstilte prosjekt beskrivelsen levert skriftlig og en presentasjon av den i plenum. Begge deler er obligatoriske. Et bestått kurs krever godkjent skriftlig prosjektbeskrivelse og en muntlig presentasjon.

12 802 Diplom design

Emnenavn på English: 
Diploma Design
12 802
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Rachel Troye

Bestått pre-diplom og 270 studiepoeng totalt.

Om emnet

Diplomprosjektet ved Institutt for design er det endelige prosjektet i masterprogrammet. Instituttet har en bred tilnærming til designprofesjonen som omfatter produkter, tjenester, systemer og interaktive opplevelser. Utdanningen knytter sammen estetikk og teknologi, kreativitet og designmetoder, kultur og forskning. Programmet har sine røtter i industridesign, men omfatter i dag også interaksjonsdesign, tjenestedesign og systemorientert design. Dette gjenspeiles i bredden av våre studenters diplomprosjekter og de varierte temaene de tar for seg.

Diplomprosjektet avslutter det femårige masterstudiet i design og gjennomføres i det siste semesteret. Diplomprosjektet iverksettes og organiseres av studentene selv og foregår over en periode på 18 uker. Studentene utvikler og definerer sine egne prosjektbeskrivelser (diplomprogrammet) i et pre-diplomkurs i semesteret før diplomprosjektet. Studentene har en hovedveileder på instituttet mens diplomprosjektet pågår, men kan også innhente ytterligere innspill og veiledning fra hele AHO og også eksternt. Diplomprosjekter gjennomføres vanligvis individuelt, men kan også gjennomføres i grupper.

Diplomprosjektene ved Institutt for design kjennetegnes av variasjon og bredde. Prosjektene iverksettes og utvikles vanligvis av studentene, og de står fritt til å utforske ulike temaer og formater. Dette kan være kreativ utforskning, produktutvikling og teoretiske prosjekter, eller samarbeid med kommersielle selskaper, offentlige tjenester eller forskningsprosjekter. Diplomprosjekter kan også være diskursive designprosjekter som har som mål å reise spørsmål eller utfordre samfunnsmessige eller kulturelle problemstillinger. Diplomprosjektene er ofte “hybrider” som forener ulike metoder og aktører, eller som går på tvers av de ulike designspesialiseringene.

Formålet med diplomprosjektet er sammensatt. Studentene må bruke alt de har lært gjennom utdanningen for å definere og utvikle sitt eget prosjekt. En utfordring her er hvordan prosjektet gjennomføres, hvordan det utvikles, og hvordan det utføres som et designprosjekt. I mastergradsammenheng er diplomprosjektet et relativt omfattende prosjekt som krever at studenten er selvstendig, organisert, strukturert og kreativ. Samtidig er diplomprosjektet en mulighet for studentene til å utforske sin egen identitet som designere, å forske på emner de finner interessante, eller utfordre sine ferdigheter og metoder. Diplomprosjektene bør derfor ses helhetlig som prosjekter hvor studentene får velge sine egne temaer, tilnærminger og prosesser, men hvor utfordringen også består i å organisere og utvikle selve prosjektet. Omfanget av og planen for prosjektet defineres og utvikles både i prosjektbeskrivelsen (diplomprogrammet) og i løpet av prosessen.

Det er viktig å merke seg at en helhetlig vurdering av diplomprosjektene betyr at fokuset bør være på selve prosjektet og ikke hvor nøye det følger den innledende beskrivelsen eller diplomprogrammet.



Etter endt diplomprosjekt skal studentenes kunnskapsgrunnlag omfatte:

- designmetoder, materialer, teknologier og verktøy

- designhistorie på beslektede felt

- forskningsmetoder, designprosesser

- bruk av brukere og målgrupper i prosjekter

- kunne utvikle designløsninger gjennom kunstnerisk og vitenskapelig forskning, konseptvisualisering, samarbeid og ferdigstillelse av et prosjekt.

- mestre designdrevne metoder, verktøy og uttrykksformer og kunne bruke dette i en kreativ prosess, på en målrettet, profesjonell og eksperimenterende måte.

- kunne reflektere over forholdet mellom innholdet i prosjektet og verden for øvrig.

- kunne presentere både prosess og sluttresultat på en god måte.

- kunne formidle verdier og konsepter og inspirere til dialog og tverrfaglige prosesser ved hjelp av en rekke ulike designmetoder og verktøy.

- kunne bekle ulike roller og samarbeide godt med andre yrkesgrupper.

- kunne reflektere over egen prestasjon og egne leveranser og utfordre egne grenser.

- ta ansvar for egen læring og faglig progresjon, og kunne overføre kunnskap til andre felt.

- ta hensyn til aktuelle etiske spørsmål i forbindelse med eget bidrag.


Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

Studentene leverer diplomprosjektet i form av samlet produksjon, en presentasjon og en rapport. Produksjonen kan bestå av modeller, prototyper, installasjoner, diagrammer, visualisering, kartlegginger osv. Diplomrapporten bør gi en oversikt over prosjektet, prosessen, mulige resultater (påvirkning) og studentens refleksjoner. Rapporten bør ikke vurderes alene, men som en oversikt over prosjektet. Studentene skal også gi en 20-minutters presentasjon av diplomprosjektet på vurderingsdagen. Sensorene skal vurdere diplomprosjektet som helhet, inkludert studentens samlede produksjon, rapporten og den offentlige presentasjonen.

Vurderingen av diplomprosjektene gjøres av et eksternt sensorteam. Sensorteamet representerer de ulike designretningene studentene kan spesialisere seg mot. Alle sensorene er ansvarlige for helhetsvurderingen av alle diplomprosjektene, men hver enkelt sensor får et særlig ansvar for et utvalg av prosjektene. Sensorteamet mottar først diplomrapportene digitalt. Disse rapportene gir en oversikt over diplomprosjektene. Det fysiske resultatet av prosjektene presenteres for sensorene på AHO. På presentasjonsdagen får hver student 20 minutter til å presentere sitt diplomprosjekt. Sensorteamet har deretter totalt 15 minutter til spørsmål, diskusjon og tilbakemelding. Disse 15 minuttene bør også omfatte et kort sammendrag av sensorenes vurdering og generelle tilbakemelding. Dette er et offentlig arrangement for hele skolen, og intensjonen med presentasjonsformatet er å legge til rette for dynamisk diskusjon om diplomprosjektene og interessant respons, så vel som å gjøre det til en læringssituasjon for de andre studentene. Sensorteamets endelige vurdering gis som en skriftlig rapport for hvert prosjekt og leveres en stund etter den offentlige presentasjonsdagen.

Grupperprosjekt får 10 minutter ekstra.


RapportIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttMålet med vurderingen av diplomprosjektet er å vurdere hvordan prosjektet har blitt utviklet, inkludert tematikk, prosesser, resultater og refleksjoner. Diplomprosjektene bør vurderes med utgangspunkt i forutsetningene, problemstillingene og omfanget studentene selv har definert i prosjektene. Diplomprosjektet som helhet gis karakteren “bestått” eller “ikke bestått”.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Målet med vurderingen av diplomprosjektet er å vurdere hvordan prosjektet har blitt utviklet, inkludert tematikk, prosesser, resultater og refleksjoner. Diplomprosjektene bør vurderes med utgangspunkt i forutsetningene, problemstillingene og omfanget studentene selv har definert i prosjektene. Diplomprosjektet som helhet gis karakteren “bestått” eller “ikke bestått”.

70 304 Design Management: Innovation and entrepreneurship

Emnenavn på English: 
Design Management: Innovation and entrepreneurship
70 304
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Monika Hestad

Passed foundatin level courses (Bachelor) at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS.

Om emnet

The theme of the Design Management: innovation and entrepreneurship 2022 course is the circular economy and business model innovation. There is a strong drive in society to change towards a circular economy as this may be the answer to develop a far more sustainable society.

For a business the shift means a completely different approach to how they are using resources and what they offer. They will have to redesign the entire organisation, as well as their product and services. Businesses need to rethink how they do business and become far more creative. For architects and designers, this is a great opportunity and may imply new roles and arenas where they can apply their skillset. In order to tap into this they have to obtain insight into business and innovation culture, methods, processes and language.

This course is for architects and designers that would like to enhance their management skills while learning about business modelling and the circular economy. The key takeout from the course is that it is relevant for those that plan to set up a business themselves as well as those that plan to work on strategic aspects of a business. The course is not a ‘how to’ set up your business but will introduce you to some of the fundamental themes when developing a business, as well as engaging with management in 2022. The course has its foundation in design management and is developed to be relevant for both architects and designers. 

In this course the students will be introduced to innovation theories related to design thinking, business modelling and the circular economy. The students will solve specific business challenges in teams and apply their skills in business development. 



Understanding will be gained in what a circular economy is, what the difference between a traditional linear business model and a circular business model is, as well as challenges and opportunities from a business perspective within a circular economy. General knowledge of design and design thinking in a strategy and business context.


The students will obtain basic business skills of how to conduct research to develop a business, how to engage with a professional client and how to plan and present a business model. Basic tools and templates will be introduced.

General Competence

The students will get a basic understanding of commercialisation and the circular economy, as well as key questions to be aware of when developing a strategic business proposition. The course also engages with the theories and practices on how design skills and design thinking can be used in other areas than developing artefacts in design and architecture.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course will have a mix of lectures, readings and group work.

During the autumn semester the students will be introduced to two businesses that have started to develop sustainable business practices. These will act as clients for the students. By engaging with these businesses, the student will gain an understanding of what a business model is, and the difference between the linear and circular business models. They will also gain an understanding in how to work with a client. In addition, a couple of guest speakers are invited to go deeper into some of the topics raised.

The first part of the course will be about understanding key concepts such as the circular economy, business model and architects/designers role in developing a business proposition. From various workshops with the two clients the students will learn how to identify opportunities and develop them into business propositions. 

The course culminates in a one-week practical seminar, where the students will develop a business model in groups for their client. They will make a plan for how to conduct the research needed and, in an iterative process, redesign the whole or part of a business model. 

The course will use digital sources such as Miro. If possible, it will be mixed with physical workshops and an off-campus tour.  


Click here for reading list in Leganto.


Key words: Circular economy, business models and design thinking

Links and documents will be uploaded to Moodle. If you would like to get started, here are a some few resources:

Recommended readings 

Lewrick, Michael, Link Patrick and Leifer, Larry. 2018. The Design thinking playbook: Mindful digital transformation of teams, products, services, businesses and ecosystems. New Jersey. Wiley.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation. 2021. Circular Business Models: Redefining growth for a thriving fashion industry. Available at:


Online resources












Online readingOther recommended readings  - not mandatory

Altman, J. and M. Hestad. 2019. The little booklet on: Business Design. 2nd edition. London: Brand Valley Publications. (Can be bought at AHO Infotorget, available in English and Norwegian)

Ceschin, F. and I. Gaziulusoy. 2016. Evolution of design for sustainability: From product design to design for system innovations and transitions. Design Studies. Volume 47, pp. 118-163.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation. 2012. Towards the Circular Economy Vol. 1: An Economic and Business Rationale for an Accelerated Transition. Available at:


Guldmann, E., Bocken, N. and H. Brezet. 2019. A Design Thinking Framework for Circular Business Model Innovation. Special Issue: Sustainable Value Creation through Business Models. Journal of Business Models. Volume 7, No 1.

Available at: https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/JOBM/article/view/2122

Magretta, J. 2002. Why Business Models Matter. Harvard Business Review. Volume 80, No. 5, pp. 86-92. Available at: https://hbr.org/2002/05/why-business-models-matter

Osterwalder, A. and Y. Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Upward, A. and P. Jones. 2015. An ontology for strongly sustainable business models: Defining an enterprise framework compatible with natural and social science. Organization & Environment. pp. 1-27. Available at http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/381/

VurderingsmappeGruppeBestått / ikke beståttActive participation in classes is required and the ability to communicate and reflect on the subject will count in the assessment. This includes peer-to-peer presentation, participation and final presentation of the business project. Deliverables: • Group presentation of project plan • Group presentation of a business model • Individual reflection paper on key learnings
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Active participation in classes is required and the ability to communicate and reflect on the subject will count in the assessment. This includes peer-to-peer presentation, participation and final presentation of the business project. Deliverables: • Group presentation of project plan • Group presentation of a business model • Individual reflection paper on key learnings
OppmøteParticipation in class at lectures and discussion seminars, the cross disciplinary workshop and tutoring is obligatory. Students are expected to take advantage of the time allotted for self-study and to read the given and recommended literature within their chosen or given area of design management. Students are expected to contribute to a professional and constructive cross disciplinary collaboration.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Participation in class at lectures and discussion seminars, the cross disciplinary workshop and tutoring is obligatory. Students are expected to take advantage of the time allotted for self-study and to read the given and recommended literature within their chosen or given area of design management. Students are expected to contribute to a professional and constructive cross disciplinary collaboration.

70 303 Digital fabrikasjon, teknologier og prosesser

Emnenavn på English: 
Digital fabrication, technologies and processes
70 303
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Steinar Killi

Passed foundation level (BA-level) courses at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS.

Prerequisite prior knowledge: Completed foundation education or equivalent. Basic prior knowledge in CAD tools such as Rhino, Solidworks, Alias, Blender etc. is required.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Prior knowledge of 3D printing and related technologies is recommended.

Om emnet

Digital fabrication is in rapid development and increasingly involved in design and architectural processes, as a tool for prototyping and construction. The course is meant for design- and architectural students at master's level, that seek a deeper insight in the utilization of digital fabrication, in their studies and elsewhere.

This course will give insight into use, limitations and possibilities with some of these technologies through practical, hands- on exercises. The course is meant for both design and architecture students who want a practice based understanding of existing and emerging digital fabrication technologies. The course will enable the students to explore many of these technologies through small workshops and exercises.


The course is a collaboration between the academic staff at the Institute of Design, the Institute of Architecture and staff at the workshops at AHO.



At the end of the course the students will

  • have knowledge about SLA, SLS, FDM, 3DP, lasercutting, knifecutting and 3D scanning.
  • have hands-on knowledge in how to run the different machines.
  • know how to evaluate the usefulness of the different processes.

With the completed studies the student will

  •  be better equipped in utilizing the latent potentials of the technology in the setting of product-/interaction- and architectural design.
  • possess the necessary knowledge involved in preparation and pre-processing of digital CAD files. 

The student should be able to explain the choice of methods for realizing the tangible object, and why.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

As with other elective courses the course will consist of weekly learning activities, lectures, material exploration and use of available digital fabrication processes through exercises in the workshops. The course culminates with an exhibition demonstrating selected outcome of the course.


Anderson, C. (2012). Makers: the new industrial revolution. Random House.

Hopkinson, N., Hague, R., & Dickens, P. (2006). Rapid Manufacturing: An Industrial Revolution for the Digital Age. John Wiley & Sons.

Thompson, R. (2007). Manufacturing processes for design professionals. Thames & Hudson.


VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått Assignments will be given between ordinary course days. 5 of these are required to be submitted in order to be assessed. The final assessement is an oral examination.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: Assignments will be given between ordinary course days. 5 of these are required to be submitted in order to be assessed. The final assessement is an oral examination.

Start semester

70 510 Service Design 1: Service design practice

Emnenavn på English: 
Service Design 1: Service design practice
70 510
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Ted Matthews

Passed foundation level (BA-level) courses at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS.

Recommended previous knowledge:

  • Service design concepts, tools and methods
  • User-centred design methodologies
  • Qualitative research and analysis
  • Visualisation for dissemination
  • Ideation techniques
  • Prototyping
  • Concept communication


Om emnet

This semester allows Masters level students to further their knowledge of the key competences of service design within projects together with professional partners and in real service design settings. It aims to reflect on the methodologies related to service design in a real context, where projects are intended to be desirable and viable.

Students will hone their skills and practical knowledge of approaches and methods in service design, focusing on the design for front stage experiences whilst engaging with the complexity and challenges of back stage delivery.

Through the course students will work with one or a series of professional partners (private company and or a public organization), where they will work as professional Service Design consultants. The students will be encouraged to challenge the assumptions of the professional partners in relationship to their (and customers) presumed needs as well as developing critical skills to reframe the design question.

The course’s orientation is essentially practical, it builds on the idea that the best way to develop skills is by means of projects and practical experiences, and by exposing the students to different experiences and feedback from multiple observers, multi-disciplinary actors and project partners.



  • Understand and appropriate Service Design methodologies relating to User-Centered Design for the development of service design projects.
  • Develop a reflective mindset about Service Design, its approach, process, deliverables, possibilities, limitations and implications.


  • Refine the skills of observation, analysis, and creativity that lead to the formulation of relevant and valuable solutions for the user(s) as well as viable and feasible for the service provider.
  • Develop the skills to understand how businesses and/or public organizations think and are structured, together with reflections on service designs role in working within these structures.
  • Visualize, communicate and prototype, both the current experience (what is) and the projected improved one (what could be).
  • Develop skills to evaluate the proposed solutions and business projects, according to the differential potential in the eyes of the user(s) and service provider.
  • Be able to plan and facilitate workshops for project teams.
  • Develop collaborative skills to work with other designers, users, and different stakeholders that enable a proactive and professional role in teams and in collaboration with project partners.


  • Be able to describe the difference between products and services and what it means to design for service.
  • Gain methodical insight by actively participating in a service design process.
  • Promote professional experience in a real organization, strengthening the ability to work in teams with an emphasis on results. 
  • Understand how service design can influence a company's strategy and value creation.
  • Experience of working with back stage service delivery and understanding the implications of designing in this space toward front end service experience.
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The main teaching will be based on tutoring sessions at the studio, Innovation workshops, structured presentations and discussions within the course participants. 

The course also integrates lectures, studio work (groups and individual), and project(s) in collaboration with external partners where the students will form and work as design consultancies. 

The course has two main sections, both developed by means of projects:

Work with one or several real-life service design projects developed with a partner (a private company or public organization), where the students will work as professional Service Design consultants.

Being a practice-driven course, the student’s progression through both projects will be presented by means of:

  • Group and individual mid-term deliverables and presentations 
  • Visualizations and communication of insights, findings and designed responses
  • Workshops
  • Evidencing material

Details regarding the calendar, main events, deliverables, and evaluation criteria will be described and detailed in the briefing for each project at the beginning of each section. 


This is service design doing: Applying service design thinking in the real world’ by Stickdorn, M., Hormess, M. E., Lawrence, A., & Schneider, J.

This is Service Design Methods: A Companion to this is Service Design Doing. by Stickdorn, M., Hormess, M. E., Lawrence, A., & Schneider, J.

An Introduction to Service Design: Designing the Invisible. Laura Penin.

Papers and other literature will be distributed as appropriate.

Vurderingsmappe-Bestått / ikke beståttBeing a practice-driven course, the student’s progression through the course will be assessed by means of: • Evidencing material • Group and individual mid-term deliverables • Presentations • Project reports The course will consist of one or several design projects with group and individual deliverables that will receive qualitative assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses. The project will have a final presentation, that will be assessed in pass or fail by an external sensor and the course leader. The details for each project regarding deliverables and evaluation criteria will be described in the brief for each project at the beginning of each module. For those students that fail a project, a portfolio assessment of the whole coursework (this comprises all group and individual deliverables presented by the student during the semester, additionally to the final presentation), will be carried out by the course leader and a second Service Design lecturer from the Institute at the end of the semester to finally decide if the student has reached the desired learning outcomes presented in this document.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Being a practice-driven course, the student’s progression through the course will be assessed by means of: • Evidencing material • Group and individual mid-term deliverables • Presentations • Project reports The course will consist of one or several design projects with group and individual deliverables that will receive qualitative assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses. The project will have a final presentation, that will be assessed in pass or fail by an external sensor and the course leader. The details for each project regarding deliverables and evaluation criteria will be described in the brief for each project at the beginning of each module. For those students that fail a project, a portfolio assessment of the whole coursework (this comprises all group and individual deliverables presented by the student during the semester, additionally to the final presentation), will be carried out by the course leader and a second Service Design lecturer from the Institute at the end of the semester to finally decide if the student has reached the desired learning outcomes presented in this document.
OppmøteThis is an intensive course and it demands consistent and hard work from the participants. Although the projects are often developed in groups, individual deliverables will also be required during the projects. Medical absences won't affect the participation, but they need to be presented on time (not further than 8 days after the absence) to the course leader and to the Student Administration. Students are expected to attend at least 90% of the main course events described in the detailed calendar for each project, in order to be able to pass the course. The course leader will take attendance 15 minutes after the beginning of each session. She/he will inform the students if they are close to failing the course, due to lack of attendance.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:This is an intensive course and it demands consistent and hard work from the participants. Although the projects are often developed in groups, individual deliverables will also be required during the projects. Medical absences won't affect the participation, but they need to be presented on time (not further than 8 days after the absence) to the course leader and to the Student Administration. Students are expected to attend at least 90% of the main course events described in the detailed calendar for each project, in order to be able to pass the course. The course leader will take attendance 15 minutes after the beginning of each session. She/he will inform the students if they are close to failing the course, due to lack of attendance.

70 509 Strategic Design

Emnenavn på English: 
Strategic Design
70 509
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Einar Sneve Martinussen

Passed foundation level (BA-level) courses at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS.

A third semester Master course (only available for students in their final year). The course has interaction- and service-design as its starting-point, but is open for all design fields. Students are required to document advanced design skills in their chosen specialisation/field through a portfolio.

You upload the portfolio here before 9th May: https://nettskjema.no/a/261065 

Recommended prerequisite knowledge

The course builds on the design skills and methods learnt across the previous Foundation and Master courses. In “Strategic design” students and teachers integrate and push these skills and mindsets to create rich, reflexive projects that address societal issues through design. For students who want to take part in this course a strong sense of curiosity, experimental outlooks, societal engagement and independence is therefore recommended.

Om emnet

This is an advanced Master course about ‘strategic design’ and will introduce the students to how design methods and tools can be used to address societal challenges. Through this course students will learn about theories and methods from the field of strategic design and get practical experience from applying these in design projects. The course is led by Einar Sneve Martinussen, associate professor at AHO, and guest professor Dan Hill, director of strategic design at Vinnova. Over the last decade, Dan Hill has been an important contributor to the field of strategic design and describes the approach as follows:

70 509 Strategic Design takes the core principles of contemporary design practice – user research and ethnography, agile development, iterative prototyping, participation and co-design, stewardship, working across networks, scales and timeframes – and then it points this toolkit at ethical concerns, addressing systemic change within complex systems, and broader societal outcomes.” Dan Hill (2019)

This course has a focus on strategic design in the broader context of societal development. Students will get to apply and expand their skills and mindsets as designers through practical, exploratory projects that work with a range of societal issues - including sustainability, power and equity, policies for urban- and societal-development, innovation and knowledge, welfare and public services, and citizen participation. Alongside these practice-led projects the course will offer a rich selection of theoretical and inspirational lectures and seminars. A particular focus for this year’s course is exploring social infrastructures for everyday life, meaning the structures that enable social life and participation in society. We will re-examine the potential of traditional social infrastructures, such as libraries, schools, public pools, parks or markets. We will also explore and conceptualise a broader understanding of social infrastructure that could include nature, technologies, digital services, social relations and cultural experiences. Through the projects in the course students will use design methods to develop strategic interventions in the world today, as prototypes and pilot-projects, as well as designing future scenarios. The course brings together research-initiatives at AHO with ongoing projects in the public sector. Collaborators and cases for 2022 are not confirmed yet, but will likely include projects dealing with gender and urban planning, innovation in the public sector, and designing for learning and knowledge-sharing in society.

The ‘Strategic design’ course is a part of D-Box, the National Centre for Transforming Public Services (a collaboration between AHO, BI and DOGA), and is organised together with the research-group Digital Urban Living and guest professor Dan Hill. Key partners and collaborators from these research-groups and networks will be involved in the course. This course builds in part on the series of courses organised by Digital Urban Living over the past years, and will continue our exploration of many of the themes addressed in here, including digital society, sharing culture, inclusion, futures and trust.



Students will:

  • Get an overview of research, theory and projects within the field of strategic design.
  • Gain an understanding of issues faced by designers working with societal challenges.
  • Develop a critical framework for analysis, evaluation and discussion of design-work in the field of strategic design.


Students will:

  • Practice using their design skills as a part of a strategic design methodology, including prototyping, communication, scenario-building and iterative processes.
  • Design interventions with a focus on both engaging experiences and strategic outcome.
  • Expand their repertoire of practical and theoretical design skills.


Students will:

  • Gain a stronger ability to explore and understand connections between design and society.
  • Develop the ability to conceptualise and communicate possibilities and solutions in the context of societal challenges.
  • Further develop design competencies such as curiosity, experimentation and critical reflection.
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course has two core components: a series of thematic seminars that run throughout the semester, and a series of design-projects. The seminars will be run by teachers and external guests and address a series of themes that will inform the development and discussion of the design-projects. The design-projects will be run with external partners and the students are expected to develop, and in part organise, these projects with a high degree of independence and professionality. The majority of the work will be done as pairs or groups, as well as through collaborations across the whole class. Projects typically have multiple presentations throughout in order to allow students to see and comment on each other’s work. Co-learning with and from other students is an important part of the course, and it is encouraged that the majority of the time is spent working in the class studio in order to develop an inspiring and encouraging design-environment.

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe students will be assessed on the quality of submitted design projects and presentations throughout the course. The student must submit all assignments in the course to receive final assessment. Attendance at all presentations is also expected. Other aspects that is evaluated are active participation i class, independence, professionality, co-learning and collaboration with others.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The students will be assessed on the quality of submitted design projects and presentations throughout the course. The student must submit all assignments in the course to receive final assessment. Attendance at all presentations is also expected. Other aspects that is evaluated are active participation i class, independence, professionality, co-learning and collaboration with others.

70 506 Digital Service Experiences

Emnenavn på English: 
Digital Service Experiences
70 506
Syklus 2
2022 Høst
2022 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Ted Matthews

A third semester Master course (only available for students in their final year). Open for all students from interaction and service design. Students are required to have passed at least one of the interaction and service design courses given at the Master level (Interaction design 1&2, Service design 1&2). Priorities will be given to students that have passed two of these courses. Students are required to follow up and expand on their previous chosen specialisation/field (interaction and/or service design) in which they can document advanced design skills through a portfolio and application.

Students must apply with a portfolio. Upload you portfolio here - before 9th May: 


Recommended prerequisit knowledge

This course builds on the design skills and methods learnt across the previous Master courses in interaction and service design. In “Digital Service Experiences” students and teachers integrate and push these skills and mindsets to create projects that explores the possibilities for designing for digital service experiences across interaction and service design. The course is recommended for students with a strong foundation in interaction or/and service design, that want to develop and extend their skills across these fields.

Om emnet

“Digital Service Experiences” is an advanced Master course in interaction and service design. The course addresses current developments in the design of digital services, with an emphasis on experiential, creative and innovative qualities. The field of digital services is growing, and the design possibilities and challenges in this field are rapidly evolving. As designers we need to interpret and explore this changing landscape, and create our own methods and perspectives on how digital services can deliver valuable and meaningful experiences, empowering users and citizens, and through this expand the tools and mindsets for design as a discipline.

In this course students will develop projects across 3-5 themes and modules. Themes and modules will reflect current research and industry trends and will be updated each year. The modules will be run by different teachers, and involve a range of internal and external experts. The modules can be connected to research projects, external partners or emerging problematics within the field of interaction and service design. The themes will reflect current developments in the fields, and therefore change over the years. Current themes might include: new methods for digital service prototyping, cultural innovation, ‘servitisation’, ritual design and experience, novel techniques and creativity methods in digital design, exploration of technology in an interaction and service context, the ethics and politics of digital services, pop-up service piloting, as well as themes that reflects innovations in the digital service sector.

Students work individually or in small groups depending on the demands of the themes and modules. Each module will be followed by a supervisor and/or a partner. Partners and supervisors depend on the themes that the projects take up. Each module supervisor will be responsible for the students during the module. 

As this is a final year Master course the students are expected to be self-driven and mature within their own practice. Together the students are expected to integrate skills and knowledge across interaction and service design, working either individually, inparallel, or in teams.

The main teaching structure is mentoring on project level and an ongoing evaluation of progress. There is a common structure for milestones and core-deliverables throughout the modules (development of project descriptions and plans, documentation and deliverables, and main presentations). Co-learning is central across the modules and students will be involved in developing research, lectures and materials that will be shared with the whole group.


a. Knowledge:

-  The core knowledge outcome of the course is to integrate and mature the processes and methods learnt in interaction- and service- design across the Master of Design. 

- Further, students are expected to develop domain-specific knowledge across their projects.

- Knowledge about advanced themes in the field of digital services.

b. Skills:

- Develop and mature individual skillsets as designers across interaction- and service-design.

- Developing knowledge on emerging or newly relevant themes in the field of digital services. 

- In “Digital Service Experiences” students develop and expand core project-handling skills. Including scoping, research, project-description, time-management and communication.

c. General competence:

Across “Digital Service Experiences” the goal is to develop the maturity of the students’ design competence and skills . This is done by both focusing on exploration and professionality on an advanced project-level.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The main activities of the course will be project- and module-specific. Across the course there will be a focus on maturing skills for self-driven project planning, developing and scoping. The course is run in a studio setting, and co-learning across the projects, with some shared lectures and presentations etc, are important. Students need to schedule their own mentoring sessions and develop project plans for each module.

Vurderingsmappe-Bestått / ikke bestått The course consist of 3 - 5 modules, and all modules need to be passed in order to pass the whole course. Students need to present and submit all projects, documentations and presentations in order to be assessed for the course. Evaluation will be based on the following elements: design projects, presentations, minor deliverables and workshops. Projects will be assessed for their relevance to the frame set in each module. If during the semester the student fail in one of the modules, they will be given the option to supply material within the timeframe of the semester. And in addition the external sensor for the final module will go through all the deliverables from the whole semester for this student do a portfolio evaluation. The course will be assessed by an external sensor/examiner.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: The course consist of 3 - 5 modules, and all modules need to be passed in order to pass the whole course. Students need to present and submit all projects, documentations and presentations in order to be assessed for the course. Evaluation will be based on the following elements: design projects, presentations, minor deliverables and workshops. Projects will be assessed for their relevance to the frame set in each module. If during the semester the student fail in one of the modules, they will be given the option to supply material within the timeframe of the semester. And in addition the external sensor for the final module will go through all the deliverables from the whole semester for this student do a portfolio evaluation. The course will be assessed by an external sensor/examiner.
OppmøteThe semester has an expected high general attendance from the students and has a 90% attendance at lectures and workshops.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:The semester has an expected high general attendance from the students and has a 90% attendance at lectures and workshops.
