Disputaser og avhandlinger
Under følger en oversikt over gjennomførte disputaser og avhandlinger ved AHO. Kommende disputaser annonseres i kalenderen.
Nr. |
Disputas |
Kandidat |
Avhandlingens tittel / Adora |
137. | 17.02.2025 | Hayle Fitzpatrick | Facilitating regeneration through methodological pluralism | 130 |
136. | 05.11.2024 | Tom Davies | The Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritageThe Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritage | 129 |
135. | 06.06.2024 | Hugh Strange | Architecture at the Building Site Challenging the Separation between Design and Construction | 128 |
134. | 03.05.2024 | Elisabeth Sjödahl | Deep landscape | 127 |
133. | 17.04.2024 | Hannes Zander | A Landscape Approach. Reading a Geographic Context Through Multiple Dimensions: The Case of the Hexi Corridor Region in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province | 125 |
132. | 08.04.2024 | Synne Frydenberg | Cultivating Serendipity in Design Complexity. Exploring Designs of Augmented Reality Technologies for Ship Bridges | 126. |
131. | 19.03.2024 | Mara Trübenbach | Material Dramaturgy: Tracing Trails of Dust in the Architectural Design Process. | 124. |
130. | 01.03.2024 | Zhipeng Duan | Soiling Service Design: Situating professional designing among plural practices | 123. |
129. | 26.04.2023 | Yue Zou | Speculating on design, life styles and forms : studies in the contexts of climate change sustainability | 122. |
128. | Jomy Joseph | Refuturing studies: rehumanizing futures through/by design | 121. | |
127. | 09.12.2022 | Morgan Ip | Urban Futures in the North - A Collective Imagination of an Arctic Borderland | 120. |
126. | 16.12.2022 | Cao Qing | The Banwan Project, From Experiment to Model? | 119. |
125. | 21.10.2022 | Eimear Tynan | Tempo-materialities: encounters with time along Arctic island coasts | 118. |
124. | 22.08.2022 | Maryia Rusak | Factory-made: the everyday architecture of Moelven brug, 1955-1973 | 117. |
123. | 24.06.2022 | Anne-Kristine Kronborg | Å reise noe nytt og bedre: om arkitektur og politikk 1935–1940 | 116. |
122. | 08.04.2022 | Lisbeth Funck | Becoming with Architecture | 115. |
121. | 10.12.2021 | Jonathan Romm | Inside Healthcare Design Labs - Exploring the practice of healthcare service design in the context of embedded service design labs | 114. |
120. | 24.09.2021 | Collins Sasakah Makunda | Urban Habitat Transformation and the African Middle Class: The Case of Kileleshwa, Nairobi, Kenya | 113. |
119. | 29.06.2021 | Ute Groba | Timber tales: a qualitative study of timber materiality in housing projects | 112. |
118. | 14..06.2021 | Ted Matthews | Exploring sacred service design | 111. |
117. | 09.06.2021 | Sverre Bjerkeseth | Hello, stranger? Urban public space between interaction and attraction. | 110. |
116. | 10.05.2021 | Claire Dennington | Refashioning Service Design. Designing for popular cultural service experience. | 109. |
115. | 09.04.2021 | Bin Li | Trans-alpine landscapes: Transecting a Chinese high mountain in transition | 108. |
114. | 03.02.2021 | Guttorm Ruud | Sites of crisis : histories of the satellite town | 107. |
113. | 11.12.2020 | Kjerstin Uhre | The Perforated Landscape – A study on contested prospects in Sápmi | 106. |
112. | 04.12.2020 | Marcin Wojcik | Reframing wood construction : innovation in architecture through activating material properties with the use of digital technologies | 105. |
111. | 14.10.2020 | Bruce Snaddon | Learning for future knowing now: investigating transformative pedagogic processes within a design faculty in a South African university of technology | 102. |
110. | 11.09.2020 | Mathilde Simonsen Dahl | Bislettbekken og byens fysiognomi: Kristianiaprovisorier omkring 1900 | 104 |
109. | 24.06.2020 | Sareh Saeidi Derakhshi | Inhabiting the architectural envelope. A Design-based Research on Redefining the Climatic and Atmospheric Performances of Architectural Envelop | 103. |
108. | 16.06.2020 | Frida Almqvist | Service design in the later phases: Exploring user insights, handovers, and service design roadmapping in the transition from service concept to implemented service | 101. |
107. | 05.06.2020 | Manuela Aguirre Ulloa | Transforming public organizations into co-designing cultures : a study of capacity-building programs as learning ecosystems | 100. |
106. | 23.08.2019 | Etienne Gernez | Human-centered, collaborative, field-driven ship design : implementing field studies for the desing of ships in operation | 98. |
105. | 14.06.2019 | Jan Fredrik Schønheyder | Method development for the design of safety-critical systems. The space between design research and professional design practice | 97. |
104. | 12.06.2019 | William Lavatelli Kempton | Unpacking Making – A Product Design Critique on Emergent Uses of Additive Manufacturing | 96. |
103. | 20.06.2018 | Iver Tangen Stensrud | The magazine and the city : architecture, urban life and the illustrated press in nineteenth-century Christiania | 94. |
102. | 02.03.2018 | Inger-Marie Hølmebakk | Fra uro til utvikling. Universell utforming som linse for studiet av arkitektpraksis som læringsarena | 93. |
101. | 01.12.2017 | Mathilde Sprovin | Tegneskolen i Christiania – en nasjonal arkitekturutdannelse tar form | 92. |
100. | 03.11.2017 | Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel | Convergence. Materials Adaptation and Informatics in Architecture | 91. |
99. | 23.08.2017 | Barbro Grude Eikseth | Arkitekter i emning. Profesjonsforståelser og brukerperspektiver i norsk arkitektutdanning 2009–2012 | 85. |
98. | 23.06.2017 | Christian Parreno | Boredom as Space: Episodes of Modern Architecture | 88. |
97. | 22.06.2017 | Mauricy Alves Motta de Filho | Designing for Brand Experience. Operationalizing a Service Dominant Logic Approach to Branding through Service Design | 89. |
96. | 16.05.2017 | Charlotte Blanche Myrvold | PUBLIC ART: URBAN LEARNING | 90. |
95. | 15.05.2017 | Anna Svingen-Austestad | Questions… Concerning the Production of Subjectivity – On Aesthetic Practices in Art, Craft and Design Studies [Formgivingsfag] | 83. |
94. | 17.03.2017 | Halvor W. Ellefsen | Urban Environments of the Entrepreneurial City | 84. |
93. | 31.03.17 | Noel J.O. Okello | Our Way or the Highway? A Study of the Reframing of Transformed Road Transportation Infrastructure in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region | 87. |
92. | 24.02.17 | Alice Labadini | Immaterial Landscapes. Formulating the Intangible in Northern Landscapes | 86. |
91. | 02.12.2016 | Mirza Mujezinović | The Architecture of the Urban Project | 80. |
90. | 07.11.2016 | Nina Edwards Anker | Mediating Sunlight: Sensing Solar Cells | 76. |
89. | 26.08.2016 | Natalie Hope O'Donnell | Space as curatorial practice: the exhibition as a spatial construct | 82. |
88. | 07.06.2016 | Edwin Oyaro Ondieki | Tenement Housing in Nairobi. The Case of Lucky Summer (Pipeline) Settlement-Embakasi | 81. |
87. | 26.02.2016 | Tina Di Carlo | The Construction of an Exhibition within Architecture Culture | 79. |
86. | 12.02.2016 | Snorre Hjelseth | Simulation and design | 78. |
85. | 22.01.2016 | Sigrun Lurås | Systemic design in complex contexts. An enquiry through designing a ship’s bridge | 77. |
84. | 17.11.2015 | Anthony Rowe | Immersion in Mixed Reality Spaces | 75. |
83. | 16.10.2015 | Julia Dorothea Schlegel | The gap between design and vision. Investigating the impact of high-end visualization on architectural practice. | 71. |
82. | 06.10.2015 | Einar Sneve Martinussen | Pockets and Cities. Investigating and revealing the networked city through interaction design. | 74. |
81. | 12.06.2015 | Mark Mansfield | Modernism and National Romanticism in the Work of Architect Magnus Poulsson (1881- 1958) | 72. |
80. | 10.06.2015 | Jørn G. S. Knutsen | Products of the Networked City: Exploring and revealing the materials of networked and computational infrastructures | 73. |
79. | 18.11.2014 | Guro Voss Gabrielsen | Groruddalen; Oslos vakreste verkebyll? Problemrepresentasjoner og stedsforståelser i Groruddalsatsingen | 70. |
78. | 14.11.2014 | Hans-Henrik Egede-Nissen | Autensitetens relevans: På sporet av et endret fokus for kulturminnevernet | 69. |
77. | 12.06.2014 | Timo Arnall | Making Visible: Mediating the material of emerging technology | 66. |
76. | 11.06.2014 | Lise Amy Hansen | Hansen, Lise Amy: Communicating Movement: Full-body movement as a design material for digital interaction | 67. |
75. | 12.05.2014 | Joseph S. Mukeku | Mukeku, Joseph S. : Logic of Self-built Environment: Soweto East village, Kibera Slums, Nairobi Kenya | 65. |
74. | 28.04.2014 | Tomasz Estkowski | Towards a Generative Design System Based on Evolutionary Computing | 59. |
73. | 24.03.2014 | Pavlina Lucas | The Photographic Absolute. An Architectural Beginning | 64. |
72. | 06.03.2014 | Anders Ese | Uncovering the Urban Unknown. Mapping methods in popular Settlements in Nairobi | 68. |
71. | 22.11.2013 | Carl Mattias Ekman | Edifices. Architecture and the Spatial Frameworks of Memory | 63. |
70. | 15.08.2013 | Joseph W. Kamenju | Transformation of Kikuyu Traditional Architecture: Case study of homesteads in lower Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri, Kenya | 62. |
69. | 27.06.2013 | Simon Clatworthy | Design support at the front end of the New Service Development (NSD) process. The role of touch-points and service personality in supporting team work and innovation processes | 55. |
68. | 04.06.2013 | Steinar Killi | Designing for Additive Manufacturing: Perspectives from Product Design | 58. |
67. | 07.05.2013 | Fortunatus Bahendwa | Urban form through residents' practices: The unconventional transformation processes in suburban areas in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | 60. |
66. | 22.03.2013 | Even Smith Wergeland | From utopia to reality : the motorway as a work of art | 61. |
65. | 11.12.2012 | Judith Gloppen | Service Design Leadership. Shaping innovations at the intersection of design and strategic management | 57. |
64. | 10.12.2012 | Lene Basma | Engaging Realities Diagrams and Architectural Practice | 56. |
63. | 09.11.2012 | Wenche Volle | Munchs rom | 54. |
62. | 27.02.2012 | Lisbet Harboe | Social Concerns in Contemproray Architecture. Three European Practices and their Works | 53. |
61. | 02.12.2011 | Eva Lutnæs | Standpunktvurdering i grunnskolefaget Kunst og håndverk. Læreres forhandlingsrepertoar | 52. |
60. | 23.11.2011 | Målfrid Irene Hagen | Cultural similarities and diversities of corporate art and architecture in Norway, USA, Japan and France. An exploratory and comparative study on corporate art collections and the architecture of corporate headquarters | 51. |
59. | 01.11.2011 | Biljana C. Fredriksen | Negotiating Grasp. Embodied Experience with Three-dimensional Materials and the Negotiation of Meaning in Early Childhood Education | 50. |
58. | 20.10.2011 | Kjetil Nordby | Between the Tag and the Screen. Redesigning Short-Range RFID as Design Material | 49. |
57. | 22.12.2010 | Jon Olav H. Eikenes | Navimation. A sociocultural exploration of kinetic interface design | 48. |
56. | 21.12.2010 | Sarah Rosenbaum | Improving the User Experience of Evidence | 47. |
55. | 10.12.2010 | Beata Sirowy | Phenomenological Concepts in Architecture. Towards a User-Oriented Practice | 46. |
54. | 29.11.2010 | Erling Dokk Holm | Coffee and the City. Towards a Soft Urbanity | 45. |
53. | 15.10.2010 | Ståle Stenslie | Virtual touch. A study of the use and experience of touch in artistic, multimodal and computer-based environments | 44. |
52. | 16.06.2010 | Laila Belinda Fauske | Arkitektur for grunnskolefaget Kunst og håndverk. Fagdidaktiske refleksjoner i kontekst | 43. |
51. | 16.12.2009 | Arne Magnus Johnsrød | Microbial Patination of Copper and Brass. A study of colour pattern effects of controlled microbial patination | 40. |
50. | 11.12.2009 | Karen Brænne | Mellom ord og handling. Om verdsetjing i kunst- og handverksfaget | 41. |
49. | 04.12.2009 | Johan Bettum | The Material Geometry of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites and Architectural Tectonics. Towards a New Paradigm of Synthesis in Architectural Design | 42. |
48. | 04.11.2009 | Ezekiel Z.M. Moshi | Urban transformation: Changing building types in Kariakoo, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania | 39. |
47. | 21.08.2009 | Ingvild Digranes | Den kulturelle skulesekken : narratives and myths of educational practice in DKS projects within the subject art and crafts | 38. |
46. | 18.12.2008 | Hilde Haslum | Reading socio-spatial interplay | 37. |
45. | 17.12.2008 | Berit Ingebrethsen | Metaforbasert tegning undersøkt som et bildespråksystem gjennom avistegninger av Finn Graff og Saul Steinberg med kognitiv metaforteori som hovedredskap | 35. |
44. | 16.12.2008 | Monika Hestad | Den kommersielle formen: Merkevarekonteksten som utfordring for industridesignernes behandling av form | 36. |
43. | 11.12.2008 | Cyriacus Lwamayanga | Constancy and change - the living processes and skills in vernacular archictecture of Kagera region - Tanzania | 34. |
42. | 10.12.2008 | Lars Jacob Hvinden-Haug | Den eldre barokken i Norge - bygningenes former og rommenes fordeling 1660-1733 | 33. |
41. | 21.11.2008 | Elisabeth Seip | Brødre og søstre i arkitekturen. Ingeniøroffiserer og sivilarkitekter i Norge rundt 1800 | 32. |
40. | 08.10.2007 | Kari Bjørka Hodneland | Room for Children's Participation? Reflections on Communicative Practice in an Educational Context | 31. |
39. | 16.08.2007 | Gro Lauvland | Verk og vilkår. Christian Norberg-Schulz' stedsteori i et arkitekturfilosofisk perspektiv | 30. |
38. | 08.06.2007 | Guri Marie Steinsvik | Bindepunkter for skapende virksomhet | |
37. | 22.03.2007 | Janne Reitan | Improvisation in tradition. A Study of Contemporary Vernacular Clothing Design Practiced by Iñupiaq Women of Kaktovik, North Alaska | |
36. | 02.03.2007 | Tom Sanya | Living in Earth. The Sustainability in Earth Architecture in Uganda | |
35. | 08.12.2006 | Bendik Manum | Apartment Layouts and Domestic Life; Interior Space and its Usability | 26. |
34. | 01.12.2006 | Marte Gulliksen | Constructing a formbild. An inquiry into the dynamical and hierarchichal aspects of the hermeneutical filters controlling the formbild construction in design education situations | 25. |
33. | 18.10.2006 | Tom J. C. Anyamba | Diverse Informalities: Spatial Transformations in Nairobi. A Study of Nairobi’s Urban Process | 24. |
32. | 23.06.2006 | Thomas McQuillan | Edouard among the Machines. A discussion of Le Corbusier's technological agenda | 23. |
31. | 16.06.2006 | Ivar Holm | Ideas and Beliefs in Architecture and Industrial design. How attitudes, orientations and underlying assumptions shape the built environment | 22. |
30. | 02.06.2006 | Margrethe Dobloug | Bak verket. Kunnskapsfelt og formgenererende faktorer i nyttearkitektur 1935-1985 | 21. |
29. | 15.12.2005 | Birger Sevaldson | Developing Digital Design Techniques: Creative Design Computing | 20. |
28. | 14.12.2005 | Mari Lending | Omkring 1900. Utkast til en norsk arkitektur-historisk topikk | 19. |
27. | 09.12.2005 | Mitra Hedman | Learnscape. An investigation of the relationship between school architecture and its context | 18. |
26. | 25.10.2005 | Elin Børrud | Bitvis byutvikling - møte mellom privat eiendoms-utvikling og offentlig byplanlegging | 17. |
25. | 10.12.2004 | Eirin Pedersen | Mellan tecken, teckning, teori och text; aktteckning i ett kontextuellt, diskursivt och paradigmatiskt perspektiv | 16. |
24. | 08.12.2004 | Trygve Ask | God norsk design : Konstitueringen av industridesign som profesjon i Norge | 15. |
23. | 05.11.2004 | Jan Capjon | Trial-and-Error-based Innovation: Catalysing Shared Engagement in Design Conceptualisation | 14. |
22. | 12.12.2003 | Ingun Bruskeland Amundsen | On Sacred Architecture and the Dzongs of Bhutan. Tradition and Transition in the Architectural History of the Himalayas | 13. |
21. | 10.12.2003 | Sture Kvarv | Yrkesroller og fagideologiske brytninger i fysisk planlegging i Norge, 1920-1970 | 12. |
20. | 06.10.2003 | Jon Guttu | "DEN GODE BOLIGEN" - fagfolks oppfatning av boligkvalitet gjennom 50 år | 11. |
19. | 06.06.2003 | Jonny Aspen | Byplanlegging som representasjon - en analyse av Harald Hals' generalplan for Oslo av 1929 |
7. |
18. | 29.11.2002 | Ola Storsletten | Takene taler. Norske takstoler 1100-1350, klassifisering og opprinnelse | 10. |
17. | 22.11.2002 | Hettie Pisters | Landscape design and the challenge of nature | 9. |
16. | 01.11.2002 | Hanne Wilhjelm | Barn og omgivelser - virkelighet med flere fortolkninger | 8. |
15. | 20.12.2001 | Jørgen Jensenius | Trekirkene før stavkirkene. En undersøkelse av planlegging og design av kirker før ca. år 1100. | 6. |
14. | 29.01.2001 | Lars Roede | Byen bytter byggeskikk . Christiania 1624-1814 | 5. |
13. | 27.04.2001 | Hilde Aga Ulvestad | Let us Learn to Dream, Gentlemen! En undersøkelse om forholdet mellom visuelt skapende arbeid og potensialet for læring | 4. |
12. | 15.12.2000 | Bjørn Sandaker | Reflections on Span and Space. Towards a Theory of Criticism of Architectural Structures. | 1. |
11. | 08.12.2000 | Grete Refsum | Genuine Christian Modern Art: Present Roman Catholic Directives on Visual Art from an Artist’s Perspective | 3. |
10. | 26.06.2000 | Liv Merete Nielsen | Drawing and Spatial Representations. Reflections on Purposes for Art Education in the Compulsory School | 2. |
9. | 10.12.1999 | Anne Marit Vagstein | Stedet det stemte rom: Sammenheng mellom sted og Arkitektur | |
8. | 10.12.1998 | Inger-Lise Saglie | Density and town planning: Implementing a densification policy | |
7. | 29.04.1998 | Annika Haugen | Uppvärmning och bevarande av medeltida stenkyrkor | |
6. | 27.09.1996 | Elisabeth Tostrup | Architecture and Rhetoric. Text and Design in Architectural Competitions, Oslo 1939-90 | |
5. | 23.08.1996 | Thorleif Skjønsberg | The Flat Space | |
4. | 25.03.1995 | Evelyn Anderson | Det perfekte rom. En studie av sirkelen som form og fenomen i menneskets strukturering og forståelse av ”rom” | |
3. | 22.02.1994 | Ole Møystad | Architecture – the body of cognition. Notes for a Cognitive Aesthetics of Architectonic Environment | |
2. | 04.12.1987 | Anne Brit Børve | Hus og husgrupper i klimautsatte, kalde strøk. Utforming og virkemåte | |
1. | 27.09.1985 | Raf de Saeger | Wooden Architecture, Identity and Structure |