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Disputaser og avhandlinger

Disputaser og avhandlinger

Under følger en oversikt over gjennomførte disputaser og avhandlinger ved AHO. Kommende disputaser annonseres i kalenderen.





Avhandlingens tittel / Adora

137. 17.02.2025 Hayle Fitzpatrick  Facilitating regeneration through methodological pluralism 130 
136. 05.11.2024 Tom Davies The Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritageThe Architecture of the Ordinary: Redefining protection and the role of communities in the future of Brutalist heritage 129
135. 06.06.2024 Hugh Strange Architecture at the Building Site Challenging the Separation between Design and Construction 128
134. 03.05.2024 Elisabeth Sjödahl Deep landscape 127
133. 17.04.2024 Hannes Zander  A Landscape Approach. Reading a Geographic Context Through Multiple Dimensions: The Case of the Hexi Corridor Region in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province 125
132. 08.04.2024 Synne Frydenberg Cultivating Serendipity in Design Complexity. Exploring Designs of Augmented Reality Technologies for Ship Bridges 126.
131. 19.03.2024 Mara Trübenbach  Material Dramaturgy: Tracing Trails of Dust in the Architectural Design Process. 124. 
130. 01.03.2024 Zhipeng Duan Soiling Service Design: Situating professional designing among plural practices 123.
129. 26.04.2023 Yue Zou Speculating on design, life styles and forms : studies in the contexts of climate change sustainability 122.
128.   Jomy Joseph Refuturing studies: rehumanizing futures through/by design 121.
127. 09.12.2022 Morgan Ip Urban Futures in the North - A Collective Imagination of an Arctic Borderland 120.
126. 16.12.2022 Cao Qing The Banwan Project, From Experiment to Model? 119.
125. 21.10.2022 Eimear Tynan  Tempo-materialities: encounters with time along Arctic island coasts 118.
124. 22.08.2022 Maryia Rusak Factory-made: the everyday architecture of Moelven brug, 1955-1973 117.
123. 24.06.2022 Anne-Kristine Kronborg Å reise noe nytt og bedre: om arkitektur og politikk 1935–1940 116.
122. 08.04.2022 Lisbeth Funck Becoming with Architecture 115.
121. 10.12.2021 Jonathan Romm Inside Healthcare Design Labs - Exploring the practice of healthcare service design in the context of embedded service design labs 114.
120. 24.09.2021 Collins Sasakah Makunda  Urban Habitat Transformation and the African Middle Class: The Case of Kileleshwa, Nairobi, Kenya 113.
119. 29.06.2021 Ute Groba Timber tales: a qualitative study of timber  materiality in housing projects 112.
118. 14..06.2021 Ted Matthews Exploring sacred service design 111.
117. 09.06.2021 Sverre Bjerkeseth Hello, stranger? Urban public space between interaction and attraction. 110.
116.  10.05.2021 Claire Dennington  Refashioning Service Design. Designing for popular cultural service experience. 109.
115. 09.04.2021 Bin Li  Trans-alpine landscapes: Transecting a Chinese high mountain in transition 108.
114. 03.02.2021 Guttorm Ruud Sites of crisis : histories of the satellite town 107.
113. 11.12.2020 Kjerstin Uhre The Perforated Landscape – A study on contested prospects in Sápmi 106.
112. 04.12.2020 Marcin Wojcik Reframing wood construction : innovation in architecture through activating material properties with the use of digital technologies 105.
111. 14.10.2020 Bruce Snaddon Learning for future knowing now: investigating transformative pedagogic processes within a design faculty in a South African university of technology 102.
110. 11.09.2020 Mathilde Simonsen Dahl Bislettbekken og byens fysiognomi: Kristianiaprovisorier omkring 1900 104
109. 24.06.2020 Sareh Saeidi Derakhshi Inhabiting the architectural envelope. A Design-based Research on Redefining the Climatic and Atmospheric Performances of Architectural Envelop 103.
108. 16.06.2020 Frida Almqvist Service design in the later phases: Exploring user insights, handovers, and service design roadmapping in the transition from service concept to implemented service 101.
107. 05.06.2020 Manuela Aguirre Ulloa Transforming public organizations into co-designing cultures : a study of capacity-building programs as learning ecosystems 100.
106. 23.08.2019 Etienne Gernez Human-centered, collaborative, field-driven ship design : implementing field studies for the desing of ships in operation 98.
105. 14.06.2019 Jan Fredrik Schønheyder Method development for the design of safety-critical systems. The space between design research and professional design practice 97.
104. 12.06.2019 William Lavatelli Kempton Unpacking Making – A Product Design Critique on Emergent Uses of Additive Manufacturing 96.
103. 20.06.2018 Iver Tangen Stensrud The magazine and the city : architecture, urban life and the illustrated press in nineteenth-century Christiania 94.
102. 02.03.2018 Inger-Marie Hølmebakk Fra uro til utvikling. Universell utforming som linse for studiet av arkitektpraksis som læringsarena 93.
101. 01.12.2017 Mathilde Sprovin  Tegneskolen i Christiania – en nasjonal arkitekturutdannelse tar form 92.
100. 03.11.2017 Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel Convergence. Materials Adaptation and Informatics in Architecture 91.
99. 23.08.2017 Barbro Grude Eikseth Arkitekter i emning. Profesjonsforståelser og brukerperspektiver i norsk arkitektutdanning 2009–2012 85.
98. 23.06.2017 Christian Parreno Boredom as Space: Episodes of Modern Architecture 88.
97. 22.06.2017 Mauricy Alves Motta de Filho Designing for Brand Experience. Operationalizing a Service Dominant Logic Approach to Branding through Service Design 89.
96. 16.05.2017 Charlotte Blanche Myrvold PUBLIC ART: URBAN LEARNING 90.
95. 15.05.2017 Anna Svingen-Austestad Questions… Concerning the Production of Subjectivity – On Aesthetic Practices in Art, Craft and Design Studies [Formgivingsfag] 83.
94. 17.03.2017 Halvor W. Ellefsen Urban Environments of the Entrepreneurial City 84.
93. 31.03.17 Noel J.O. Okello Our Way or the Highway? A Study of the Reframing of Transformed Road Transportation Infrastructure in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region 87.
92. 24.02.17 Alice Labadini Immaterial Landscapes. Formulating the Intangible in Northern Landscapes 86.
91. 02.12.2016 Mirza Mujezinović The Architecture of the Urban Project 80.
90. 07.11.2016 Nina Edwards Anker Mediating Sunlight: Sensing Solar Cells 76.
89. 26.08.2016 Natalie Hope O'Donnell Space as curatorial practice: the exhibition as a spatial construct 82.
88. 07.06.2016 Edwin Oyaro Ondieki Tenement Housing in Nairobi. The Case of Lucky Summer (Pipeline) Settlement-Embakasi 81.
87. 26.02.2016 Tina Di Carlo The Construction of an Exhibition within Architecture Culture 79.
86. 12.02.2016 Snorre Hjelseth Simulation and design 78.
85. 22.01.2016 Sigrun Lurås Systemic design in complex contexts. An enquiry through designing a ship’s bridge 77.
84. 17.11.2015 Anthony Rowe Immersion in Mixed Reality Spaces 75.
83. 16.10.2015 Julia Dorothea Schlegel The gap between design and vision. Investigating the impact of high-end visualization on architectural practice. 71.
82. 06.10.2015 Einar Sneve Martinussen Pockets and Cities. Investigating and revealing the networked city through interaction design. 74.
81. 12.06.2015 Mark Mansfield Modernism and National Romanticism in the Work of Architect Magnus Poulsson (1881- 1958) 72.
80. 10.06.2015 Jørn G. S. Knutsen Products of the Networked City: Exploring and revealing the materials of networked and computational infrastructures 73.
79. 18.11.2014 Guro Voss Gabrielsen Groruddalen; Oslos vakreste verkebyll? Problemrepresentasjoner og stedsforståelser i Groruddalsatsingen 70.
78. 14.11.2014 Hans-Henrik Egede-Nissen                                       Autensitetens relevans: På sporet av et endret fokus for kulturminnevernet 69.
77. 12.06.2014 Timo Arnall Making Visible: Mediating the material of emerging technology 66.
76. 11.06.2014 Lise Amy Hansen Hansen, Lise Amy: Communicating Movement: Full-body movement as a design material for digital interaction 67.
75. 12.05.2014 Joseph S. Mukeku Mukeku, Joseph S. : Logic of Self-built Environment: Soweto East village, Kibera Slums, Nairobi Kenya 65.
74. 28.04.2014 Tomasz Estkowski Towards a Generative Design System Based on Evolutionary Computing 59.
73. 24.03.2014 Pavlina Lucas The Photographic Absolute. An Architectural Beginning 64.
72. 06.03.2014 Anders Ese Uncovering the Urban Unknown. Mapping methods in popular Settlements in Nairobi 68.
71. 22.11.2013 Carl Mattias Ekman Edifices. Architecture and the Spatial Frameworks of Memory 63.
70. 15.08.2013 Joseph W. Kamenju Transformation of Kikuyu Traditional Architecture: Case study of homesteads in lower Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri, Kenya 62.
69. 27.06.2013 Simon Clatworthy Design support at the front end of the New Service Development (NSD) process. The role of touch-points and service personality in supporting team work and innovation processes 55.
68. 04.06.2013 Steinar Killi Designing for Additive Manufacturing: Perspectives from Product Design 58.
67. 07.05.2013 Fortunatus Bahendwa Urban form through residents' practices: The unconventional transformation processes in suburban areas in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 60.
66. 22.03.2013 Even Smith Wergeland From utopia to reality : the motorway as a work of art 61.
65. 11.12.2012 Judith Gloppen Service Design Leadership. Shaping innovations at the intersection of design and strategic management 57.
64. 10.12.2012 Lene Basma Engaging Realities Diagrams and Architectural Practice 56.
63. 09.11.2012 Wenche Volle Munchs rom 54.
62. 27.02.2012 Lisbet Harboe Social Concerns in Contemproray Architecture. Three European Practices and their Works 53.
61. 02.12.2011 Eva Lutnæs Standpunktvurdering i grunnskolefaget Kunst og håndverk. Læreres forhandlingsrepertoar 52.
60. 23.11.2011 Målfrid Irene Hagen Cultural similarities and diversities of corporate art and architecture in Norway, USA, Japan and France. An exploratory and comparative study on corporate art collections and the architecture of corporate headquarters 51.
59. 01.11.2011 Biljana C. Fredriksen Negotiating Grasp. Embodied Experience with Three-dimensional Materials and the Negotiation of Meaning in Early Childhood Education 50.
58. 20.10.2011 Kjetil Nordby Between the Tag and the Screen. Redesigning Short-Range RFID as Design Material 49.
57. 22.12.2010 Jon Olav H. Eikenes Navimation. A sociocultural exploration of kinetic interface design 48.
56. 21.12.2010 Sarah Rosenbaum Improving the User Experience of Evidence 47.
55. 10.12.2010 Beata Sirowy Phenomenological Concepts in Architecture. Towards a User-Oriented Practice 46.
54. 29.11.2010 Erling Dokk Holm Coffee and the City. Towards a Soft Urbanity 45.
53. 15.10.2010 Ståle Stenslie Virtual touch. A study of the use and experience of touch in artistic, multimodal and computer-based environments 44.
52. 16.06.2010 Laila Belinda Fauske Arkitektur for grunnskolefaget Kunst og håndverk. Fagdidaktiske refleksjoner i kontekst 43.
51. 16.12.2009 Arne Magnus Johnsrød Microbial Patination of Copper and Brass. A study of colour pattern effects of controlled microbial patination 40.
50. 11.12.2009 Karen Brænne Mellom ord og handling. Om verdsetjing i kunst- og handverksfaget 41.
49. 04.12.2009 Johan Bettum The Material Geometry of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites and Architectural Tectonics. Towards a New Paradigm of Synthesis in Architectural Design 42.
48. 04.11.2009 Ezekiel Z.M. Moshi Urban transformation: Changing building types in Kariakoo, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 39.
47. 21.08.2009 Ingvild Digranes Den kulturelle skulesekken : narratives and myths of educational practice in DKS projects within the subject art and crafts 38.
46. 18.12.2008 Hilde Haslum Reading socio-spatial interplay 37.
45. 17.12.2008 Berit Ingebrethsen Metaforbasert tegning undersøkt som et bildespråksystem gjennom avistegninger av Finn Graff og Saul Steinberg med kognitiv metaforteori som hovedredskap 35.
44. 16.12.2008 Monika Hestad Den kommersielle formen: Merkevarekonteksten som utfordring for industridesignernes behandling av form 36.
43. 11.12.2008 Cyriacus Lwamayanga  Constancy and change - the living processes and skills in vernacular archictecture of Kagera region - Tanzania 34.
42. 10.12.2008 Lars Jacob Hvinden-Haug Den eldre barokken i Norge - bygningenes former og rommenes fordeling 1660-1733 33.
41. 21.11.2008 Elisabeth Seip Brødre og søstre i arkitekturen. Ingeniøroffiserer og sivilarkitekter i Norge rundt 1800 32.
40. 08.10.2007 Kari Bjørka Hodneland Room for Children's Participation? Reflections on Communicative Practice in an Educational Context 31.
39. 16.08.2007 Gro Lauvland Verk og vilkår. Christian Norberg-Schulz' stedsteori i et arkitekturfilosofisk perspektiv 30.
38. 08.06.2007 Guri Marie Steinsvik Bindepunkter for skapende virksomhet  
37. 22.03.2007 Janne Reitan Improvisation in tradition. A Study of Contemporary Vernacular Clothing Design Practiced by Iñupiaq Women of Kaktovik, North Alaska  
36. 02.03.2007 Tom Sanya Living in Earth. The Sustainability in Earth Architecture in Uganda  
35. 08.12.2006 Bendik Manum Apartment Layouts and Domestic Life; Interior Space and its Usability 26.
34. 01.12.2006 Marte Gulliksen Constructing a formbild. An inquiry into the dynamical and hierarchichal aspects of the hermeneutical filters controlling the formbild construction in design education situations 25.
33. 18.10.2006 Tom J. C. Anyamba Diverse Informalities: Spatial Transformations in Nairobi. A Study of Nairobi’s Urban Process 24.
32. 23.06.2006 Thomas McQuillan Edouard among the Machines. A discussion of Le Corbusier's technological agenda 23.
31. 16.06.2006 Ivar Holm Ideas and Beliefs in Architecture and Industrial design. How attitudes, orientations and underlying assumptions shape the built environment 22.
30. 02.06.2006 Margrethe Dobloug Bak verket. Kunnskapsfelt og formgenererende faktorer i nyttearkitektur 1935-1985 21.
29. 15.12.2005 Birger Sevaldson Developing Digital Design Techniques: Creative Design Computing 20.
28. 14.12.2005 Mari Lending Omkring 1900. Utkast til en norsk arkitektur-historisk topikk 19.
27. 09.12.2005 Mitra Hedman Learnscape. An investigation of the relationship between school architecture and its context 18.
26. 25.10.2005 Elin Børrud Bitvis byutvikling - møte mellom privat eiendoms-utvikling og offentlig byplanlegging 17.
25. 10.12.2004 Eirin Pedersen Mellan tecken, teckning, teori och text; aktteckning i ett kontextuellt, diskursivt och paradigmatiskt perspektiv 16.
24. 08.12.2004 Trygve Ask God norsk design : Konstitueringen av industridesign som profesjon i Norge 15.
23. 05.11.2004 Jan Capjon Trial-and-Error-based Innovation: Catalysing Shared Engagement in Design Conceptualisation 14.
22. 12.12.2003 Ingun Bruskeland Amundsen On Sacred Architecture and the Dzongs of Bhutan. Tradition and Transition in the Architectural History of the Himalayas 13.
21. 10.12.2003 Sture Kvarv Yrkesroller og fagideologiske brytninger i fysisk planlegging i Norge, 1920-1970 12.
20. 06.10.2003 Jon Guttu "DEN GODE BOLIGEN" - fagfolks oppfatning av boligkvalitet gjennom 50 år 11.
19. 06.06.2003 Jonny Aspen Byplanlegging som representasjon
- en analyse av Harald Hals' generalplan for Oslo av 1929
18. 29.11.2002 Ola Storsletten Takene taler. Norske takstoler 1100-1350, klassifisering og opprinnelse 10.
17. 22.11.2002 Hettie Pisters Landscape design and the challenge of nature 9.
16. 01.11.2002 Hanne Wilhjelm Barn og omgivelser - virkelighet med flere fortolkninger 8.
15. 20.12.2001 Jørgen Jensenius Trekirkene før stavkirkene. En undersøkelse av planlegging og design av kirker før ca. år 1100. 6.
14. 29.01.2001 Lars Roede Byen bytter byggeskikk . Christiania 1624-1814 5.
13. 27.04.2001 Hilde Aga Ulvestad Let us Learn to Dream, Gentlemen! En undersøkelse om forholdet mellom visuelt skapende arbeid og potensialet for læring 4.
12. 15.12.2000 Bjørn Sandaker Reflections on Span and Space. Towards a Theory of Criticism of Architectural Structures. 1.
11. 08.12.2000 Grete Refsum Genuine Christian Modern Art: Present Roman Catholic Directives on Visual Art from an Artist’s Perspective 3.
10. 26.06.2000 Liv Merete Nielsen Drawing and Spatial Representations. Reflections on Purposes for Art Education in the Compulsory School 2.
9. 10.12.1999 Anne Marit Vagstein Stedet det stemte rom: Sammenheng mellom sted og Arkitektur  
8. 10.12.1998 Inger-Lise Saglie Density and town planning: Implementing a densification policy  
7. 29.04.1998 Annika Haugen Uppvärmning och bevarande av medeltida stenkyrkor  
6. 27.09.1996 Elisabeth Tostrup Architecture and Rhetoric. Text and Design in Architectural Competitions, Oslo 1939-90  
5. 23.08.1996 Thorleif Skjønsberg The Flat Space  
4. 25.03.1995 Evelyn Anderson Det perfekte rom. En studie av sirkelen som form og fenomen i menneskets strukturering og forståelse av ”rom”  
3. 22.02.1994 Ole Møystad Architecture – the body of cognition. Notes for a Cognitive Aesthetics of Architectonic Environment  
2. 04.12.1987 Anne Brit Børve Hus og husgrupper i klimautsatte, kalde strøk. Utforming og virkemåte  
1. 27.09.1985 Raf de Saeger Wooden Architecture, Identity and Structure